Riots in Baltimore

You are steering away from the original discussion that I put forth; which is, I am finding it very suspicious that a handcuffed individual was able to break there own back inside a moving van.

Let's take your football reference and dismantle that right quick. Players who injure themselves by "spear tackling" their opponent ALL have something in common. Do you know what that is? Momentum.

I still assert that there is virtually no way Freddie broke his own back.
I hear you can break your momma's back by stepping on a crack.

Agree, seems hard to believe he did it to himself.
According to new findings by the police department medical examiner:

Sources said the medical examiner found Gray's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

He broke his own neck and sustained blunt force trauma to the head matching a bolt found in the back of the van severe enough to cause his own death, on his own doing?

I have a bridge to sell you.
all the evidence indicates that that is certainly the case though. why would you even doubt that?

police brutality and racial profiling against blacks happens in every city across the united states.
Oh, sorry, I thought this was a political discussion. @mods - could you please move this topic to Toke N Talk?

No @BROBIE CNN is not saying "maybe", only Faux Noise. Even CNN is suspicious of what's going on.

It is quite clear the police did this and are now covering it up.
So you're cool if they burn YOUR shit down in a riot?

Not only would i be cool with it i welcome it , lets not act like these business that got wrecked didnt have insurance up the ass , their gonna get new buildings as well as compensation for lost business & product loss .

They could burn my shit to the ground & i'd roast weenies over the fire & smile knowing its all getting rebuilt , better , stronger & faster than before :)

Then my insurance company would apply pressure to the neck of the city to effect change .

No @BROBIE CNN is not saying "maybe", only Faux Noise. Even CNN is suspicious of what's going on.

It is quite clear the police did this and are now covering it up.

I don't get it see4, Where in that vid did they say for fact that his injury was self-inflicted? Give me the minute/second. look at the end of the video @2:24,notice Freddie standing on the bumper? Can a severed spine do that? Just sayin. We got to wait for the autopsy. And my theory still stands. How do you know he couldn't gain enough momentum to hurt himself? Do we have to bring out the Newton laws now?
I'm in no w ay supporting the cops in this case , just saying to wait.
I don't get it see4, Where in that vid did they say for fact that his injury was self-inflicted?

you just answered your own question before asking it. you clearly don't get it.

i will let see4 explain.

We got to wait for the autopsy.

that's been done already you dumbass.

you are making white people look so fucking stupid. please let smart whites like myself and see4 do the talking so you don't embarrass our race.

I'm in no w ay supporting the cops , just saying to wait.

you are so incredibly dumb.
you just answered your own question before asking it. you clearly don't get it.

i will let see4 explain.

that's been done already you dumbass.

you are making white people look so fucking stupid. please let smart whites like myself and see4 do the talking so you don't embarrass our race.

you are so incredibly dumb.
too funny. UB still handing people their asses.
you just answered your own question before asking it. you clearly don't get it.

i will let see4 explain.

that's been done already you dumbass.

you are making white people look so fucking stupid. please let smart whites like myself and see4 do the talking so you don't embarrass our race.

you are so incredibly dumb.

I love you too. Post the minute/second. Refute at 2:24 he isn't standing. You are the dumb one. Just like you can't say you support Al Sharpton. Pussy
Not only would i be cool with it i welcome it , lets not act like these business that got wrecked didnt have insurance up the ass , their gonna get new buildings as well as compensation for lost business & product loss .

They could burn my shit to the ground & i'd roast weenies over the fire & smile knowing its all getting rebuilt , better , stronger & faster than before :)

Then my insurance company would apply pressure to the neck of the city to effect change .
Then I respect your position!