Religions, Archaic Relics Of The Past?

kettle -> pot
Yep, typical. A barrage of accusations calling me a troll and claiming I called you a moron when in fact I have done neither. Nice way to avoid the topic at hand and dodge the actual discussion. You might not be a typical creationist but you sure act like one. The most I have done is attempt to defend science and correct misconceptions, which you appear to have many.
Yep, typical. A barrage of accusations calling me a troll and claiming I called you a moron when in fact I have done neither.
I actually did not call you a troll. You might be paraphrasing. But then you'de only be justifying the very thing you quote me on.

Nice way to avoid the topic at hand and dodge the actual discussion.
Actually. It's quite ON topic given that I'm pointing out the behavior similarities between you and the religious. Check it twice. This thread is NOT about evolution.

You might not be a typical creationist but you sure act like one.
The only similarity between myself and a creationist is that I don't buy your flawed logic set. It ends there because I'm NOT purporting an alternative. In fact, creation (purposeful or accidental) is the exact opposite of what I believe which is that in all probability there is no ultimate origin.

The most I have done is attempt to defend science and correct misconceptions, which you appear to have many.
If my perception are 'misperceptions' simply because they choose not to sit in on your circle jerk of not-really-science then that's fine. Don't however, claim to defend science when all you've done is destroy evidence that contradicts your pre-made conclusions. That's not science, that's politics.
I actually did not call you a troll. You might be paraphrasing. But then you'de only be justifying the very thing you quote me on.
"YOU came along and trolled the fuck out of him."

seems to me your memory is a bit faded.
Actually. It's quite ON topic given that I'm pointing out the behavior similarities between you and the religious. Check it twice. This thread is NOT about evolution.
I'm not talking about the thread topic but if you are going to respond to my posts, at least have the courtesy to clarify your bullshit claims. The only thing you have done is make assertions about science and when I correct them, you avoid and continue to spew your lies. As I said, you can call evolutionary theory pseudo-science but that doesn't make it so and you have not presented anything to back up these assertions.

The only similarity between myself and a creationist is that I don't buy your flawed logic set. It ends there because I'm NOT purporting an alternative. In fact, creation (purposeful or accidental) is the exact opposite of what I believe which is that in all probability there is no ultimate origin.
Again, you claim flawed logic but do not explain why or how. Logic is like math, if mine is wrong, you should be able to logically expose it yet all you do is continue to whine about science and scientists.

If my perception are 'misperceptions' simply because they choose not to sit in on your circle jerk of not-really-science then that's fine. Don't however, claim to defend science when all you've done is destroy evidence that contradicts your pre-made conclusions. That's not science, that's politics.
What exactly did I destroy? Again with your unsupported assertions. As I said, I am well-versed in my field and can explain any misconceptions you have about biology, however you don't seem to be interested in that, you only appear to want to bash science. You are the one acting like a troll, offering accusations without support, merely to try to piss people off.
seems to me your memory is a bit faded.
That was a 'you' general, not you personally. As in 'evolutionists'.

I'm not talking about the thread topic but if you are going to respond to my posts, at least have the courtesy to clarify your bullshit claims.
Once again, Kettle->pot

The only thing you have done is make assertions about science and when I correct them, you avoid and continue to spew your lies.
As I said, you can call evolutionary theory pseudo-science but that doesn't make it so and you have not presented anything to back up these assertions.
But you are the one lacking evidence, not me.

Again, you claim flawed logic but do not explain why or how.
Reading comprehension fail?

Logic is like math, if mine is wrong, you should be able to logically expose it yet all you do is continue to whine about science and scientists.
I don't whine about science, but I don't dehumanize scientists either.
What exactly did I destroy?

Again you, general, sorry. Thought you read that the first time. Back to comprehension I guess?

Again with your unsupported assertions. As I said, I am well-versed in my field and can explain any misconceptions you have about biology, however you don't seem to be interested in that, you only appear to want to bash science.
Not science, just politics pretending to be 'science'.
Sorry, "Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles" jfgi

why is it all creationists/ denialists always fall back on some random factoid from the 19th century as if its got any context or meaning what so ever..

didn't anyone send them the memo about the 20th century? or that we're already steaming well into the 21st?

they're using high speed broadband and digital communication to try and claim we had same knowledge when we were using inkwells and quills...

but of course they arent being myopic
Right because humans today are much more mature. We're not petty backstabbing credit whores like...oh wait...Bill Gates. No, shit. We're egotists. This really boils down to the fact that I don't trust scientists until I see it for myself.

