Riots in Baltimore


"trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both
enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust
associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior."


Dude is mentally ill. No doubt about it.


"trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both
enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust
associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior."


Dude is mentally ill. No doubt about it.


i am more than proud to get called out by shitstains like tubepot, glaucoma, and bravedave (and burgeoning idiot bugeye).

if i am not earning the derision of people like them, then i'd have to rview my entire political philosophy.

i just wish they would save some of that derision for people like uncleben or desert dude instead of giving them likes on their racist jokes and conspiracy theories about how abundant melanin leads to worse governance.
i am more than proud to get called out by shitstains like tubepot, glaucoma, and bravedave (and burgeoning idiot bugeye).

if i am not earning the derision of people like them, then i'd have to rview my entire political philosophy.

i just wish they would save some of that derision for people like uncleben or desert dude instead of giving them likes on their racist jokes and conspiracy theories about how abundant melanin leads to worse governance.

The triarchic model, formulated by Christopher J. Patrick et al., suggests that different conceptions of psychopathy emphasize three observable characteristics to varying degrees. Analyses have been made with respect to the applicability of measurement tools such as the Psychopathy Checklist(PCL, PCL-R) and Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) to this model.[1][7]

  • Boldness. Low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness. The PCL-R measures this relatively poorly and mainly through Facet 1 of Factor 1. Similar to PPI Fearless dominance. May correspond to differences in theamygdala and other neurological systems associated with fear.[1][7]
  • Disinhibition. Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints. Similar to PCL-R Factor 2 and PPI Impulsive antisociality. May correspond to impairments in frontal lobe systems that are involved in such control.[1][7]
  • Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitativetendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking. The PCL-R in general is related to this but in particular some elements in Factor 1. Similar to PPI Coldheartedness but also includes elements of subscales in Impulsive antisociality. Meanness may possibly be caused by either high boldness or high disinhibition combined with an adverse environment. A child with high boldness may respond poorly to punishment but may respond better to rewards and secure attachments which may not be available under adverse conditions. A child with high disinhibition may have increased problems under adverse conditions with meanness developing in response.[1][7]

Check, check.. and check.
sorry, but when you pretend not to see it, it makes you just as bad as the ones saying it.
Why would I pretend? You directing me to read jokes you deem racist is not going to happen. Sorry if your lack of control over me is annoying.
The triarchic model, formulated by Christopher J. Patrick et al., suggests that different conceptions of psychopathy emphasize three observable characteristics to varying degrees. Analyses have been made with respect to the applicability of measurement tools such as the Psychopathy Checklist(PCL, PCL-R) and Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) to this model.[1][7]

  • Boldness. Low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness. The PCL-R measures this relatively poorly and mainly through Facet 1 of Factor 1. Similar to PPI Fearless dominance. May correspond to differences in theamygdala and other neurological systems associated with fear.[1][7]
  • Disinhibition. Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints. Similar to PCL-R Factor 2 and PPI Impulsive antisociality. May correspond to impairments in frontal lobe systems that are involved in such control.[1][7]
  • Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitativetendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking. The PCL-R in general is related to this but in particular some elements in Factor 1. Similar to PPI Coldheartedness but also includes elements of subscales in Impulsive antisociality. Meanness may possibly be caused by either high boldness or high disinhibition combined with an adverse environment. A child with high boldness may respond poorly to punishment but may respond better to rewards and secure attachments which may not be available under adverse conditions. A child with high disinhibition may have increased problems under adverse conditions with meanness developing in response.[1][7]

Check, check.. and check.

yeah, but what do your studies have to say about people who think an abundance of melanin precludes proper governance?

nice people in your book?
Ending the drug war is a MAJOR first step in deflating government bloat. There is nothing inconsistent in those posts.

If politicians had nothing to sell, the lobbyists for monied interests would not be buying. AC's position, and Paddy whacker's (and maybe yours) is that we just need to pass laws to "tax the rich" and distribute the proceeds to the poor. How somebody can be so naive as to suggest life will be better if we just give more power to the political class that created a 500,000 page long tax code is beyond me.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child that illustrates the problem. She is bribed daily with $275,000/hour speaking fees. Any rational person would happily pay $15 to not have to hear her annoying drivel.
DD, The War on Drugs fit better to your point when you said that it was a major factor behind the current unrest in Baltimore. If you stuck to this point, you would get no argument from me. I think there are other factors behind the protests and the riots in Baltimore such as a long history of systemic racism in the police force and economic actions that drained Baltimore of industry, jobs and capital . You choose to ignore this, which is OK, at least IMO you are partially correct.

The diatribe that I was responding to is your expansion that somehow links the current unrest in Baltimore to the people trying to manage the situation after .industry, jobs and capital left the city. And by the way, industry, jobs and capital continue to be drained away to this day. The situation is spiraling downward yet you blame the people trying to patch the leaking boat instead of the boat owners. .

Somehow its important to you that the people left behind and trying to manage the situation are black...

Then you move on to carp about the tax code and ultimately Ms Clinton! This makes me wonder if you are just raving.on about all the things you don't like (SOCIALISTS!) regardless of the topic of the discussion.
yeah, but what do your studies have to say about people who think an abundance of melanin precludes proper governance?

nice people in your book?

I think it's ridiculous and doesn't even warrant a debate. What's your point?

