Respectable people


I do not agree with the war Little Bush drug us into.If butthead Bush would have went after the people involed instead of invading a country that was not involed,i would have supported it.
I do not agree with what most of our leaders(i use the word leaders loosly)do,That is OUR fault for putting them in power.But to say not to join the army because of that, leaves our country open to invasion by nations we do not want as our leaders.With that kind of attitude we will all be praying to ALLAH.I feel we should adopt the same system that Israel has,this is OUR country,we should have to fight to defend it if needed.Not just the willing few,ALL OF US.
Not all people want peace and harmony,look around the world and see how many countries would love to take what we have.Peace in the world would be a beautiful thing,but we do not have control over what happens in other countries.As long as we have enemies we will need a military to defend our country and way of life.
With you having a father who is serving our country,i would think you would understand why he does it.
Thank him for his service,and may he stay safe.
I hope it never comes to a bunch of art students having to defend this country from attack,we will be screwed.OPH
Good post.

However, I remember when we first started toward the war, most people around here were all gungho to go to war. Everyone wanted revenge for 9/11. Now it seems like none of those people ever existed. Where are they now?


Well-Known Member
Now that Old pothead has my attention I want to know who exactly would like to take what we have, and what leads him to believe that.

Edit: Last I heard the war on terror was over. Did we win? Either way I'll never get to see my best friend again.


Well-Known Member
Good post.

However, I remember when we first started toward the war, most people around here were all gungho to go to war. Everyone wanted revenge for 9/11. Now it seems like none of those people ever existed. Where are they now?

When the war first started we were looking for WMDs and Al Quaeda. Now we just want oil.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
You shouldn't join because a hierarchically organized, mass-conscription based military system is contrary to the values of liberal democracy. No one has the right to order others to kill, or to kill on command. Anyone committed to peace and social order should not submit to such an authority.

Also, prince Harry is a neo-nazi who plays too much call of duty.
Social order,sounds just like something Hitler said,or was it the Chinese.Social order is only achievable by force.You will never reach it by indoctrination and brainwashing in the schools.Not all people are sheep and believe or do everything they are told.
If you pay taxes and obey the laws of this country you have already submited to such a authority.OPH


New Member
You shouldn't join because a hierarchically organized, mass-conscription based military system is contrary to the values of liberal democracy. No one has the right to order others to kill, or to kill on command. Anyone committed to peace and social order should not submit to such an authority.

Also, prince Harry is a neo-nazi who plays too much call of duty.
There is no such thing as a liberal democracy except as a blip on the way to fascism.

I would only join If I agreed with the cause.. If we were fighting the nazi's or some oppressive country that's killing other people.. then yeah, sign me up, gimme a gun and point me in the right direction.. but this war.. is fuckin silly and stupid.. there's no clear good guy and bad guy.. and nobody can tell us what we're fighting for...

Not our safety.. cause if we were fighting for our safety we would prolly be focusing more on our shit and not other people's shit..

I don;t protect my home by going to other people's house's and fuckin their shit up.. I do it by securing my home and my possessions.. at home..
Don't worry, with that attitude, the military doesn't want you.

I do not agree with the war Little Bush drug us into.If butthead Bush would have went after the people involed instead of invading a country that was not involed,i would have supported it.
I do not agree with what most of our leaders(i use the word leaders loosly)do,That is OUR fault for putting them in power.But to say not to join the army because of that, leaves our country open to invasion by nations we do not want as our leaders.With that kind of attitude we will all be praying to ALLAH.I feel we should adopt the same system that Israel has,this is OUR country,we should have to fight to defend it if needed.Not just the willing few,ALL OF US.
Not all people want peace and harmony,look around the world and see how many countries would love to take what we have.Peace in the world would be a beautiful thing,but we do not have control over what happens in other countries.As long as we have enemies we will need a military to defend our country and way of life.
With you having a father who is serving our country,i would think you would understand why he does it.
Thank him for his service,and may he stay safe.
I hope it never comes to a bunch of art students having to defend this country from attack,we will be screwed.OPH
Good post. I agree that Bush made a mistake by hitting Iraq, but to be fair all of his military commanders told him that was the location where we could win....the only other plausible target was Afghanistan, which by watching the Russians get their heads handed to them, wanted no part of. Not initially anyways, but good post.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Politics aside, the military is a great experience. The evening news deals in doom and gloom. And any of the politicians you see on it, dem or rep, are just spin spin lie lie I'm the greatest and have done no wrong.

I know two people who've enlisted. One loves it. So much in fact he's been enlisted for the past 12 years. He's had 3 tours in Iraq, and One in afghanistan, and he can't wait to return. The other spent two tours in Iraq and you can see the death in his eyes. You can see how much war has changed him, and all he can talk about it is how he feels used by our government. So there are two sides to every coin. Some guys want, need, and crave the experience, but there are alot who loathe there experiences in the military.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Now that Old pothead has my attention I want to know who exactly would like to take what we have, and what leads him to believe that.

