Omgwtfbbq Indicaman
Well-Known Member
somehow i think you are a poe, because you cant seriously misconstrue what i just wrote so horribly. its been fun seeing your retorts.

That's what I'm saying! It has been fun to exchange strawmen with you guys! I don't take it personally and I'm probably wrong about the LHC. If you can make POE a religion itself that might be closest. I'm a bit of a pantheist. Really, I'm a mishmash of every religion I've had time to study. It's like my own private wikiligion. I edit it and make shit up as I go. Mostly based on humor. Strong influences do include christianity because I can't escape the fact I grew up fundamentalist baptist and it hasn't been easy to undo the fuckload of brainwashing that shit instills and an honest introspective is so constantly cropping up influences on my paradigm to this day it'd be naive to think I could ever discard it entirely despite how much I try. Stronger influences are the Aghori sect of Hinduism, Bill Hicks & Depeche Mode (Think: Blasphemous Rumors) and psychedelic drugs.somehow i think you are a poe, because you cant seriously misconstrue what i just wrote so horribly. its been fun seeing your retorts.![]()
the beliefs/ agenda of one man is not science its sensationism
someone claiming to be a "scientist" then ignoring any sort of scientific method is nothing but a fraud
the methodical process that showed the hoax for what it is was science but not the hoax itself
true science's agenda is nothing more than truths about our world
". . . and variation occurs naturally, natural selection prunes the variation and weeds out the variants that cannot appropriately adapt or survive.
That's what I'm saying! It has been fun to exchange strawmen with you guys! I don't take it personally and I'm probably wrong about the LHC. If you can make POE a religion itself that might be closest. I'm a bit of a pantheist. Really, I'm a mishmash of every religion I've had time to study. It's like my own private wikiligion. I edit it and make shit up as I go. Mostly based on humor. Strong influences do include christianity because I can't escape the fact I grew up fundamentalist baptist and it hasn't been easy to undo the fuckload of brainwashing that shit instills and an honest introspective is so constantly cropping up influences on my paradigm to this day it'd be naive to think I could ever discard it entirely despite how much I try. Stronger influences are the Aghori sect of Hinduism, Bill Hicks & Depeche Mode (Think: Blasphemous Rumors) and psychedelic drugs.
I don't think we can ever escape religion. I think that sceintific observations needs to critically analyze the origin and function of religion in humanity that we might be a lot more reasonable about how we handle it than aruguing over whether some book that regularly gets edited for political purposes should be taken both truth and authority. Critical thought is a process, not a result.
The second completely contradicts the first.
oh REALLY...? then how am I in touch with persons who have shed their physical bodies, on a daily basis? Via similar means as those employed by MetaScience? You are woefully misinformed, homey. but whatever; not believe whatever you want to; changes nothing of the facts of the matter.
Until then, it is clear you have a personal anti-evolution bias, not because of the science but because it conflicts with your individual beliefs.
with all due respect, they are not even comparable. creation has no evidence to support it, and the book that the story is based of has been doctored and edited, disproved on so many accounts and contradictory to itself in hundreds of ways. it has no mechanism to fix its flaws, they just remain and stay even more apparent, like rust on metal. why do you think people believe the world is 6 thousand years old when we know of pre civilized populations existing for tens of thousands of years prior.