Respectable people


Well-Known Member
I do not agree with the war Little Bush drug us into.If butthead Bush would have went after the people involed instead of invading a country that was not involed,i would have supported it.
I do not agree with what most of our leaders(i use the word leaders loosly)do,That is OUR fault for putting them in power.But to say not to join the army because of that, leaves our country open to invasion by nations we do not want as our leaders.With that kind of attitude we will all be praying to ALLAH.I feel we should adopt the same system that Israel has,this is OUR country,we should have to fight to defend it if needed.Not just the willing few,ALL OF US.
Not all people want peace and harmony,look around the world and see how many countries would love to take what we have.Peace in the world would be a beautiful thing,but we do not have control over what happens in other countries.As long as we have enemies we will need a military to defend our country and way of life.
With you having a father who is serving our country,i would think you would understand why he does it.
Thank him for his service,and may he stay safe.
I hope it never comes to a bunch of art students having to defend this country from attack,we will be screwed.OPH
The military is hardly used to "defend" our country.


Well-Known Member
I hate these kinds of threads....Why is it here, why not in the political section? When it is in Toke n Talk I feel I have to read it....D'OH!!!
All I have to say on this particular subject is....

I love my soldier, I love him with all of my being...


New Member
Well first, let's just do some math and couple it with the Volunteer Military. Not every eligible American youth+ can join, there just aren't enough slots available. I think it comes down to a perceived "attitude" from both sides of the coin. After all, perception usually precedes friction.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I love soldiers and people who give themselves to our country but I hate the army, which is run by politicians to do their evil bidding.

I feel bad for soldiers because I feel like they're essentially used by the government. A soldier's intentions are oftentimes pure. Who can say that about the government.

So I have much love for soldiers, but I refuse to be a pawn for my government unless I deem the cause worthy (and I haven't seen a worthy military cause in a while in the U.S.). My two cents - please don't get offended.


Well-Known Member
Some u jackass's really piss me off let me tell you, the one's of you that talk shit about soldier and the military even though you dont know jack shit about us because you was to much of a pussy or a lazy ass to join in the first place so you try and justify urself with shit you read off some conspiracy website or where ever you get you stupid views and thoughts. Do I like our government and think its a fair and just government no I dont, do I like the Army as a whole even though Im in it? No i dont.. I hate the army most the time.

What I do love is that fact that in one shape of form Im serving the good people of this country from it be when I helped after Katrina to going to Iraq and afghanistan... Not becuase I agree with this war because I dont, but Im not about to stand by sittin safe and sound while my fellow countrymen are going in harms way, Im not there for the government or anyother cause. Im there for my own cause and thats to do what I can to make sure I help as many soldiers as I can come home safely to their friends and family. Im there for the other soldiers, my brothers in arms. You dont do something for someone else's cause you find you own cause and do it for yourself!.... and if you jackass's don't think helping a fellow american come home safely in whatever way you can is a just cause then you dont deserve to be in this country and should take you happy ass somewhere else.
