Removing Chlorophyll from extracts

lol, when you understand what was posted, come chat
you dont want to believe fact thats fine i dont really care. when you pick up a few books and read about this instead of just asking people for their opinion youll understand that even tho i may be an asshole, im right....
i can already tell you are young.... seems the only information you have is what youve gotten off the forums, albeit forums can be usefull for information but it doesnt take place of actual knowledge, pick up some books on your subject and learn something instead of asking others for the answer.
when your talking about seeds your talking about genotypes because a seed cant express any phenotypes other than fucking shape size and coloration. god damn do we got a tight ass be more open to what people are fucking sying this thread has nothing to do with fucking "genetics anyways wtf. here you go have fun figuring this one out.

you would have to grow a plant to see its phenos, now with that said this is what breeder do, is breed plants with a selection of genotypes based on the expressed phenotypes to make a strain that has those genotypes and can express those phenotypes:)

wtf how did this thread get turned into a genetic debate?
Exactly right. Genotypes arent apparent their evident through phenotypes which are apparent and all the seeds i got looked identical, which leads me to believe its stablized
right well nothing can be truely identical but you would have to find the origional breeder whose been culling that strains for years i haven't done much research into chemdog myself but i would start with where its parents came from. usually that breeder will have the most uniform strain of it.
Obviously they werent clones but i mean you couldnt tell them. Apart unless you labeled em, or knew every subltle marking on them like i did. But i still have clones of my favorite girl. The grower was a very secretive acquaintance who would go no further than to tell me its chem. (I dont think he meant to give me the pollenated buds haha
lol, when you understand what was posted, come chat
you dont want to believe fact thats fine i dont really care. when you pick up a few books and read about this instead of just asking people for their opinion youll understand that even tho i may be an asshole, im right....
i can already tell you are young.... seems the only information you have is what youve gotten off the forums, albeit forums can be usefull for information but it doesnt take place of actual knowledge, pick up some books on your subject and learn something instead of asking others for the answer.

dude, you should learn to handle that're making yourself look like an idiot...because you're wrong, and Brandawg was right...those quotes you copied from wikipedia say exactly what he said. You just got your terms mixed up...

"genotype defines plant traits, certain growing characteristics" observable characteristics make up a PHENOTYPE

"phenotype is genotype influenced by environment" yes, phenotype is partly influenced by the environment, but at least as much by the plant's genetic makeup (GENOTYPE)

don't be such a dick, dude...:leaf:
genotype defines plant traits, certain growing characteristics eg, 2 seeds from same plant that grow differently, smell differently etc
phenotype is genotype influenced by environment, eg if you took 2 clones off 1 plant and grew 1 indoors and one outdoors with diff fertilizers, that genotype has then been influenced upon by the enviroment. phenotypes are UNIQUE to each grow room. PERIOD!

DDimebag plz stfu. your exasperating a situation that was resolved.
Dude phenotypes only. Have so much plasticity. There are traits that will be expressed even if it causes the plant to die. Like a body biulder changes his pheno by stimilating muscle growth. But he can do nothing to change the number of muscle fibers he has. No matter motherfucking what, things will shine through environmental influence. I just want to use those to identify the chemdawg ive been growing. Ill even appease someone and say yea i know its genotype (impossible) if it means someone who knows chemdawg will just explain the features of different chemdawgs
And pheno is not geno influnced by environment. Pheno is what your plant does and looks like. My plants have been indoor, outdoor, bucket, ground, perlite, happy frog, they will be taller or shorter, stroger or more spindly, but they will never satrt looking or smelling like anything other than chem (as long as theyre in good health)
Bottom line most of a phenotype is genetic, maybe a small percent is environmental. Ive been doin this a while too. Im really just curious about my favorite strain
the lasty statement was the most correct, but brawn this thread really wasnt about that you should have started one asking the questions you have else where. what i can tell you is that a well stabilized strain like NL#5 will all look really close together, but each will express different pheno just based on the location in a grow room, but anyways i would start thread. im out of answers like i said i dont know much about the chemdog, supposed to be some killer though sounds like you got a good cut.
I started one but i dont think anyone is gonna respond. I just registered here a few days ago. Idk how to get ppl to. Its under mystery chem
its correct, google it, slightly different meaning tho.

hmm it can be hard to get people attention on here lol, now i understand the attitude.

well tbh i had a hard as hell time fitting in here for the longest and i still dont because of my attitude, but all i can say is sometime the info is there just not where you are looking, i would just build friends and forget about it for now someone will come along and share the answer this site is a plethora of info, your just gonna have to chill and wait.

ill check out your thread and when i get some time i will dig up some info on chemdog it must be good since your after the answer so bad perhaps i would like the strain, so when if i find anything ill post it over there. just try bumping the thread around 5 pm in America time thats when all the people from the west get on and they tend to "chat it up" around then.
Thanks man. I hope i find out eventually. I might look into crossing it, crossing that, then crossing back. Just to see. Yea its an outstanding plant. Im in so cal so its pretty hard to find a truely exceptional plant here cause theres good genetics everywhere. That guy i got it from was right to try and keep it to himself. Imagine og with donkey dick colas
I learned how to water cure and that would work for you I believe. Its used to take out the chlorophyll and get rid of a lot of other impurities on the plant that you probably don't like the taste of, it won't take out 100% of the chlorophyll but a great percentage of it. I use a 7 day process that leaves the product virtually tasteless and no smell but loses no potency [seems to increase it a bit]. I fill a gallon jar with product [loosely] and over the top put a piece of window screen to hold it down, fill the Jar with cool water, put a lid on loosely and put in a dark place. Every 24 hours pour off all the water and add fresh, I do it for 7 days then dry it on a screen or use a dehydrator, I use a dehydrator for speed. Think I'll try some tincture now, never liked the alcohol burn though so will use glycerine. You won't believe the smell of that poured off water, really stinks. Won't hurt the trichomes because they aren't water soluble.
Water curing doesn't take all that much chlorophyll out. Its for ppl who didn't flush and need to get their ionic nutes out of their herb
And smell is a big selling point if u grow more than a few plants so I only water cured to play w/ a few grams. Based good. But a wet bud is a live bud. Degrading and shit. I've only ever smoked one herb that was stonier than my C4. (Chemdawg #4) and I have a med card so I try to find the best