Republicans refuse to debate

the cry of the ignorant asshole who operates on can't back up a single thing you say, because you hear it all from joe rogan or some other fucking moron hater
No, i don't need others to tell me what to think. All i know about joe rogan is some stupid show he was on years ago. Fear factor, i believe. Cry baby feeling operator? Look in the mirror. ALL the left does is cry about everything. Everything. You have no idea what a republican thinks, because you don't even think, just read other peoples tweets and exclaim "that's right!" and parrot it all about. Every time a democrap says anything, i only see pelosi making infantile faces behind trump before she destroyed gummint property. That's your 3rd best leader. I am embarassed for all of you. All.
No, i don't need others to tell me what to think. All i know about joe rogan is some stupid show he was on years ago. Fear factor, i believe. Cry baby feeling operator? Look in the mirror. ALL the left does is cry about everything. Everything. You have no idea what a republican thinks, because you don't even think, just read other peoples tweets and exclaim "that's right!" and parrot it all about. Every time a democrap says anything, i only see pelosi making infantile faces behind trump before she destroyed gummint property. That's your 3rd best leader. I am embarassed for all of you. All.
What is your evaluation of that man?
No, i don't need others to tell me what to think. All i know about joe rogan is some stupid show he was on years ago. Fear factor, i believe. Cry baby feeling operator? Look in the mirror. ALL the left does is cry about everything. Everything. You have no idea what a republican thinks, because you don't even think, just read other peoples tweets and exclaim "that's right!" and parrot it all about. Every time a democrap says anything, i only see pelosi making infantile faces behind trump before she destroyed gummint property. That's your 3rd best leader. I am embarassed for all of you. All.

Lighten up, Francis!

To give credit where it’s due, it seems like a solid take on the reality of the times.

I know *I* would not be able to debate them: I would present them with evidence of their collusion in the overthrow / coverup, and demand that they explain why they consider themselves electable after striking at the core of the nation. I would fucking HAMMER them on every seditious move, every tendentious coverup effort, every evasion, every lie - by them, by their associates, by those who support them, by those they support. I’ll make ‘em quote Jefferson, Burke, the freakin’ Bible, I’d hit ‘em with their support for slavery, their support for fascists, their service to other countries.

Trials take time. Until then, if you get them on a stage or before a microphone, DEMAND that they justify their anti-American positions, policies, partnerships, statements, agreements, contradictions, oversights, indiscretions, the full ten yards. Don’t let them punt - don’t let them evade - don’t let them escape: corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, unAmerican…bare-faced thieves and swindlers - *LIVE* on national television in prime time. “We won’t change the subject, so *DON’T LOOK AWAY, AMERICA!*”


Lincoln would beat Chump and his crew with an axe handle on the White House lawn….

These nutcases on the right always go on about Lincoln being a Republican. Lincoln would be ran out of the party today by the lunatics that have taken over. It's no longer the party of Lincoln. It's Republican in name only. The RINO's have succeeded in their coup.
My, my, that is quite the list. Bravo Biden. Amazing, amazing, amazing. I remember obama, first act as potus, pushing through a 1000 page "infrastructure" bill that nobody was allowed to take time to evaluate with pencil entries, paying off donators for there election support. Infrastructure bill seems like the go to way for dems to beef up their personal bank accounts. Of course, you had to through trump bashing in there. Good thinking.
Hey dumb dumb
Here in America it was the healthcare
Infrastructure was a weekly tRUMP plan that did almost as well as everything the orange moron ever touched
Look Okie, if you can't even quote another member, or post correctly, then you shouldn't be calling everyone else a dumbass.

Like i started calling names. Another intended insult, good job.
You aren’t very good at this
You aren’t very good at this
On the other hand, I am very impressed with your arguments. They are full of facts, interesting analysis, and just the plain truth. Good job.
Hey dumb dumb
Here in America it was the healthcare
Infrastructure was a weekly tRUMP plan that did almost as well as everything the orange moron ever touched

trump never did roll out his replacement for Obamacare that was supposed to be better. I wonder what happened. He didn't lie now did he?

“We’re going to produce phenomenal health care. And we already have the concept of the plan. And it’ll be much better health care,” Trump told George Stephanopoulos. When Stephanopoulos asked if he was going to tell people what the plan was, Trump responded: “Yeah, we’ll be announcing that in two months, maybe less.”
No, i don't need others to tell me what to think. All i know about joe rogan is some stupid show he was on years ago. Fear factor, i believe. Cry baby feeling operator? Look in the mirror. ALL the left does is cry about everything. Everything. You have no idea what a republican thinks, because you don't even think, just read other peoples tweets and exclaim "that's right!" and parrot it all about. Every time a democrap says anything, i only see pelosi making infantile faces behind trump before she destroyed gummint property. That's your 3rd best leader. I am embarassed for all of you. All.
I’ll be
I just realized you are fifteen
I hope I don’t catch a charge speaking to you
