Religious faithw v


Ursus marijanus
No no no, eye, you misunderstand ... I am admiring your penchant for improvisation, following your own drummer, not accepting a one-size-fits-all mentality. I intended a compliment. Still do. cn

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Hi neer, thanks. Sorry about that. :oops: I did misunderstand you.

*I've been trying to keep my days a little more clear of the forum. I'm going to try to just give myself time here on weekends, some evenings... My view is tainted by those thoughts at present - I should've...

(By the way, your accuracy here at the forum is really, really great. Commendable.)

INFPs are driven by their deep, personal values on their lifelong quest for meaning and harmony. They always make sure their actions follow their beliefs, their need for integrity is so strong that they are physically unable to do something they believe is wrong. If they ever do go against their values, they will atone for it without telling anyone about it. Sensitive and caring, INFPs are very empathetic and nurturing to their friends, but they are selective about who they allow to get close. They seem cool and a bit apathetic at first and it takes a long time to get to know an INFP. They often take things personally, and their feelings are hurt easily. INFPs also usually keep negative feelings to themselves, and would rather stop talking to a close friend than confront them. They also tend to idealize relationships and become depressed if they don't work out as well as they envisioned. Because INFPs dislike confrontations so much, they are likely to procrastinate until people forget, or just say 'yes' and then go do whatever they want.
INFPs are creative and imaginative, with a strong interest in the arts. They are especially gifted writers and poets. INFPs are open-minded and accepting of anything as long as it doesn't interfere with their values, then they become rigid and unforgiving. They are usually very interested in spiritual and religious aspects of life, and the search for their true self. They are often so preoccupied with self-awareness that they fail to notice outside activities, giving them an almost other-worldly quality. INFPs are the most idealistic and least practical of all the types. They 'march to the beat of a different drummer.' Thoughtful and soft-spoken, INFPs make excellent counselors and advisors. They are drawn to psychology and the arts, and have an almost mystic understanding of life and the universe. INFPs believe strongly in a balance between light and dark, good and evil. Despite this preoccupation with finding evil, they are able to recognize the good in anyone or anything.



Well-Known Member
Careful now, you're likely to get beheaded or burnt at the stake for those statements. Oh, wait I thought this was the 21st century? Well, only by numerical sense.