Riots in Baltimore

Why do you think industry left the city? Baltimore has been under Democratic party rule for 50 years. I am constantly told here on RIU that Republicans are racists, and now you tell me that Democrats are systemically racist. So, everybody is racist, and the economic collapse of black society along with the cultural collapse of black society, just by mere coincidence, happens in lock step with the "Great Society" experiment? Does each morning's sunrise surprise you?

You should read Thomas Sowell, he has a much better and simpler explanation for these events.

Of course I carp about the tax code. It is a monstrosity. If you want to damage the cozy relationship between government and monied interests, that is the place to do it. Those $2.5 billion that Hillary gets will be repaid many times over via the tax code.
Man, you jumped to everybody's racist pretty quick. You were exaggerating to make a point, which is fine but still, I don't agree with you. There isn't an economic collapse of the BLACK society, there is an economic collapse of the US taking place. There isn't a cultural collapse of BLACK society, there is a cultural collapse of the US taking place. You put a racial spin on it but the decline in wages for most of the people in this country is the the tap root of all the unrest. Police brutality is being used to control the situation but the pot continues to boil.

Not just Baltimore but across the country our economy is being hollowed out by the same big money interests that treat the Republican party as their clubhouse, and own a big piece of Democratic party as well. The decline of prosperity in the US tracks with the decline in wages of the middle and working classes. Social services for the poor has been cut, cut and cut again over the past 30 or so years, starting with the most revered Republican president, Reagan but continued through the Clinton years as well.

By your measure, poor black people in the US should be doing great -- after all, we've been cutting social services to the poor for decades.
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Man, you jumped to everybody's racist pretty quick. You were exaggerating to make a point, which is fine but still, I don't agree with you. There isn't an economic collapse of the BLACK society, there is an economic collapse of the US taking place. There isn't a cultural collapse of BLACK society, there is a cultural collapse of the US taking place. You put a racial spin on it but the decline in wages for most of the people in this country is the the tap root of all the unrest. Police brutality is being used to control the situation but the pot continues to boil.

Not just Baltimore but across the country our economy is being hollowed out by the same big money interests that treat the Republican party as their clubhouse, and own a big piece of Democratic party as wekk. The decline of prosperity in the US tracks with the decline in wages of the middle and working classes. Social services for the poor has been cut, cut and cut again over the past 30 or so years, starting with the most revered Republican president, Reagan but continued through the Clinton years as well.

By your measure, black people in the US should be doing great -- after all, we've been cutting social services to them for decades.
Just out of curiosity, what is your information source and what are the budget areas that you define as social services?
If this is any indication of what might happen when the US dollar collapses,,,, God have mercy on all Americans Cause its going to get ugly
I was surprised at how the general public had no respect for the police and carried on there Riots ,
On another note it was wise to stand down once the National guard came in,, But who would be stupid not to ...
Specially now dealing with people that would of killed any man women or child that posed a threat
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Just out of curiosity, what is your information source and what are the budget areas that you define as social services?
Thanks @Bugeye for the challenge. I think its fair to ask. And was a bit nervous that I couldn't provide, but here it is:

Spending Categories that I was calling "social service spending" are: unemployment, medical, food assistance, rent assistance. This report calls them welfare spending.

Here is one link:

and one chart from the link:


Its a bumpy chart but the overall spend on welfare has declined from 3% GDP to 2.5%. It doesn't sound like much but this represents about 17% decline in spending to a group of people that had little to begin with. One thing that I don't know but suspect is that the number of people needing assistance has grown over the same period that the overall spend has declined.
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Thanks @Bugeye for the challenge. I think its fair to ask. And was a bit nervous that I couldn't provide, but here it is:

Spending Categories that I was calling "social service spending" are: unemployment, medical, food assistance, rent assistance. This report calls them welfare spending.

Here is one link:

and one chart from the link:


Its a bumpy chart but the overall spend on welfare has declined from 3% GDP to 2.5%. It doesn't sound like much but this represents about 17% decline in spending to a group of people that had little to begin with. One thing that I don't know but suspect is that the number of people needing assistance has grown over the same period that the overall spend has declined.
Thanks! Interesting data, I appreciate the definition as well.
Man, you jumped to everybody's racist pretty quick. You were exaggerating to make a point, which is fine but still, I don't agree with you. There isn't an economic collapse of the BLACK society, there is an economic collapse of the US taking place. There isn't a cultural collapse of BLACK society, there is a cultural collapse of the US taking place. You put a racial spin on it but the decline in wages for most of the people in this country is the the tap root of all the unrest. Police brutality is being used to control the situation but the pot continues to boil.

