Right or wrong, why I think Treyvon was shot

you never explained the direct correlation between poverty and crime, you tried to pretend it didn't exist.

are you stupid?

simplistic generalities... You cannot differentiate between poverty, relative depravation and social inequality but will beat the above catchphrase like a dead horse... Pathetic
there is no correlation between poverty and crime. That is something YOU made up.

if you ever needed a hint that you were stupid, here it is!

this is almost sigworthy in its utter stupidity.

-All you are saying is black people are more inclined to commit crimes because they are poor?

you're not the brightest bulb out there.

any race is more inclined to commit crime due to poverty, not just black people.

congrats on removing all doubt.
You tell me why Black people are more inclined to commit crimes. I just read the charts. Are you saying that black people are not people identified with black melanin? Or are you so naive as to think everyone is the same we just have different skin colors (sunshine+rainbows+puppies). There aren't 5 times as many blacks in jail because they are anywhere remotely close to being 5 times poorer.

They are in jail because CORRECTIONS is HUGE business here in the states..they have their own lobby..blacks are THE easiest group to target.

Ever see on the news some black man being released, after X amount of time on Death Row (usually decades) only to be exonerated by technology not available at time of incarceration?

GOOGLE works well on this subject matter.
They are in jail because CORRECTIONS is HUGE business here in the states..they have their own lobby..blacks are THE easiest group to target.

Ever see on the news some black man being released, after X amount of time on Death Row (usually decades) only to be exonerated by technology not available at time of incarceration?

GOOGLE works well on this subject matter.

sooo, the prison complex lobbies government to arrest more black people?
I googled it and got nothing.

Ever seen a white person wrongly charged and then years later found to be innocent? Or does this only happen to black people?
So people that are poor in every country have high crime rates. Funny when I lived in South Korea for 3 years I saw a total of 5 police cars. In the area I lived in walking home one day I saw a family turning a dog on a spit, heating up the skin and hair with map gas and scraping it off with a ice scraper for your car window. Asians eating dogs (Kilgolgi) nothing new here. Are the Amish poor? How about the correlation between IQ levels and crime? What is poor, not being able to put rims on your skateboard? Having six chains instead of ten?
if you ever needed a hint that you were stupid, here it is!

this is almost sigworthy in its utter stupidity.

you're not the brightest bulb out there.

any race is more inclined to commit crime due to poverty, not just black people.

congrats on removing all doubt.

Oh no I'm in your sig!


Just start a new thread when you look like an idiot in another one.
So you do the only reasonable thing a person could do at that point. Forsake the safety of home and family just feet away, turn around and go back into the night and teach that cracker a lesson.

The point being GZ is an ADULT and as such, expected to have acted in a prudent manner being armed and part of Neighborhood Watch. TM a MINOR, JUST 17 and unarmed, was left to his own devices. There is a reason you do not qualify (IN THE EYES OF THE LAW) as an adult until age 18 and in many states 21.
So people aren't in jail because they commit crimes, they are in jail because Big Business wants them there.

^ I can't tell what is meant to be sarcastic and what is not on the internet anymore.

The private prison industry is one of the main reasons marijuana is still illegal. Now that this affects you, can you begin to see our point?
^ I can't tell what is meant to be sarcastic and what is not on the internet anymore.

The private prison industry is one of the main reasons marijuana is still illegal. Now that this affects you, can you begin to see our point?
As Saruman would say... "That halfling leaf has dulled your mind"'.
"zimmy didn't want to even say his address,"? Lie. The rest is just retarded. " "know his place"," misquoting me again? Poor Buckhead, can't argue with what I say, so he has to make up a lie and argue with that.

Zimmerman did not want to tell the operator his address because he didn't know where Martin was. It's in the transcripts of the call.
"Black males are just more inclined to criminality"

Totally not racist, Herr Red.
The actual post:
It's been my experience that blacks have just as much distrust of blacks as whites do. A black female accidentally gave me a $50 when she thought she gave me a $20 for a $17 cab ride and told me to keep the change. When I asked her if she knew she had given me a $50, she was very grateful. She then told me that no black man would ever have done that. So the attitude that black men are worthy of fear and distrust is not limited to "whitey". Many claim that the high incarceration rates of black males proves the courts are biased. The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality. I believe this has nothing to do with their skin color, but is culturally and politically based. Frankly, if you choose to dress like a gangsta, you are choosing to be treated like a gangsta. If you choose to dress like a harlot, you choose to treated like a harlot.
Totally not you trying to falsely smear me.