Edit: Ohhh, I get it. Your point is that I'm racist.

I think it's ridiculous and doesn't even warrant a debate. What's your point?

Edit: Ohhh, I get it. Your point is that I'm racist.


well when you spend all your time trying to condemn me while giving a complete pass to the guy wo thinks an abundance of melanin prevents you from governing properly, then i really don't even have to wonder, do i?
Whatevs. I'm not really giving you and your imagination a lot of thought.

yeah, it's all just whatevs.

i just deem uncelben's jokes racist because i am being way too sensitive and all that goddamn political correctness, amirite?
yeah, it's all just whatevs.

i just deem uncelben's jokes racist because i am being way too sensitive and all that goddamn political correctness, amirite?
If there is something lower than whatevs, then it is closer to that. You confuse friendly with being friends. I can have a friendly conversation with most folks, but not you. So it goes.
i am more than proud to get called out by shitstains like tubepot, glaucoma, and bravedave (and burgeoning idiot bugeye).

if i am not earning the derision of people like them, then i'd have to rview my entire political philosophy.

i just wish they would save some of that derision for people like uncleben or desert dude instead of giving them likes on their racist jokes and conspiracy theories about how abundant melanin leads to worse governance.

And you didn't even mention me in your "list of hated members" diatribe?

Buck, face it. Deep inside, you respect me. Else I would be in your signature, or on your list of most-hateds.

So good Buck, we're progressing.
DD, The War on Drugs fit better to your point when you said that it was a major factor behind the current unrest in Baltimore. If you stuck to this point, you would get no argument from me. I think there are other factors behind the protests and the riots in Baltimore such as a long history of systemic racism in the police force and economic actions that drained Baltimore of industry, jobs and capital . You choose to ignore this, which is OK, at least IMO you are partially correct.

The diatribe that I was responding to is your expansion that somehow links the current unrest in Baltimore to the people trying to manage the situation after .industry, jobs and capital left the city. And by the way, industry, jobs and capital continue to be drained away to this day. The situation is spiraling downward yet you blame the people trying to patch the leaking boat instead of the boat owners. .

Somehow its important to you that the people left behind and trying to manage the situation are black...

Then you move on to carp about the tax code and ultimately Ms Clinton! This makes me wonder if you are just raving.on about all the things you don't like (SOCIALISTS!) regardless of the topic of the discussion.

Why do you think industry left the city? Baltimore has been under Democratic party rule for 50 years. I am constantly told here on RIU that Republicans are racists, and now you tell me that Democrats are systemically racist. So, everybody is racist, and the economic collapse of black society along with the cultural collapse of black society, just by mere coincidence, happens in lock step with the "Great Society" experiment? Does each morning's sunrise surprise you?

You should read Thomas Sowell, he has a much better and simpler explanation for these events.

Of course I carp about the tax code. It is a monstrosity. If you want to damage the cozy relationship between government and monied interests, that is the place to do it. Those $2.5 billion that Hillary gets will be repaid many times over via the tax code.
well when you spend all your time trying to condemn me while giving a complete pass to the guy wo thinks an abundance of melanin prevents you from governing properly, then i really don't even have to wonder, do i?

All of my time? LOL! Wow are you delusional.

So if any member here does not spend 10K posts per year condemning racists, they are racist.

Sounds legit.
yeah, it's all just whatevs.

i just deem uncelben's jokes racist because i am being way too sensitive and all that goddamn political correctness, amirite?

So I guess you condemn at least 90% of all comedians. You must REALLY hate Chris Rock.
There is a "most hated" list. I might unignore the turd-factory long enough to see that.

I am first on the list, right? :-)
Quite the meltdown, Uncle Puke. I have concluded that you actually own this site

Wow , i never thought the truth would come out , the post that dissapeared where Unclebuck signed the post as rollitup finally brings the truth out , too bad he didnt delete the quote that was made of his signature being rollitup the admin in post # 249 .

If he is not the Admin rollitup then signing his post quoted in post 249 using the #1 admins name should be a bannable offense , at the very least some form of discipline should be administered .

i don't know anything about bravedave besides the fact that he is easy to rile and comes off as a major dipshit. and i got permission from the top to troll him after he pissed the wrong person off.

So you have discussions with staff about who your gonna troll the fuck out of , then your UB account exacts reveng for pissing the wrong staff member off ! What a crock of shit & an absolute abuse of power & privilege.

I cant wait to see the damage control over the shit you posted in this thread .

It'll be a miracle if my account isnt added to the " Miserable User " program permenantly where i cant log in or post after saying what tons of members allready think .
Wow , i never thought the truth would come out , the post that dissapeared where Unclebuck signed the post as rollitup finally brings the truth out , too bad he didnt delete the quote that was made of his signature being rollitup the admin in post # 249 .

If he is not the Admin rollitup then signing his post quoted in post 249 using the #1 admins name should be a bannable offense , at the very least some form of discipline should be administered .

So you have discussions with staff about who your gonna troll the fuck out of , then your UB account exacts reveng for pissing the wrong staff member off ! What a crock of shit & an absolute abuse of power & privilege.

I cant wait to see the damage control over the shit you posted in this thread .

It'll be a miracle if my account isnt added to the " Miserable User " program permenantly where i cant log in or post after saying what tons of members allready think .

I think you are right and have thought that since at least February.