RIP Hostess

in my mind its for the greater good . .and i know that sounds socialist but i simply dont feel that way, some thing require control others dont its called finesse and if you cant apply it to each situation without bias then

dont have an opinion

the reason they went down was because they suck, plenty of well made confection that dont cause retardation and lethargy

and i could use the same analogue about hand guns and assault rifles . . . i use them correctly . . . .. .but others will not, there needs to be some regulations and if the business cant abide by the regulations and mkae a profit sounds like the problem sorted itself out

you want ho ho's make em yourself

you want a twinkie make it yourself

those confections and there products adn ingrediants were horrible products and only made to kill those who eat them as the company execs make money, i have no tears for hostass

Practically impossible. Part of the fell and dire appeal of Twinkies etc. was their ingredient list ... it reads like soft porn for food chemists.

I would also inquire as to which alternative snack foods you might recommend that scratch the itch but are "well-made". cn
No more frozen Twinkies?

Wtf guys?

Dumbo ears saves a load of shit companies but not delicious Hostess?
Some asshole in Texas will buy the Twinkie name and rights so they can keep deep frying the plugs at the Texas State Fair. After all Big Tex burned and Texas still is in mourning for him. They can't lose 2 icons in one year.
When the Hostess Wonder bakery closed yesterday in Alaska we lost the only wholesale bakery in the entire state. School districts are scrambling to buy hamburger buns. But the biggest school district has already contacted a smaller district that actually bakes their own (imagine that) and started dealing with them to supply. Additionally the demise of this corporate-funded behemoth will allow many smaller bakeries to actually get contracts and grow themselves!!!!!

Guarantee you within a year the supply will be there and then some. And the bread will be better!
Ryan, I use expeller pressed non-hydrogenated shortening in things like pie crusts and tortillas only. You can use sugar, flour and liquid in different ratios to make cakes and bread like baking. Healthy doesn't need be bland.Mine taste than Hostess.
"Mine taste than Hostess." Not trying to put you down, but "better than Hostess" is not a very high standard.
When the Hostess Wonder bakery closed yesterday in Alaska we lost the only wholesale bakery in the entire state. School districts are scrambling to buy hamburger buns. But the biggest school district has already contacted a smaller district that actually bakes their own (imagine that) and started dealing with them to supply. Additionally the demise of this corporate-funded behemoth will allow many smaller bakeries to actually get contracts and grow themselves!!!!!

Guarantee you within a year the supply will be there and then some. And the bread will be better!

I agree with everything you just said......The little guy will benefit from just might cost more....but the bread will more than likely be better........nitro...
That's some funny shit. The "canine" teeth is a misnomer.Chimpanzees eat nearly all plants and gorillas eat all plants, yet their canines are huge. The point of canines is to allow us to slice apart plant stalks not tear meat.
Chimpanzees and gorillas are omnivores. They eat meat whenever it's available.
Practically impossible. Part of the fell and dire appeal of Twinkies etc. was their ingredient list ... it reads like soft porn for food chemists.

I would also inquire as to which alternative snack foods you might recommend that scratch the itch but are "well-made". cn

bakers everywhere can reproduce much better confections . . . . .the local shops i can go to have multiple styles and techniques and are local and taste amazing, those are jobs and ones with purpose
bakers everywhere can reproduce much better confections . . . . .the local shops i can go to have multiple styles and techniques and are local and taste amazing, those are jobs and ones with purpose

I was thinking more in terms of national/regional brands, something I might recognize at my Safeway. I don't live in a locale where a baker could make a living.
We have Svenhard's here, but aiee they're pricy. Five-plus for a flat of Horns-A-Plenty. cn
Americans are bunch of self serving losers Herri

if i wanted a second job tomorrow and needed it i could get one and any american worried more about income then status of job could

how many jobs is worth polluting our bodies

obesity is jut now being accepted as a problem in UK

it sbeen a issue for americans for years

the audacity of companies that pollute our bodies with there filth is shocking

the economy is shit not because libs want shitty business's perpetuating there own demise gone , its fucked cause all of our trade and industry work has been moved over seas . . . .wtf

everyone gets lost in the sea of finger pointing

straight up, America is going down hill because every possible job has been outsourced to india or china, and fuck hostas fucking profiteers on our demise, if i had my way id hold them accountable as well as Mc D's for making products known to be bad for our bodies, fiscal responsibility translates to ethical responsibility in my mind

Nobody cares about your stupid war on obesity. If it is such a problem why don't you just not eat it and leave every one else alone to make their own choice. Just because you don't like something and that it is bad for an individual does not give you the right to call upon government to force companies to stop selling it and/or prevent people from buying it. If you're so worried about the "stupid" then stop sitting on your fat ass and educate them.

The amazing thing is you complaining about audacity of companies and finger pointing while you have the audacity to simultaneously participate in finger pointing. Sweet, bro.
so the chances of me being pestered and annoyed at a dinner party have doubled?

fuck you.

I had a situation like that. A friend of a friend. Started complaining as soon as he walked in the door. I set his chair in the backyard and told him it was all you can eat. He left. In a huff! The nerve.
unions are socialist......

I can agree with that. I'd say in a very real sense they are socialist in nature. IMO quite a few entities in this country are also similarly socialist in nature. Fire protection, Law enforcement, Public school systems, Highway systems, Social Security to name a few. Taxes fund entities that don't necessarily benefit those who were taxed. And that in itself is not a negative thing.
I had a situation like that. A friend of a friend. Started complaining as soon as he walked in the door. I set his chair in the backyard and told him it was all you can eat. He left. In a huff! The nerve.

That would have been doubly delicious if he was part of the Raw Food movement. Folks don't believe me when I say that I am one such as well. cn

I had a situation like that. A friend of a friend. Started complaining as soon as he walked in the door. I set his chair in the backyard and told him it was all you can eat. He left. In a huff! The nerve.

speaking of menonites, sounds like that fucker got shunned. we were planning on doing the same to our black sheep in the family at thanksgiving this year, giving him a table in the corner in another room.
That would have been doubly delicious if he was part of the Raw Food movement. Folks don't believe me when I say that I am one such as well. cn


He would have been stringy and tough. He looked like a dried out old corn husk. Vegans always look like they have one foot in the grave.

speaking of menonites, sounds like that fucker got shunned. we were planning on doing the same to our black sheep in the family at thanksgiving this year, giving him a table in the corner in another room.

Mormons are the best shunners on the planet. It's like the shunned don't exist. It's chilling. They might as well be ghosts.