Returning bottles to the Beer Store? Beware of possible breath test by police

You're such a macho full grown man.
Many of my parts grew fully.

My circle has more thirty-ish year old wimps. Wimpy as they may be, I'm pretty certain they've achieved full grown status.

Check the status of their full growns

Applying that you, my gut reaction was gay/confused, maybe you wanted to buy my underwear to wear....

I'm a a woman's panties would be perfect. If I was gay....nope. You don't know how things work very well.

It's micro penis isn't it. You can tell us. You've got a little dick don't you?
I'm not gonna lie. I'm going to laugh at your little dick. Who am I kidding, I'm laughing right now. Is... is your little dick an innie? You know, like a fat kids nipple? I bet all those real women laugh at your little dick too.

Typical stupid comment from a frustrated girl. Why is it that woman go for that first? I'd be like if we asked you if your tits are perfect. I bet they aren't. The only way to find out is put it in your mouth like you usually do.

Post pics!

Will no one show you a penis? We can't post pics like that here. Go to your usual

I have had a long line of men who I have butt hurt with my witches nose.

Your doing it wrong.
Who haven't you pissed off in this thread? I only replied too - you took offence to that. I'm not whiny or butt-hurt, sweetheart - I just don't like trolls. Have you ever even tried don't sound like anyone I'd smoke a joint with.
I've never told you how smart I am ... that's just you making shit up trying to be 'cute'. You succeeded in proving you are an idiot. Tell me again how stupid you are. (See - I can do it too!)
I'm going to put you on fucking ignore now, because you're not worth me getting banned...again. I don't play well with trolls.
You need to be of age to consume cannabis Chris..did you forget?
the leafs avatar is a cover. I've never seen a hockey game and don't know anything about the sport sorry.

I don't think one is better than the other. We're very different and I don't think it's a contest to see who comes out on top. I'm still a little surprised that this one little comment which I thought innocuous has ruffled so many feathers. I'm not saying you in particular but you did quote it twice so there's something there. And I wish I didn't, but I do feel it makes men behave in inappropriate ways and I don't think my opinion can be swayed.

Have you ever had some random stranger send you pictures of their cock? Or has some middle aged guy sent you a message explaining in explicit detail what they want to do to your body. How about some creepy old perv straddling up behind you in a crowed place so he can touch your ass? This type of shit happens constantly I always have to be guard and it's worse on the internet where there's no repercussions. So if I appear overly sensitive that's why although I don't think I am.

A creep in this thread even offered money for my underwear. Isn't that right @The Hippy. I saw your since deleted post. You're gross.

You called me a wimp I didn't like that and came back. Absent a threat of violence, I think I can hold my own with the boys.

having a uterus leads to hyper emotional responses to mundane events - Sometimes.
periodic mood swings - Frequently.
a sense that they are owed everything you worked for - You should date classier girls.
and eventually the altered-state of menopause - I'll let you know in 30 years.

You must be very busy. I assume you just don't have time to call out the rest of the sexism in this thread. Or do you only have a problem when a girl does it?

i stopped watching hockey after they expanded from 6 teams...

please.. i do not need to hear about any "cycles"..or photos ..i don't come here for that

please do not lump my post in with vianna's , that hippy guy or anyone elses

or you go on ignore..
Who haven't you pissed off in this thread? I only replied too - you took offence to that. I'm not whiny or butt-hurt, sweetheart - I just don't like trolls. Have you ever even tried don't sound like anyone I'd smoke a joint with.
I've never told you how smart I am ... that's just you making shit up trying to be 'cute'. You succeeded in proving you are an idiot. Tell me again how stupid you are. (See - I can do it too!)
I'm going to put you on fucking ignore now, because you're not worth me getting banned...again. I don't play well with trolls.

More assumptions. Are you sure you're not a chick?

Go back and read cupcake. My replies were entirely metered and escalated in venom in response to you. "If you don't want the response, I suggest you control what you post."

I'm going to put you on fucking ignore now "is what someone types when the lack the intellect to provide an intelligent response. You lack the intellect to waste my time talking to, actually."

Neat eh. I don't even have to reply. Just copy/paste your posts back to you.

I'm a bit confused by the troll comment. Who did I troll? Just responding in kind to comments directed at me. Okay maybe that one post was unintentional trolling, but I learned about a new universal trigger for boys. How cool is that?

A creep.....sorry, but I love that. I only deleted it because I figured how much could they be worth? I'm not that cheap. Gross ! Only if your panties aren't nice...then that would be gross. But if they are nice...not gross.
Listen kid. Your half wit comments don't mean shit here amongst full grown men. Not the twenty year old wimp boys your used to commanding around. We've all had woman like you before...where are they now.....hahahahahah. Some pathetic barely grown woman with a bitch in her pants is merely funny to me.
You might have the parts missy, but that doesn't make you a woman in my eyes. Most of the actually real woman I know aren't whiny little babies like you appear to be. You've done nothing but whine like a little girl since you got here. Isn't there some bitchy disgruntled crying site you'd find easy on your mind?
What's the issue with calling you "honey" ...are you not a....."honey" is that the problem...maybe a course would help ya. The women I know find it's an endearing and an affectionate term. Angry bunchy panty bitches find it degrading.

Why is it that woman go for that first?

Quid pro quo bro.

i stopped watching hockey after they expanded from 6 teams...

please.. i do not need to hear about any "cycles"..or photos ..i don't come here for that

please do not lump my post in with vianna's , that hippy guy or anyone elses

or you go on ignore..

Fair enough. I have no interest in talking about cycles either and @The Hippy has already said he's not sharing pics of his micro penis. Your responses have been calm, rational and I apologize for grouping you in with the heard.

I think I'm done in this thread anyway, there's no meat left on the bone. Just a bunch of scattered butt hurt carcasses.

Thanks guys it's been a lot of fun!