Republican Obstructionism and extremism will cost them


Well-Known Member
No, I get what you're saying. You're more enlightened than the rest of us because you don't take sides because of course, if you take a side that means you aren't thinking for yourself. You think elevating your indecisiveness to a form of zen makes you smarter than everyone else.

GL with that.

Personally, this is a pretty clear cut issue as far as I'm concerned. The math doesn't lie. We are being taken advantage of by the top 1%. You're holier than though "I'm so enlightened that I'm too cool to have an opinion" attitude doesn't change the real facts of the pillaging of America by the ultra-wealthy.

I guess I'm a sheep for believing that we should have socioeconomic opportunity in this country. Having an opinion is so conformist, I know. And of course me disagreeing with that bullshit philosophy doesn't mean I disagree with you, it means I failed to understand your profound wisdom so you felt the need to tell me to condescendingly tell me to read your post again.

Yeah, I get it...
Nope, I'm just saying, I've been deep on both sides. These are my conclusions. Like them or not, don't care, since I'm not peddling or buying the opiate. The rest of the nasty mouth, came from your mind.

Reading the drivel you're posting just makes my point, partisan boy.


Well-Known Member
You are retarded, naive, extremely biased, and blind to most fact(s). That is all.
so as you apply nothing but personal insult, you actually say... nothing. I have watched the Republican manchine for a number of decades. I commonly ask Republicans what they believe and espouse that is at all contrary to what corporations would like them to believe and in most cases they can't give me much of an answer - in fact the only answer I've gotten is "I don't want corporations to get Federal Bailout Money", other than that, they march in lock step against their own best interests - I'd call that a damn good spin machine. Now how am I retarded, naive or blind (Yes, I am biased, bias is not always a bad thing)


Well-Known Member
Somewhat valid point on the feudalism. I'll give you that. You have to remember, though, nothing is guaranteed. In the feudal states in Europe the land was the money and it was given to nobility by the government. Further indication that size of government causes these problems.

If you look at the top 20 richest in America, you see names like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin and Larry page, Micheal Dell, Forest Mars, Larry Ellison. These are people of the latest generation that have created their wealth with merely implementing an idea. This proves that it is nothing like the feudal states (at least not yet) because the poor can still become the richest. (In case you didn't know, those people are from companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Oracle, Dell, and Amazon)
Gates wasn't poor, Zuckerberg went to Harvard, Bezos' maternal grandfather was a regional director of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in Albuquerque. Brin's
father is a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland, and his mother is a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Dell is the son of an orthodontist and a stockbroker. Mar's Father was the founder of the company. Only Ellison could remotely be called "poor" in his early years. The "poor" still have a tough, very tough time becoming "the richest".


New Member
Gates wasn't poor, Zuckerberg went to Harvard, Bezos' maternal grandfather was a regional director of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in Albuquerque. Brin's
father is a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland, and his mother is a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Dell is the son of an orthodontist and a stockbroker. Mar's Father was the founder of the company. Only Ellison could remotely be called "poor" in his early years. The "poor" still have a tough, very tough time becoming "the richest".
All the poor need to do is apply themselves and come up with 50k for a college education by the time they are 18


Well-Known Member
All the poor need to do is apply themselves and come up with 50k for a college education by the time they are 18

50K? That's a cheap education. Of course they could get a pell grant, if the right is still willing to give them out, after all they don't really deserve a loan with no collateral except their earnestness. They can mow lawns forgodsake.