Well-Known Member
I only reacted to what you said, which was ADDING chlorophyll. You do clearly know what your talking about, but the original comment you made sounded like you didn't.
You think cooling it will help haha thc gets cold and hard too i like yhe idea of breaking it down with acid like in veggie oil but I wonder if it will break down the resins too.
And if you're such a know it all, why you here? Ppl get on here to learn or help ppl learn. You just wanna get your anger out at ppl you dont have to answer to
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u guys r funny talking all this shit on a website iso leaves chlorophyll so dont use it use butane
Who do I tak to about chemdawg phenos?
So to my knowledge chlorophyll is mainly responsible for the bad taste. When i tried to make ISO hash/oil it tasted horrible and is why ive never bothered with it again.
However doing some surfing i stumbled across this its a protocol for the commercial extraction of chlorophyll from edible commercial canola oil. AKA this is food safe.
Basically they were using Phosphoric Acid or Sulfuric Acid to remove the chlorophyll. Monkey i cant get those crazy chemicals you say<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y&cbt=y
Lol its PH Down. Easy to get/probably in your closet.
Now obviously the processess are different but i would be interested if anyone has extra stuff lying around to play around with trying to purify their Butter?,BHO,ISO,EtOH,etc.
All I can do is look at its characteristics and say what I see. I think you may have those 2 mords wixed up lol im starting some jacks too even tho im not a big fan