Riots in Baltimore

Not surprised in the least. However I am disappointed in the judgement of the owner of RIU. It has been obvious to me for quite some time that UB receives special dispensation from on high.

A right wing member posting the type of juvenile vitriol UB specializes in would have been muzzled and shut down right out of the gate.

The brazenly ignored masthead---Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe.

UB ignores this without the slightest consequence and has flaunted his obvious immunity from the stated rules to the point of absurdity. He is the mouthpiece of management. This is clear.
This is pathetic and sad, as genuine adults can endure dissent without special favoritism which then protects them from opposing ideas.

I can only conclude that RIU is incapable of defending its left skewing ideology from any challenge and prefers not to even attempt a serious rebuttal to critics.
Name calling is intellectually dishonest and cowardly.
Default forfeiture underway for all to see.
This, of course ironically undermines the very reason UB is left off of any leash...LOL.

I am disappointed.
So be it.
Your house, you make and then selectively enforce the "rules".
I rebut your bullshit all the time.
Well done!

At least you are not as coarse and vulgar as UB...
Profanity is profound.

Post 99

You don't respond to well written arguments, rebutting your bullshit. So I use direct flippant comments like this since you do respond to those. Indeed, you seem to prefer bullshit and vulgarity.

Ok see4 i see your points so lets look at this objectively, if you or i were to make false statements about Sunni ,who is an admin, do you think we'd walk away unscathed ? Hell no she'd hammer us in public & if it happened again she'd slam us , or any member for that matter .

UB's many claims of having permission from " The Top Staff" to troll members hard are never publicly disclaimed by either admin or any global mod , they just dissapear into nowhere land , the top staff here is rollitup aka potroast & the avi that buck is currently sporting , coincidence?

The posts you make that dissapear are different in nature than his posts claiming he is working with approval of " Top Staff" , you never claim to have the blessing of Top Staff , a claim buck has made a dozen times , then the posts vanish & buck just keeps rolling along unscathed , another coincidence .

NO MEMBER IS ALLOWED TO LIE ABOUT OR ABUSE THE STAFF , That is a rule of this site so how come it dont apply to the buck profile ? He constantly claims to have permission from the top ,meaning rollitup/potroast yet we've never seen any backlash from his claims ,Just another coincidence ?

As for avi pics members have never been allowed to use another members personal face & body photo as their avi , never .

He breaks rules at will & makes claims he's operating in conjunction with top staff to troll members , uses the admins personal photo in his abusive troll posts & nothing is ever done to him , way too many issues to dismiss as coincidence.

You may be right pan. But I just don't see it. What I see is UB is praying on people's conspiracies, that's all.

All I can say is that the current "Top level" moderation, including sunni and GWN are a lot more fair than FDD ever was. He would shit on people and then ban them if they gave it back to him. It's one thing to be a non-moderating member and shit on people and claim whatever you want, it's an entirely different thing to have actual moderation power and abuse it. I don't think UB has that advantage as you claim. But again, I could be totally wrong.
Hey Panhead.

I was going to repost a message from rollitup that was in my inbox and now it is deleted. It was pretty foul mouthed kinda like what buck likes to post. So it made me wonder if it was buck, but I don't know for sure. Anyway it makes no sense to debate much on here anymore for me because of the corruption in management and the ability to cherry pick who gets to debate. And I am tired of the continued racist crap that is non stop on this site. I enjoyed are discussions about real life issues that I had with you awhile back until I got rolli/bucked..

Hey Nitro how's it hanging , you still dragging the Panhead ?

You are right , we did have some good normal discussions back before this section went to shit where everything is racism ,, its impossible to debate or discuss anything here anymore with the racism witch hunt happening , apparently im a bigot as well nowdays because i pointed out the muslim pratice of child marrige , an issue my wife has been highly involved in for 25 yrs so im a bigot :roll:

Next week i'll be a pedophile because i spoke out about the constant slander of Robroy :lol: , i posted the laughing head for me but for the other members who are trolled by buck with the blessing from top staff i want to post this face it pisses me off so bad :cuss:, staff is supposed to be impartial , not encourage hard core trolling , its been said by buck a dozen times that he is trolling members who pissed off top staff with no public denial by top staff , or any public admonishment for him making claims of collusion with top staff to troll members , now he's sporting the head top staff members picture as his avi ,what are we left to think , all coincidences & conspiracy theory :wall:

Im a pretty far left political thinker but i am not part of the bash o member clique cause their views are different than mine , i surely dont support collusion with top staff to shit on members .

I dont want to be banned or put on the Miserable User list permenantly but i cant sit back & watch this shit show going on without saying something , other members should speak out as well & all at the same time , whats happening here is wrong .