Edit: Last I heard the war on terror was over. Did we win? Either way I'll never get to see my best friend again.
There is a free cd movie called Obsession,radical islam's war against the west.This group of people have been brainwashing their children from the time they can read to hate Americans and America.This has been going on for years and is spreading around the world.I suggest everyone who wants to know what we face in the future,watch this movie.
I will also throw in N.Korea and Iran as two more countries who would love to see us gone.
I am sorry you lost your freind,he gave his life freely so you might live free.I have lost freinds and relatives also,in Vietnam (where i fought) and Iraq.I have lost more freinds to car accidents than war.OPH

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
why are we even in irag does anybody know. afghanistan i understood even though that is now a bit of a quagmire. im no coward and would serve and almost did i first tried with the army wanting to go to ranger school did the asvab physical interviews easy stuff etc... this was years ago luckly an old felony kept me out. nowadays i see that most of our invasions are money oriented. besides that i see how this country takes care of veterans its disgusting. when i use to see that coward bush and cheney go and visit hospitals and say good job to these physically and mentally broken soldiers it made me sick. knowing they dont always get proper care or proper armor to begin with and are quickly forgotten. while the children of these cowardly men who create these wars and bad policies will never see bloodshed in there cushy lifetimes. bullshit is what it is.


Well-Known Member
when i was in the process of joining up most ex-military friends of mine were like dude noooooo.

I'm not gonna lie. I wanted to join the military at 18, and EVERYONE talked me out of it. My mother begged and pleaded for me not to go, and I can see why now. I would have been right in the middle of a shitstorm.


Active Member
When the war first started we were looking for WMDs and Al Quaeda. Now we just want oil.
True, and false. We are not looking for oil. Oil may have been part of El Dubya's agenda initially, but you can't say the same thing now. The Iraqi people stood up to us and told us that the oil contracts we wanted were unfair, and thus they put the contracts up for bidding by all.

In Afghanistan, we are still fighting Al Qaeda, and you better hope that we win. If we lose Afghanistan, then Pakistan will go along with it. As you may have heard, Pakistan has nukes... I think you get the idea of what could happen.


Well-Known Member
why are we even in irag does anybody know. afghanistan i understood even though that is now a bit of a quagmire. im no coward and would serve and almost did i first tried with the army wanting to go to ranger school did the asvab physical interviews easy stuff etc... this was years ago luckly an old felony kept me out. nowadays i see that most of our invasions are money oriented. besides that i see how this country takes care of veterans its disgusting. when i use to see that coward bush and cheney go and visit hospitals and say good job to these physically and mentally broken soldiers it made me sick. knowing they dont always get proper care or proper armor to begin with and are quickly forgotten. while the children of these cowardly men who create these wars and bad policies will never see bloodshed in there cushy lifetimes. bullshit is what it is.


Crackerjax says we didn't invade Afghanistan because we would lose. Says alot about how our country works. We got attacked so instead of going after them we go after the ones we can win against. Make an example. Good one.

PS. Why the fuck are we talkin about politics on a pot forum? This is supposed to be a place to chill. Not raise your blood pressure.


Well-Known Member
As you may have heard, Pakistan has nukes... I think you get the idea of what could happen.

I also heard Iraq had nukes. If we are so smart why can't we find out how all these countries are making there bombs invisible. While your at it the aliens have nukes as well.


Now that Old pothead has my attention I want to know who exactly would like to take what we have, and what leads him to believe that.

Edit: Last I heard the war on terror was over. Did we win? Either way I'll never get to see my best friend again.
I believe there are some people who would like us to lose our freedom. Remember 9/11.


Well-Known Member
True, and false. We are not looking for oil. Oil may have been part of El Dubya's agenda initially, but you can't say the same thing now. The Iraqi people stood up to us and told us that the oil contracts we wanted were unfair, and thus they put the contracts up for bidding by all.

In Afghanistan, we are still fighting Al Qaeda, and you better hope that we win. If we lose Afghanistan, then Pakistan will go along with it. As you may have heard, Pakistan has nukes... I think you get the idea of what could happen.

This ideology kills me . We have thousands of nukes, but they can't have one?History should tell you we have a greater chance of dropping a nuke than anyone else. This is not a do as I say, and not as I do discussion. You can't tell someone they can't have something so you can maintain power.


Well-Known Member
I also heard Iraq had nukes. If we are so smart why can't we find out how all these countries are making there bombs invisible. While your at it the aliens have nukes as well.

You can't forget the leprechauns. I hear they've been bulking up lately.