Active Member
sorry, you clearly havent bothered to look at Evolution outside of your pathetic little lense, have fun being a dunce.
Yeah, sure . . ."

sorry, you clearly havent bothered to look at Evolution outside of your pathetic little lense, have fun being a dunce.
He's a troll, or just stupid, i dont need to use logic or rationality any more, ive tried and if he doesnt care to learn then what should i do, this is a discussion and im done speaking to him, and variation occurs naturally, natural selection prunes the variation and weeds out the variants that cannot appropriately adapt or survive. evolution is a process that doesnt stop, its complex chemistry that occurs given the right boundaries in nature. its dictated by the environment.Because personal insults are superior logic.
Exactly.what does nature have to do with social engineering?
you will find that nearly all reputable scientists understand the theory as factual and demonstrable.
yea, but islam was the center of almost all scientific research and philosophy up from the seventh till the twelfth century, the reason it died was because of a change in fundamentalist philosophy, where experimentation and free though was thrown out in favor of literalistic interpretation of the Koran and Islamic literature.if we could go back in time and kill abraham when he was a 7 year old boy, we might have had a shot at world peace.. but because of him and the people he led, we live in a world of turmoil.. imagine a world where christians, jews, and muslims had never existed to tear the world apart by war.. abraham was the worst thing that ever happened to humankind
The whole earth is a laboratory. Your myopic view of scientists in white lab coats with bubbling beakers and flasks is not what science is about. There is no requirement in science for laboratory conditions. The only requirement is testing while controlling one or more variables. if you are going to discount any historical science, then you should just as readily discount forensic evidence in a court of law.
Because several billion years are easily simulated in a laboratory.
That sounds more like it disproves evolution. To the tune of, 'Too much much "mutation" causes sterility and an inability to backcross." Way I understand it, It's just comparing a bunch of bones and saying "This one looks like that one, now lets go troll us some christians."we have done this in the lab, with fruit flies, they live very short lives, and we have used them and created new species that cannot interbreed, therefore evolution is a demonstrable, we do this with bacteria as well, and thats alot easier, you need something that has a short life span in order to have the effect. evolution is a process, the scientists are in control of the environment and can keep away from contamination.
Incidentally....a lot of other major cultures summarily executed those consitutants 'chosen by God'. namely the Aztecs & Druids. Some of them did it themselves (i.e. Jim Jones)kikes
i've never claimed that there was a better method of investigating the world around us. i only wish to point out that our cynicism should point its critical eye at the conclusions of science just as aggressively as at the outrageous claims of religion. no matter what instrumentation may be employed, observation is still the cornerstone of the scientific method and any observation is as flawed as the observer. we may strive to remove our biases from the equation, but no amount of good intention can completely achieve that goal. any instruments we devise or fail-safes we employ still contains the flaws of their creators. in the end it is men who must interpret any findings and we all know how flawed that creature may be......"true science" strives to remove all subjectivity from experiments
i've seen you harp on a few times about the imperfectness of science and the faith of its followers yet i have never seen you put out a better model of knowing who/what/where we are
i'm certainly no fence-sitter. my decisions were made long ago. i am and always have been a major proponent of the sciences and have long since abandoned both religion and the god myth. that being said, i also recognize the limitations of science and the positive influence of spiritual endeavor.It sounds like he's straddling the fence. Nothing worse then someone who can't decide.
I'm quite familiar, acutally, but vedic culture isn't the only one with monumental cities dating back 12000 years. Is your Avatar an Aghori? I've always found them to be quite close to my own heart. Have you read Aghora: At the left hand of God by Robert E. Svoboda?actually hombre everything stems from vedic cultre, and once the world culture was vedic.. the ramayana is 3 million years old. western (abrahamic) culture teaches weve been on the planet since 12000 bc give or take? dawarka has been found off the coast of india, and this city pre dates when the west said mankind was hunter gatherer nomads...
no naga baba, and not yet, but its actualy on my stackIs your Avatar an Aghori? I've always found them to be quite close to my own heart. Have you read Aghora: At the left hand of God by Robert E. Svoboda?
That sounds more like it disproves evolution. To the tune of, 'Too much much "mutation" causes sterility and an inability to backcross." Way I understand it, It's just comparing a bunch of bones and saying "This one looks like that one, now lets go troll us some christians."
The second completely contradicts the first.Incidentally, I do not have a myopic view of science.
Evolution of life on earth is clear to anyone that wants to examine it, there is no question. The only theory is how evolution occurred. You mention suggestive evidence but seem unwilling to discuss these 'problems.' Look at my avatar. I'm sure I can explain any area that you are having trouble understanding. The evidence is overwhelming. Just look at how life can be categorized. Humans can create all kinds and ways to categorize things. We can file books by author or subject. We can put a German Physics book into foreign language section or in the science section. We can put all of Isaac Asimov into one section but then we have both fiction and non-fiction. Languages can be categorized by how they developed and evolved. However, even now, we have words that cross-over from one to another. We now have an English word, 'schmuck' which originally was Yiddish, a mix of Hebrew and German, where Hebrew evolved from Aramaic, the language that gave rise to Arabic as well.Just because you debunk someone else's idea or theory doesn't validate your own. Science doesn't work that way. Quite frankly, many of the holes in evolutionary theory have not been 'debunked'. Atg best, patched with cheap plaster. Evolutionary theory is, at best, psudeoscience. Sure, there's lots of suggestive evidence. But none if it really proves much of the theory of evolution. If scientist stopped looking at the evidence as trying to support their theory. And started looking at the evidence itself then we might get soemwhere toward figuring out what the fuck is going on and prove something.
No. No I don't. I'll accept that evolutionary theory is the most probable candidate for the explanation of origin. That doesn't make it a fact. Very few of the experiments are repeatable and a lot of the evidence has been trashed. The last time some jackass tried to preach and pillage a story of origin while editing the facts and evidence as they went along YOU came along and trolled the fuck out of him.You have to come up with reasonable explanation as to why the simplest organisms appeared on earth first and got progressively more complex as time went on.