Riots in Baltimore

Final analysis: Freddie sees cop who knows him and knows he has 4 warrants outstanding, runs. Gets caught and gets dragged to wagon, screaming "the cuffs", gets placed up on load ramp/bumper, stands on his own, tosses himself around and gets his spine broke. End of story.

i'm sure none of this detailed analysis is influenced in any way by your white supremacist beliefs and biases.
Compromise ! How the hell do you compromise with police ? The way i compromise is pray they dont kill me at every interaction.

Every compromised with a bully to keep from getting your ass kicked , it dont work you have to bash the fuck out of them , thats what they understand .

Burn that shit down & snipe the shit out of the cops , after enough of them bleed maybe they'll loose their taste for violence against citizens .

Compromise to bring change to the justice system as a whole via new laws , not compromise with the police. They have to do what they are told. I mean changing the whole prison system, setting free nonviolent drug offenders and such. Overhauling plea deals, prosecution procedures and so forth.
How very inclusive of you.

i don't know, something about an avatar of a man who wants to deport children who were brought here through no fault of their own and graduated college or served in the military, sending them to a land they've never known and a language they've never spoken, with the date of the white power marches plastered right above seems slightly less inclusive than trolling a dumbass.
I don't get it see4, Where in that vid did they say for fact that his injury was self-inflicted? Give me the minute/second. look at the end of the video @2:24,notice Freddie standing on the bumper? Can a severed spine do that? Just sayin. We got to wait for the autopsy. And my theory still stands. How do you know he couldn't gain enough momentum to hurt himself? Do we have to bring out the Newton laws now?
I'm in no w ay supporting the cops in this case , just saying to wait.

You play word games. I am also saying to wait. But the evidence is not in favor of the police department, and I am merely perpetuating the fact that it is nearly impossible for someone in Freddie's scenario to severe their own fucking spine inside a moving fucking van.

"Give me the minute/second. look at the end of the video @2:24,notice Freddie standing on the bumper? Can a severed spine do that?" -- It is possible to have a spinal cord injury and still have some use of limbs. But again, you are straying from the point.

"How do you know he couldn't gain enough momentum to hurt himself?" -- Seriously? He was restrained inside a van. Think about what you are asking for just one second. Stop being so feeble minded; if that's even possible.

Yes, please explain to all of us how Newton's Law pertains to a 25 year old kid gaining enough momentum inside a moving van, while restrained, so that he is able to severe his own fucking spine. Please, enlighten us all.

Yes, please explain to all of us how Newton's Law pertains to a 25 year old kid gaining enough momentum inside a moving van, while restrained, so that he is able to severe his own fucking spine. Please, enlighten us all.


The release of autopsy and investigation will do that. Not real hard though: by falling. I will enlighten just a little: look up area of an impact. You are just too emotional so let's just end it. Out here
i don't know, something about an avatar of a man who wants to deport children who were brought here through no fault of their own and graduated college or served in the military, sending them to a land they've never known and a language they've never spoken, with the date of the white power marches plastered right above seems slightly less inclusive than trolling a dumbass.
Based on the bud that bravedave has grown in his first year growing, he is clearly smarter than me! But I've already admitted to being a dipshit moron...

You seem like a good person in terms of the causes you support but for me putting a racist label on someone just for sport is just as bad as being a racist.
Based on the bud that bravedave has grown in his first year growing, he is clearly smarter than me! But I've already admitted to being a dipshit moron...

............. putting a racist label on someone just for sport is just as bad as being a racist.

He is the black me.
Based on the bud that bravedave has grown in his first year growing, he is clearly smarter than me! But I've already admitted to being a dipshit moron...

You seem like a good person in terms of the causes you support but for me putting a racist label on someone just for sport is just as bad as being a racist.

i never put that label on him, i just asked him what was up with his white power avatar, because that's what it was.

never called the guy a racist.
i never put that label on him, i just asked him what was up with his white power avatar, because that's what it was.

never called the guy a racist.
So what percentage of the folks you either label as racist or imply are racist do you really believe are racist? Is implying someone is racist when you know they are not, not really a big deal? Would you do that to someone in a bar or is it only an online thing?
So what percentage of the folks you either label as racist or imply are racist do you really believe are racist? Is implying someone is racist when you know they are not, not really a big deal? Would you do that to someone in a bar or is it only an online thing?

i have only ever called one person racist without the evidence to support my assertion, @SirGreenThumb .

and yeah, that guy turned out to be as bad as they get.
i have only ever called one person racist without the evidence to support my assertion, @SirGreenThumb .

and yeah, that guy turned out to be as bad as they get.
