Riu convention


Junior Creatologist

I dont know if this has already been discussed or not, and i wanna know what you guys think about this shit....

Michigan has the anne arbor hash bash, and there are other types of conventions and competitions in the united states for growers to get together and compare buds, grow tips, seeds, ect....

RIU should have a convention. We could set it up in neutral territory, where its not too hard for the majority to make it there, and we could do a similar thing to what anne arbor does. I mean, RIU has well ovr a couple thousand members, we could do it up real big if we wanted to!!! I think thats a BOMB ass idea, and it would give us all the oppurtunity to get to know each other, share strains, have rolling comps, bud comps, taste testings, the whole shebang!! an RIU Cannabis Cup would be the fuckin bomb - n we could do it annually...Just a thought im throwin out there. Im gonna post this is other sections of the forum, just so everyone can see it and voice their opinions.

I mean, everyone talks about how they wish they could shoot down to one of their fellow growers pads n burn one with them, well this would be a prime oppurtunity for us to do that shit, but on a grander scale, u know?? Lemme know what you guys think, and if everyone thinks its a good idea, we should definitely make it happen.

I actually have the perfect place for us to make it happen. Its an old hippie commune turned into a camping grounds with festivals every single weekend. Darkstar, phish, akoostik hookah, tommy chong, the other ones, rusted root, and a whole shitload of other famous groups, bands, and stoner celebrities go there annually for a place to kickit, smoke up, trip, n just fuckin party without havin to worry about the cops at all. Ill let people know what it is n where it is once i get a concensus on wether its a good idea, and let yall check out the website.

But seriously, think about it - i think it would be fuckin awesome, and the place we would be meeting is cop free, meaning we could bring as much bud as we wanted to bring, to sell, smoke, and just fuckin party on for an entire weekend.

get back to me guys - any admins or hosts message me and ill let you check out the place im talkin bout, and we could organize somethin for either this year or the beginning of next year(first fest of next year is on 420, but the campgrounds is open year round).

hit me back



Well-Known Member
There should be no further "discussion" on this. Just make it happen and I'm there.



Junior Creatologist
thats what im sayin man. It should go down sometime in the future. But seriously, as far as security goes and bein safe with our nuggets, i got the perfect place for it, and its cop free. Its an old hippie commune thats privately owned and the perimeter is fenced in, and they do concerts all the time and jamband festivals. I know that its hard not to be skeptical, but as soon as somethin like this convo gets more serious, ill let you guys know where im talkin bout n give u the link to the website for the campgrounds so you can check it out. I dont wanna let the cat outta the bag hella early, so well just leave it at that for now, but seriously, police is one thing that you DONT have to worry about at this place...


Junior Creatologist
LMAO nope, but if you bring your own theyll let you camp still. Cmon man, rough it, lol. bring a tent - it aint like youll be spendin much time in it, or even at your campsite for that matter. Probably spend more time networkin with hippies n stoners from all over the country cuz people come from EVERYWHERE to go the the festivals here. everyone ive talked to has told me that no matter where theyre from, they do not know of another place like this. bah, its cool tho, i aint gonna keep on goin on about it, you have to check it out for yourself to believe me anyways, lol.

This was just an idea, thats all. Im hoping that some of the vets in here are open minded and willing to believe that the word of a fellow RIU member is trustworthy n wouldn't put an idea out there that would put anybody at risk in any way at all. No worries guys, maybe some other time eh?



Well-Known Member
Actually I grew up roughing it.. I didn't have hydro, or plumbing where I lived until I was 16.. Personally I don't even like yuppie recreation anyway.. It was a joke, I think you missed it..


Well-Known Member
This is a great idea, I'm totally down for it. I'd love to be able to trade cuttings or seeds and meet up in a chill place with you all.

