Removing Contamination?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys & Gals,
i have tried my 1st attempt at the shrooms :-?
I knocked up 6 jars, had 4 do nothing except grow nasties, then 1 started growing mycellium, and continued going well, and the last grew mycellium, but also went nasty :(

So two questions for you peeps..
1. How do i remove the contaminated substances from my jar without inhaling the death i'm sure they contain?? (I dont want to throw em out but they look nasty as hell).
2. On my 'Succesful' Jar i birthed it just before and after i removed my verm for the contaminent filter i noticed a little bit of trichidermia on the cake.. I washed & scraped it off.. Is this ok, or will it just return with avegance when i fruit?

Thanks for your time :hump:


Well-Known Member
1. Put them in the pressure cooker for an hour and a half minimum and it will kill alll the harmful bacteria or whatevers gown inside the jar. Then dispose of it outsidew in the bin or something and pour boiliung water over the cups and clean the shit out of them,.....What i do anyway.

2. I think it will be fine, if it comes back u just cut it?

Hope it all gos well
wait for what other people think aswell peace


Well-Known Member
...Other People?? Lol, u are the only person kind enough to respond in 12hrs :(
Thanks for ur Input though. +Rep.


Active Member
Don't take any chances with contams. Anything you scrape off would just come back later on, as it would be near impossible to get all the microscopic fragments and spores, out of the substrate. Throw out the jars entire contents ASAP, and start over. Soak those jars in Ammonia to kill off any bad spores or bacteria that might be left over. Then PC them one good time before using them again.


Well-Known Member
Ya no point in changing good advice... Be sure to keep the jar downwind from you and open it outside, without breathing any of the spores that it woud release in...


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks for the advice guys.. Spewing, i was quite looking forward to fruiting some..
If i got no better advice i was just going to fill a tub with bleach and open the jars under the bleach, lol..