Riots in Baltimore

No they did not, they reported :
Freddie Gray, whose death triggered Monday’s rioting in Baltimore, may have intentionally tried to injure himself in a police van, according to another prisoner in the vehicle, the Washington Post reported late Wednesday night.

I'm going to throw it out there that is it not feasible that he may have rammed the side of the van similar to spearing in football? IF , and that's a big IF he was trying to do so?

On Friday, state prosecutors said that they had probable cause to file homicide, manslaughter and misconduct charges against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray. Marilyn J. Mosby, the state’s attorney in Baltimore, described a sequence of events that differed significantly from the police.

It's ok man, I'm usually always right.
This is the best and IMO, the most objective article I have yet seen regarding the situation in Baltimore.

Finally, the War on Drugs created a black market alternative to legal work for poor black men underserved by bad schools. Frankly, The Wire explained this dynamic better than any academic analysis.

Racism is too simplistic an explanation for all of this, as is an idea that “it’s complicated” where what’s really meant is “complicated racism.” Welfare was opened up by liberals who thought they were doing black people a favor, often at the behest of black protesters. The Rockefeller drug laws that ended up penalizing crack over powdered cocaine were supported by black Congress members.

To wonder why, oh why, whites see blacks as violent rings a little hollow at times like these.
History is messy. But we live in the present and what poor black Baltimoreans see is abuse. The War on Drugs assigns cops to black neighborhoods where, inevitably, encounters tend to be surly and often violent. A vicious cycle starts. What a poor black Baltimorean knows in 2015, what we all know in 2015, is that something needs to change.
You found that fucking bullshit to be objective? How stupid. I bet you think it's objective to say violence is not the answer. I bet you think that the woman who beat her son on live television did it because she was angry at him for rioting. Ignoring the voiceless rioters is not being objective. It's being an ignorant ass hole with a stupid ass opinion because you don't have to fear for your life at the mere sight of a cop.
You found that fucking bullshit to be objective? How stupid. I bet you think it's objective to say violence is not the answer. I bet you think that the woman who beat her son on live television did it because she was angry at him for rioting. Ignoring the voiceless rioters is not being objective. It's being an ignorant ass hole with a stupid ass opinion because you don't have to fear for your life at the mere sight of a cop.

Seems to me that you did not read the piece...oh yea...TLDR...your lazy calling card.
How convenient, and resultantly pathetic...
Butch up and read the piece.
Nahh, you do not want to do that, it might open your closed eyes...can't have that!
Continue to post your ignorance blindly and buttress my point. Well done.
You found that fucking bullshit to be objective? How stupid. I bet you think it's objective to say violence is not the answer. I bet you think that the woman who beat her son on live television did it because she was angry at him for rioting. Ignoring the voiceless rioters is not being objective. It's being an ignorant ass hole with a stupid ass opinion because you don't have to fear for your life at the mere sight of a cop.

See because you did not bother to read the piece you missed this...

Excerpt from---

But history is messy. What we have is the present. And in that present, one simple thing is imperative: America must de-escalate the persistent tensions between cops and young black men. The easiest and most sensible way to do that is to interrupt the foolish War on Drugs. The gradual easing of laws against marijuana sale and purchase are a start. The tenor of black America’s response to cops murdering black men should be a spur to going further.

If one generation of black men grew up without thinking of the cops as the enemy, black America would be a new place making the best of a bad hand, and we would finally start getting past the current tiresome and troubling situation.
I don't see how that can happen, cops treat average citizens as the enemy, so what do they expect?
His problem is that he thinks black people need to adapt and change and catch up to society. He is intent on focusing on the war on drugs, which no doubt is disgraceful but ignores systematic oppression. The epitome of privilege is to be ignorant of the struggle for equality by the marginalized.
I did in fact, and I saw absolutely no indication of it being informed of what is actually going on and what the residents of Baltimore are active for.

If you don't see the connection between the war on drugs and the problems in the black community, then you are only half as witted as you pretend to be.
If you don't see the connection between the war on drugs and the problems in the black community, then you are only half as witted as you pretend to be.

You're basically calling all black people drug addicts and ignoring the problem of police brutality. I never denied that black people are targeted specifically and discriminantly by the drug laws but the problems in Baltimore have more to do with systematic racism and police impunity in brutality against black people than drug laws. Your attempts to distort my arguments are as tenuous as your understanding of the concerns of the communities in Baltimore and Ferguson.
If you don't see the connection between the war on drugs and the problems in the black community, then you are only half as witted as you pretend to be.

blacks smoke pot at the same fucking rate as whites but get arrested 4 times more often for doing so.

please explain that. also, please explain why you joined a white supremacy group.
Compromise ! How the hell do you compromise with police ? The way i compromise is pray they dont kill me at every interaction.

Every compromised with a bully to keep from getting your ass kicked , it dont work you have to bash the fuck out of them , thats what they understand .

Burn that shit down & snipe the shit out of the cops , after enough of them bleed maybe they'll loose their taste for violence against citizens .

I totally agree, I lived in that area of BMORE for about a year and the DC metro area also... The cops are completely brutal when arresting people, they take joy in roughing you up the minute you're in cuffs. Once you're on the ground in cuffs, the put their boots on your head and grind your face into the pavement. They kneel on your back with all their weight- just for the power trip and adrenaline rush to get out of it. It doesn't matter what color you are, I'm white and they've done it to me many times. If you dare say a word to them about the cuffs or anything else they use that as an excuse to rough you up even more! Ask for medical attention is like pissing in the wind, these corrupt cops will just laugh right in your face.

Thank God for people filming these incidents, I hope more and more videos come out during this long hot summer and more cities are burned down so America can wake the fuck up and realize that a majority of American Police are completely out-of-control, abuse their power on a daily basis, and are a thousand times more corrupt than the average citizen. They are NOT "just doing their job". They have a "arrest quotas" to meet, if they don't arrest enough people they will get in trouble with the boss, literally!

Here below is an incident from last year in the DMV of a person with their hands in the air getting murdered by a deranged officer. All the officers on the scene said it was cold blooded murder. Officer Torres earlier that morning himself had a complete meltdown with his boss over a fight with his wife.

I'm perfectly happy watching police cars get burned down, buildings set ablaze, officers beaten, sniped out, and all that other good shit. So many sheltered Americans justtttt donnnnn't get it.... Try to get out more often and see the real world.
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