Not just Baltimore but across the country our economy is being hollowed out by the same big money interests that treat the Republican party as their clubhouse, and own a big piece of Democratic party as well. The decline of prosperity in the US tracks with the decline in wages of the middle and working classes. Social services for the poor has been cut, cut and cut again over the past 30 or so years, starting with the most revered Republican president, Reagan but continued through the Clinton years as well.

By your measure, poor black people in the US should be doing great -- after all, we've been cutting social services to the poor for decades.

You made the systemic racism claim. I responded to that.
If there is something lower than whatevs, then it is closer to that. You confuse friendly with being friends. I can have a friendly conversation with most folks, but not you. So it goes.

i find it difficult to have friendly conversation with anyone who sees a barrage of uber-racist jokes and claims they are simply jokes i "deem to be racist".

it's a pretty telling statement to make.
All of my time? LOL! Wow are you delusional.

So if any member here does not spend 10K posts per year condemning racists, they are racist.

Sounds legit.

you reserve your condemnation for those speaking out against racism rather than those making the racist statements.


yeah, i bet.

seen too many idiots like you to write it off anymore.
Wow , i never thought the truth would come out , the post that dissapeared where Unclebuck signed the post as rollitup finally brings the truth out , too bad he didnt delete the quote that was made of his signature being rollitup the admin in post # 249 .

If he is not the Admin rollitup then signing his post quoted in post 249 using the #1 admins name should be a bannable offense , at the very least some form of discipline should be administered .

So you have discussions with staff about who your gonna troll the fuck out of , then your UB account exacts reveng for pissing the wrong staff member off ! What a crock of shit & an absolute abuse of power & privilege.

I cant wait to see the damage control over the shit you posted in this thread .

It'll be a miracle if my account isnt added to the " Miserable User " program permenantly where i cant log in or post after saying what tons of members allready think .
I think you are right and have thought that since at least February.

cool conspiracy theory.
you reserve your condemnation for those speaking out against racism rather than those making the racist statements.


yeah, i bet.

seen too many idiots like you to write it off anymore.

I speak out against you because your drivel is by far the most sickening thing on this website. It has nothing to do with your message, it's how you deliver it.

You even try to troll me when I say FOX news sucks. I'm pro-choice. I'm for civil liberty. I'm a minority. Did you catch my survey results? I'm left wing according to them.

Yet you see me as .. what? An inbred, white, slave owning aristocrat? Why? Because I disagreed with you once and got the best of you? And then did it again? In fact, I'm pretty sure you've resorted to nothing but complete lies nearly every time we engage. One time I had you up to what? 6 proven lies in one thread alone before you finally tucked tail and ran off?

Totally not mental illness.

your drivel is by far the most sickening thing on this website.

what about the guy who says paying children for sex is consensual or the other guy who after joining a white supremacy group says that abundance of melanin makes you unfit to govern?

I disagreed with you once and got the best of you? And then did it again? In fact, I'm pretty sure you've resorted to nothing but complete lies nearly every time we engage. One time I had you up to what? 6 proven lies in one thread alone before you finally tucked tail and ran off?

yep, you're a winner alright.
what about the guy who says paying children for sex is consensual or the other guy who after joining a white supremacy group says that abundance of melanin makes you unfit to govern?

Consent dude is arguing semantics. He knows it's not a good thing. How everybody else but you can recognize that is probably due to your mental illness.

I don't think I caught the 2nd one, but like I said previously for those who have the memory of a goldfish, it's a stupid claim that nobody believes. Not worth the effort.

How many disgusting posts have these people made?

How many disgusting posts have you made?

Yeah. Yours is the worst of it by every metric so far.
Shocking, I'm sure.

yep, you're a winner alright.

Especially when I "debate" with you.

Science and your poor (edit: and selective) memory are bitches when they out you, huh? I know it's one of your favorite tactics.
Consent dude is arguing semantics. He knows it's not a good thing. How everybody else but you can recognize that is probably due to your mental illness.

I don't think I caught the 2nd one, but like I said previously for those who have the memory of a goldfish, it's a stupid claim that nobody believes. Not worth the effort.

good job on excusing pedophilia and white supremacy!

i bet your parents are proud.