Wow that sounds like a ton of work you did to get that set up like that under the house. I have had stoner ideas about it back in the day but never followed thru. My favorite additives for DWC are a cap full of sm 90 and hygrozyme. I never had root issues while running that combo.
I've probably spent 12 hours on it. 3 of which were used up digging a 3x3x2 foot hole in hard clay with a tiny shovel. Had to go 2 feet down to get enough clearance for a 48 inch high tent and an 18 inch deep res which is buried under the tent to keep it cool and provide more vertical grow space. I wouldn't call it work though. I love this shit.
Thanks for the rec on the additives.
The roots are looking better already, ph has stabilized and the plant is starting to grow again. Hardy little bastards these plants are!
I got the Ice Probe today but couldn't install it yet since the wife didn't leave the house long enough for me to sneak down there and set it up. I plugged it in for a minute to test and it gets hella cold! Very well made little device for $100.
On another note, the brass solenoid in my automatic PH Down drip line died. It didn't like the acid. I ordered an acid proof 12v peristaltic pump to replace it. I'll be pre diluting the PH down since the minimum flow rate is way too fast for straight acid.
Another neat thing I did was splice in a 4 inch duct to a nearby AC duct and route it into the tent. An intake fan comes on when the lights switch on, blowing in cool, dry air with lots of CO2. (800 - 1000 ppm). Droped temps and RH a bit and the higher CO2 should let me run hotter anyway. Mid day temps outside have been in the high 90s and the temps in the tent in the low 80s.
I'll post another update once I get the Ice Probe in the res.
Here's a view from the wide angle IP camera...