Sure scientists use science to produce working shit. But that's profitable. Archeologists and Paleontologists are working with deadlines, and theoretical circle jerking they just have to convince a bunch of gullible investors to buy into fucking anything that will work to lobby the fascist christians off the stupid shit because gay marriage and abortion are so much more important the drugs and war. They're just selling academia for academia's sake to any jackass with money whose jaded by religion. Not that they aren't rightly so jaded, I hate religion too but it';s no excuse to dismiss science itself and make up your own.

Same reason half the world is shitting in their pants over the LHC 2012.
Same reason half the world is shitting in their pants over the LHC 2012.

oh and heres me thinking it was nibiru/ reptillians happening in 2012...

you dont trust scientists yet you'll happily believe any number of psuedoscientists and spiritualist selling you crap about end of the world...

didnt you learn anything from the recent harold camping episode?
You're seriously comparing that largest man made nuclear particle collider that's going to produce a black hole in order to test the theories used to justify that said black hole won't swallow the entire planet in the blink of an eye before it spins off all that energy because some jackass scientist forgot to put enough spin on it...

...a money grubbing conspiracy selling cultist?

I'm not talking about the end of the world. I'm talking about irresponsible scientists who thought it would be a good fucking idea to test nukes to the sum of several thousand because there is never enough data when you are given a liscense to drop nukes in the name of science. If I were wear that lab coat. I don't know that I would know when enough data were had. That big red button was some serious crack cocaine for those guys.
lol you seriously brought 2012 into this discussion...

you clearly has listened to nothing but ill informed hysteria about the lhc too

your complaining about not being able to trust scientists who stand by their research and put it up to critique

while parroting a far more abhorrent group of unqualified doom predictors
lol you seriously brought 2012 into this discussion...

LHC is set to go live 2012. You're the one bringing up reptilians and crqazy shit. And on that note. Far be it from me to be superstitious or anything. But it *MIGHT* just be a little wise to respect the predictions of an ancient culture with technological capabilities we don't know about but clearly knwo they had. JUst hold off till, you know, 2013 for shit's giggles, and peace of mind?

I'm smoked some of their DMT. I personally don't believe anything until I see and I'm still dubious but ah....yeah....I wouldn't be generating any black holes on 2012, personally. Fate's a bitch, what's cliche, tempting her? Asking for it?

you clearly has listened to nothing but ill informed hysteria about the lhc too
Some people get their morbid fascinations from nukes. I get might from black holes. If they hit those particles dead on there will only be the spin of the constituant particles. IF the spin on those particles is equal an opposite they'll need to offest it by less than atom width to generate spin or build the whole thing lopsided.

A black holes evaporates energy based on two things. Mass & Spin.

your complaining about not being able to trust scientists who stand by their research and put it up to critique
Against other scientists who have a vested interest in the field. You might read popular theories but you don't sound like you understand academic scientific circles very well. They'll stand by a bad theory or idea to the tune of eradicating things that prove them wrong or competitive scientists and research that might. Newbies on the field with 'wild' theories aren't given much creedence or respect and sometimes rightly so. But the threshold is so rediculously high that good shit has been discarded later only be given an 'oops, my bad'.

while parroting a far more abhorrent group of unqualified doom predictors
I'm not parroting anyone. A black hole is a fucking black hole. What we do know about them is terrifying. We're only a decade over believing they actually exist. Do I think it'll be the end of the world? No. Odds are low. Odds. Sorry, I'm not a gambler.
LHC is set to go live 2012. You're the one bringing up reptilians and crqazy shit. And on that note. Far be it from me to be superstitious or anything. But it *MIGHT* just be a little wise to respect the predictions of an ancient culture with technological capabilities we don't know about but clearly knwo they had. JUst hold off till, you know, 2013 for shit's giggles, and peace of mind?

I'm smoked some of their DMT. I personally don't believe anything until I see and I'm still dubious but ah....yeah....I wouldn't be generating any black holes on 2012, personally. Fate's a bitch, what's cliche, tempting her? Asking for it?

Some people get their morbid fascinations from nukes. I get might from black holes. If they hit those particles dead on there will only be the spin of the constituant particles. IF the spin on those particles is equal an opposite they'll need to offest it by less than atom width to generate spin or build the whole thing lopsided.