This is my first post after reading for the past couple of months, and I want to thank all the wonderful people on here that have helped me learn so much. Online is great with you all, in person would be even better.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to be able to trade cuttings or seeds and meet up in a chill place with you all.
That is precisely why its a bad idea.. Don't you think the police would love a good news story about how they dealt a severe blow to perhaps the largest marijuana growing 'conspiracy' in the world..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
How about when that stupid Fucker shows up that gave you bogus advice and killed your crop.. LMAO
This is such a bad idea in so many ways. You know the DEA would show up and be takeing names.


Junior Creatologist
I'll repeat myself one more time man, just for you. Go to www.nlqp.com
and look at the entire website - pictures, list of events, and everything else. Just by lookin at the pictures you will be able to tell whats up out there. www.nlqp.com

jesus christ dude. How many more people are gonna come in here and the other thread and say the EXACT same thing about the cops?? i dont fuckin get it. Ive said this shit 100 times already and ill say it one more time, just for you dude. The place that we would be meeting up is SECURE. its on privately owned land, and its one of those places that have on-grounds hippie festivals every single weekend. Do you honestly think that if a cop is there, hes gonna be worried about some fuckin weed growers?? let alone the fact that in most states, growing on a reasonably small scale(by small scale i mean somethin like 25 plants n under) is a WAY less serious crime than traffiking, im pretty sure that the cops would be a little more worried about the other shit being sold around the campgrounds during a hippie fest.


Such as: acid, peyote/mescaline barrels, extacy, mushrooms, Dmt, heroin, coke, pharmaceuticals, n pretty much every other drug under the sun. Pot is the LAST thing thats ever gonna be on some fuckin cops mind at a place like the one im talkin bout - but to be honest, there AINT a place like the one im talkin about anywhere else in america.


Now, just so were alllll on the same page, i just wanna clarify two things. 1:- Obviously this thing aint happenin. It was a good idea, but too many people on here either A: dont understand what the hell im talkin about, or B: are too paranoid about their 10-20 plant setup that they think that shit is gonna get busted up because someone is gonna tell the nationwide DEA that the one person on RIU with the largest small scale op is gonna be there.

2:- If this thing WERE to ever go down, i want you to check out the ENTIRE website - www.nlqp.com . The events that they have there are off the fuckin chain amazing, and just take a look at the pictures from each event and you can tell just by lookin the type of people that go there every weekend. Now, just so nobody thinks that this place is like a drug paradise, i need to tell you guys that its NOT. the owners are trying to make it a family friendly place because its pretty much always a peaceful place to hang out/swim/ hike during the day.


At night its a different story, cuz its a straight up party all weekend long, n once the sun goes down, nobody can tell one person from the other without a flashlight once your in the woods walkin through the trails, n whatever happens back there as far as drug use and transactions go, is pretty much fair game for everyone.


In the entire time ive been going there, which is about 8 years, i have never seen anybody get busted there for drugs ever. Not once. and ive seen some fuckin SHIT go down out there. You guys can all be skeptical til the cows come home, but the bottom line is, none of you have ever been to this place except one or two people, and you just dont understand how safe this place is for people like us. Its IDEAL for people like us.


Like i said though, this shit wont ever happen, cuz nobody is willing to realize that weed smokers, n small n medium scale growers arent on the cops lists of people to fuck over. They got way better things to do than fuck with us. And even if they dont got better shit to do, they would have to pick a different time to do it, cuz nobody would get busted at the ledges. period.




Well-Known Member
Anyone here got any ties to a Native American Reservation? :) It would be fun, but I can just see the DEA "Bob Smith" check....



Junior Creatologist
lol, its alllllllllllllll good. Not ready for a big convention no doubt. But i like the idea of small get togethers though from state to state. Should definitely start doin that shit, n build a repor with each other, so the next time someone suggests this people actually know whats up n believe the person whos suggesting it, LOL.

At any rate, no worries. Maybe some other time - till then though, im down to meet up on a smaller scale, n trade nugs, n tips, n in my case BBQ recipes.....I get some mean ass ribs goin on when i get on the grill. Make my own bbq rub n sauce too ;)