RIP Hostess

No shit, Sherlock. Revenue indicates viability of a product, though.

I don't disagree. Competition wasn't the lethal blow, though.

No it wasn't. Making your workers pay for management dumbshit totally IS the problem though.
Did the bosses offer to take a compensation cut due to poor management of assets?

Rhetorical question....
"For many years, it was based at 12 East Armour Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri. In 2009, after it emerged from a 2004 bankruptcy, the name was changed to Hostess Brands, Inc., and the headquarters moved to Irving, Texas.[SUP][4][/SUP] Hostess Brands, Inc., sought bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11, Title 11, United States Code again in January 2012.[SUP][5]"[/SUP]

Blow me with your union shit. Hostess has been in financial trouble since well before 2012! At one point a few years ago they announced "No more Wonder Bread" and people started sniveling. They were on borrowed money and borrowed time.

Oh yeah - blow me on the union shit. Guarantee you the CEO will walk away a super rich sonofabitch.
That's some funny shit. The "canine" teeth is a misnomer.Chimpanzees eat nearly all plants and gorillas eat all plants, yet their canines are huge. The point of canines is to allow us to slice apart plant stalks not tear meat.
You anti-union morons are, well, morons who obviously never worked a job that was dangerous and only the union made sure you weren't killed for fun. Read our history of labor in the US and how the "empire builders" were little more than ruthless killers. They may be dated now but unions are why pinheads who hate them enjoy a 40-hour week, overtime pay, holiday pay, severance pay (in some situations) and more. You fucking idiots that hate them probably think Rockefeller and Vanderbilt were swell fellows who treated all with respect and fairness. Dipshits. The kind of dipshits that bite the hand the fed you.
That's some funny shit. The "canine" teeth is a misnomer.Chimpanzees eat nearly all plants and gorillas eat all plants, yet their canines are huge. The point of canines is to allow us to slice apart plant stalks not tear meat.

so i'm not an omnivore?

you said "nearly". hehehe

lions be lovin' them some zebra. handpick your bullet points though. as you deny your existence as a meat eater.
If unions didn't exist, Disney wouldn't have put the racist Rastabout scene in Dumbo. "when we get paid we throw our pay away!" He was talking about lazy animator's union employees who cost him from making more films.
Yes nearly. A male will kill a small animal in a mating rage like Spock and give it to the female to pay her for sex. See, humans aren't the only prostitutes in the animal kingdom.
Unions were not created just out of idleness and nothing to do. And they didn't just "happen". People had to fight harder to get them than the rich bastards who fought tooth and nail against them. Many deaths, many families burned from crummy homes, many people literally run out of their home states. Now, only a moron would sit here today and smugly announce a union is bad and bad only. Actually an ignorant moron. I see we have a number of them here today and welcome them.
Unions were not created just out of idleness and nothing to do. And they didn't just "happen". People had to fight harder to get them than the rich bastards who fought tooth and nail against them. Many deaths, many families burned from crummy homes, many people literally run out of their home states. Now, only a moron would sit here today and smugly announce a union is bad and bad only. Actually an ignorant moron. I see we have a number of them here today and welcome them.
It's safe to say you're not suggesting Pinkerton is my new best friend?
Weekends, 40 hr weeks, holidays, safety, living wages, health care, retirement... thank a brother or sister.
I am a capitalist to the bone but unions didn't have anything to do with the demise of this POS company. Over a decade of rampant mismanagement combined with crap products, the quality/ingredients of which steadily deteriorated, is what did them in. And good riddance! May this be an omen that the days of obese Americans cramming chemical-sugar crap into their fat saggy faces is over. The local gas station actually had a basket of assorted fruits available for sale just last week. Bring it.
they already have a few buyers ready to purchase the products and put the into production.....pabst will purchase the product now that there is no union to deal with

to bad the union couldnt settle..18,500 people out of work..

Privately held Hostess filed for Chapter 11 protection in January, its second trip through bankruptcy court in less than a decade. The company cited increasing pension and medical costs for employees as one of the drivers behind its latest filing. Hostess contends workers must make concessions for it to exit bankruptcy and improve its financial position.

The company had warned it would file a motion in U.S. Bankruptcy Court to shut operations if enough workers didn't end a weeklong strike by 5 p.m. ET Thursday. On Friday, it followed through on that threat. and the union wanted more they get alot less
Yeah, too bad the union didnt take yet another pay cut. All the while management (thats a lost term here) got pay increases. I live 15 minutes from one of the factories in Maine. I know Hostess employees, believe me the employees got fucked while those at the top padded their wallets.

Wheres all the free market love here? Isnt it really the result of their products and mismanagement not being able to stay afloat? If the market supported their shit product and they ran the company with some common sense theyd still be in business.
No more frozen Twinkies?

Wtf guys?

Dumbo ears saves a load of shit companies but not delicious Hostess?
We told you "dems" what would happen, why it would happen, and now here it is happening.

Understand yet? Or still stuck in the fantasy of world utopia?