Removing Chlorophyll from extracts

Soaking in cold water wont remove the thrichromes you want for the extraction?

I currenyly have about 30g of grinded buds soaking in ISO 99% for two 2 days, as you can see in the photo, the liquid looks amber and golden cloudy when I stir it but also has a loot of "green" in it. I'm really interested in a method for Removing Chlorophyll from extracts because that's the OP and this is my first time making hash. I have PH down at hand and I could go look for some chems too so please teach me.


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It doesn't really matter, I looked up on the web and it says I could dilute in hexane or nafta using a separator funnel, though I don't like the idea of adding more chemicals to the mix
lol then you shouldn't be extracting...
Also if it doesn't matter then why did you ask a question? i am confident non of these people are active members
So I just put the extract in the freezer? I was thinking on getting hexane or to do another run but the right way


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So I just put the extract in the freezer? I was thinking on getting hexane or to do another run but the right way
Get some hexane, what you have right there doesn't look good.
A hexane/alcohol separation could be used to remove the chlorophyll from the solution.
You could separate the alcohol and then perform a hexane/saline separation to clean it even further.
But yes, you should freeze your solution for now to drop out the waxes.
Hey maps i started out using all kinds of double solvents (pentane, hexane , and so on) yes they can clean up a dirty extract but since then ive learnrd its far better just to perfectly extract the first time and not have to risk addedchemicals
Thanks for the advice I'd look for some hexane or nafta.
Most would recommend you stay away from naphtha because it's a broad mixture of low boiling hydrocarbons, so it could contain benzene in relatively high quantities, not that it's much of a problem because benzene will still evaporate it's just that people tend to stay far away from toxic chemicals when they're preparing a cannabis extract.
It's always best to stick with a pure solvent like Lio mentioned hexane and pentane are both good choices to clean up an already contaminated extract.
Generally a simple butane extraction will give you the best combination of yield, quality, and ease of extraction so it's almost always the preferred method.
I have to check what's avaliable in my town's localstore, Light naphtha containing only Pentane & Hexane will also work for this process, I'd re-wash with saline water and then high purity ethanol for highest purity (what kind of ethanol should I look for?)
As for naphtha I'd have to check the MSDS because the word light naphtha only means it boils between 30C and 100C, so it may contain Benzene which I don't want, I'd be great if just could get a hold on some HPLC N-Hexane 95% but it's gonna be hard.

Btw is it safe to store my alcohol extraction in the freezer until I get all the mats to clean it?
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Ok ill start over.... instead of worrying about added chemicals to clean that mess up work on getting a even semigood tech down. When using 99% iso a quick soak of 30 secs is employed. A two day soak is not what your after. You successfully extracted more chlorophyl then thc.
I have to check what's avaliable in my town's localstore, Light naphtha containing only Pentane & Hexane will also work for this process, I'd re-wash with saline water and then high purity ethanol for highest purity (what kind of ethanol should I look for?)
As for naphtha I'd have to check the MSDS because the word light naphtha only means it boils between 30C and 100C, so it may contain Benzene which I don't want, I'd be great if just could get a hold on some HPLC N-Hexane 95% but it's gonna be hard.

Btw is it safe to store my alcohol extraction in the freezer until I get all the mats to clean it?
You can buy n-Hexane by the gallon on eBay although it's a little expensive... If you buy a distillation setup you won't have to worry about running out of hexane and you can ensure that your solvent is absolutely free of non volatiles.
If your not sure if the solvent your buying contains non-volatile additives or impurities you should always distill it beforehand just to have peace of mind.
Any alcohol will work to drop the waxes from solution and also to remove the remaining non polar solvent from the extract, ethanol would be the most popular choice because of it's relatively low toxicity but methanol, albeit the least popular choice, would be the most effective at dropping waxes and the easiest to fully purge.
Regardless of what you use just make sure it has no additives or impurities, the best thing you can do is invest in some kind of solvent distillation equipment to ensure your end product doesn't contain anything harmful from the solvents used.
You should be fine using 95% n-Hexane from eBay as long as an MSDS in provided.
Sorry if what I'm saying is redundant lol.

Edit: Yea you can safely leave the extract in the freezer, just be sure to put a lid on the jar.
@Lio you can stop beating a dead horse, he's not asking how to make a good extract to begin with, he said he is interested in "REMOVING chlorophyll from extracts" not excluding them from the extraction altogether, even though that's obviously the more effective method.
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Thank you for all the replys. Would you mind explaining a little further about destilation gear and process?
Thank you for all the replys. Would you mind explaining a little further about destilation gear and process?
Absolutely, a standard distillation setup would include:
1. A round bottom boiling flask with at least two necks - which would be used to hold the solvent to be distilled and a thermometer to monitor the exact temperature of the solvent as it distills.
One of the necks will be connected a fractionating column and the other will hold the thermometer.
2. A fractionating column - as the solvent distillation takes place the higher boiling components, if any will condense on the inside of the fractionating column and fall back into the boiling flask as the lower boiling components continue on through the condenser.
3. a Liebig or Alihn condenser - cold water is run through the condenser to cause the lower boiling fraction to condense and fall into the collection flask.
The condenser is connected to the fractionating column via a 45 degree angle connector piece.
4. A collection flask which should also be chilled will be where your finished solvent ends up.
There are a lot of different setups, I'm just describing my own shitty little setup.

To make the whole setup more efficient a heating mantle with magnetic stirring capabilities could be purchased but these are not cheap, they run around $200 for a cheap one.
The standard distillation setup can be purchased on eBay for about $150.