Against other scientists who have a vested interest in the field. You might read popular theories but you don't sound like you understand academic scientific circles very well. They'll stand by a bad theory or idea to the tune of eradicating things that prove them wrong or competitive scientists and research that might. Newbies on the field with 'wild' theories aren't given much creedence or respect and sometimes rightly so. But the threshold is so rediculously high that good shit has been discarded later only be given an 'oops, my bad'.

I'm not parroting anyone. A black hole is a fucking black hole. What we do know about them is terrifying. We're only a decade over believing they actually exist. Do I think it'll be the end of the world? No. Odds are low. Odds. Sorry, I'm not a gambler.

2012? the lhc is live now...

you clearly need to re read about black holes and their implications at cern
Sure, well. I'm not starting a campaign against it or anything. Personally I wouldn't be too disturbed if we did implode. Still I don't trust scientists. Science is great but people do retarded shit with it. Really fucking smart people do retarded shit with science. Academia is a circle jerk that's about to suffer the same blow the housing market is and with all that smart shit behind them they're not doing shit to stop it.

They thought that some of the nukes might get hot enough to burn up all the oxygen. Odds were low. Only one way to find out. Seems fate didn't find a suffocating inferno entertaining enough and it's holding out for something better.
wait so do you care about what they do or are you not bothered if world implodes?

statisticaly speaking there are odds for anything they say you put enough monkeys together then they could write hamlet

and its true however...

Even if the observable universe were filled with monkeys the size of atoms typing from now until the heat death of the universe, their total probability to produce a single instance of Hamlet would still be many orders of magnitude less than one in 10*183,800
the way i am understanding your retoric is that,

scientists= men with super powers, and with great power comes great responsibility and with a margin of possibility to becoming "evil" and "immoral" or greedy.

so when scientists aim to test their theories, and one just so happens to be nuclear bombs, they should have known better than to delve into such a thing because its "hands off"? now im not accusing you of saying just that but it sure seems that way. scientists will discover these things regardless whether you like it or not, and odds are somebody is going to test their hypothesis. if anyone could be trusted in today's world, it would be someone who precisely follows the scientific method and use our modern technology. to think that is comparable with some old civilizations, like the mayans or the aztecs, who had a grasp on astronomical timetables could even correlate to their claims on doomsday's or whatever ridiculous mythos they had, that is just.... bad and there is no other way to put it. and that is faulty logic if i have ever seen it written.
the way i am understanding your retoric is that,

scientists= men with super powers, and with great power comes great responsibility and with a margin of possibility to becoming "evil" and "immoral" or greedy.
You forgot stupid. Smart people do stupid shit too. And your allusion is all to apt. There's nothing about being smart that makes you apt to be more responsible. Also, ego appeals don't have have to be lofty. The worst ego trap is job security.

so when scientists aim to test their theories, and one just so happens to be nuclear bombs, they should have known better than to delve into such a thing because its "hands off"? now im not accusing you of saying just that but it sure seems that way.
Maybe not 'hands off' but did they really need to test TWO FUCKING THOUSAND? And if the hippies hadn't said HEY FUCKING STOP THAT SHIT....would they have?

scientists will discover these things regardless whether you like it or not, and odds are somebody is going to test their hypothesis. if anyone could be trusted in today's world, it would be someone who precisely follows the scientific method and use our modern technology. to think that is comparable with some old civilizations, like the mayans or the aztecs, who had a grasp on astronomical timetables could even correlate to their claims on doomsday's or whatever ridiculous mythos they had, that is just.... bad and there is no other way to put it. and that is faulty logic if i have ever seen it written.
The crows fly away. Seriously. Did you just suggest that my argument amounts to suggesting nuke would be better tested by cave men? LOL

As for the whole Mayan Calander bit. It is real. You know what's going to happen in 2012? A spectacular vantage point for witness the transit of venus (June, 2012) and an eclipse (Dec, 2012). Sure, you don't know me. But I'm the asshole trying to explain to people that Jesus just a calander too.

I used to work selling Kirbys for about three month. Long enough to realize that not only was it a scam but how the art of persuasion works. You're a pretty nasty SoB. I get the feeling you're struggling to keep up the illusion with your own self if you've got to so fucking hateful about your shit.

'Cuz you know, evolution doesn't prove itself. You've got to beat shit over a mother fuckers head till they submit.

Also, pointing out that "Scientists" are humans too isn't anti-intellectualism.