RIU Suicide....Ask an Ex-Cop Anything.

Who is this guy?

  • He's a narc.

    Votes: 44 34.1%
  • He's a stoner.

    Votes: 32 24.8%
  • He's a troll.

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • He just wants to try to help us ALL get along.(No Rodney King pun intended)

    Votes: 41 31.8%

  • Total voters
get back on topic please , take it to PM if you got issues with eachother

I hope this wasn't directed at me, I asked an on topic and legitimate question, that I think is actually very important. I know that we don't belong in positions that put us in power over others.

There are many individuals working for many government agencies in the U.S. who would probably not even pass your screening process.

And those individuals are a detriment to those employed around them.

Most of the time, no. When I had clearance, I had to PASS a lie detector. That means I had to fail certain questions, meaning I had to demonstrate remorse at lying. That's not easy, and only very high functioning socios can do it. Only in 2 places can BASPD and ASPD that aren't true high functioning get jobs: elected, and police. (Even the military, for an MOS of say End Point Termination Specialist requires that a person pass multiple tests, designed to be aced only by high functioning socios...)

wait until 'privatization' grows more popular, they have their own screening process (not open to public review)...........think Blackwater.......

Hey sarg, I'll agree with ya' here. I've been in a CCA prison, did a year in that shit hole, started a riot to get transferred back to max. It was better in Max then in a minimum "private" prison.

I asked a serious question though, and I've received no reply from either you or the LEO that started this thread. I'm very curious -- what do YOU say should happen to COs that beat inmates? No matter what the inmate said he'd do to the COs mommy or daughter or puppy... And, I met more psychopathic COs than inmates, in my 8 years in prison, from supermax to minimum. Do you think they should be fired if it's demonstrated that they exhibit psychopathic tendencies?

oooops wrong thread for me :eyesmoke:

Maybe me too. Are my questions really that offensive? I frequently ask questions just like this one, and rarely get responses...
I hope this wasn't directed at me, I asked an on topic and legitimate question, that I think is actually very important. I know that we don't belong in positions that put us in power over others.

Most of the time, no. When I had clearance, I had to PASS a lie detector. That means I had to fail certain questions, meaning I had to demonstrate remorse at lying. That's not easy, and only very high functioning socios can do it. Only in 2 places can BASPD and ASPD that aren't true high functioning get jobs: elected, and police. (Even the military, for an MOS of say End Point Termination Specialist requires that a person pass multiple tests, designed to be aced only by high functioning socios...)

Hey sarg, I'll agree with ya' here. I've been in a CCA prison, did a year in that shit hole, started a riot to get transferred back to max. It was better in Max then in a minimum "private" prison.

I asked a serious question though, and I've received no reply from either you or the LEO that started this thread. I'm very curious -- what do YOU say should happen to COs that beat inmates? No matter what the inmate said he'd do to the COs mommy or daughter or puppy... And, I met more psychopathic COs than inmates, in my 8 years in prison, from supermax to minimum. Do you think they should be fired if it's demonstrated that they exhibit psychopathic tendencies?

Maybe me too. Are my questions really that offensive? I frequently ask questions just like this one, and rarely get responses...
EX-LEO thankyouverymuch. I just got hired on FT at my job starting this week. Been kinda busy. Will answer soon.
Would you support testing officers for Axis II Personality disorders, and immediately barring from employment any found with severe spectrum cases?

Also, why don't police, who claim to be all about law and order, and protecting the good people of the world, why don't they get behind measures to enforce maximum penalties, automatically, if a police is found to be committing a crime? (And, by committing a crime, I mean police brutality, and shooting suspects when options exist, as well as extortion, bribery, etc.)
I support the testing but then the question comes as to what is considered "severe". As for why they don't support maximum penalties, would you if the penalties may be aimed at you?
My son in law is a cop.
He literally drives 100 mph almost everywhere he goes - when he gets pulled over he flips his badge and always walks away unscathed due to "Professional Courtesy".

In other words cops literally allowing other cops to break the law.

Some Bullshit there !
IME, MOST view that "professional courtesy" as a required thing for someone who will kill to cover your back. Kinda a "closed society" kind of thing.
So do you have a "get-out-of-jail-free" card? Did you smoke while on the force? And do cops really like doughnuts all so much ? The questions that really count :confused::rolleyes:
1) Not any more lol. 2) No. Too much to lose. 3) Not all like donuts but there is something to be said for ordering food that was prepared BEFORE they knew you were a cop.
I hope this wasn't directed at me, I asked an on topic and legitimate question, that I think is actually very important. I know that we don't belong in positions that put us in power over others.

Most of the time, no. When I had clearance, I had to PASS a lie detector. That means I had to fail certain questions, meaning I had to demonstrate remorse at lying. That's not easy, and only very high functioning socios can do it. Only in 2 places can BASPD and ASPD that aren't true high functioning get jobs: elected, and police. (Even the military, for an MOS of say End Point Termination Specialist requires that a person pass multiple tests, designed to be aced only by high functioning socios...)

Hey sarg, I'll agree with ya' here. I've been in a CCA prison, did a year in that shit hole, started a riot to get transferred back to max. It was better in Max then in a minimum "private" prison.

I asked a serious question though, and I've received no reply from either you or the LEO that started this thread. I'm very curious -- what do YOU say should happen to COs that beat inmates? No matter what the inmate said he'd do to the COs mommy or daughter or puppy... And, I met more psychopathic COs than inmates, in my 8 years in prison, from supermax to minimum. Do you think they should be fired if it's demonstrated that they exhibit psychopathic tendencies?

Maybe me too. Are my questions really that offensive? I frequently ask questions just like this one, and rarely get responses...
abuse of power is never acceptable, under any circumstance......CO's should be fired & charged with assault..........the inmate that stabbed me for no reason & almost killed me, got 10 years added to his sentence, and transferred to a supermax.....just in case you were gonna ask.......
I support the testing but then the question comes as to what is considered "severe". As for why they don't support maximum penalties, would you if the penalties may be aimed at you?

Of course I do, and would support maximum penalties for breaching the law ... If I'd sworn to uphold it. I took my oath to the other side of the coin... We've become more and more common. 1 in 20 is "on the scale" for ASPD. A genetic difference, not a personality disorder, at this point. We can still fool lie detectors, and most psych. tests. Problem is we don't understand things like "just enough." That (and the lack of empathy) are the very reasons we shouldn't be allowed to be cops. And, how severe would "severe" be? Well, higher than "high functioning" on the scale (meaning less ability to appropriately interact.)

As for BASPD ... There's no minimum acceptable level. They are broken people, no longer human, but not quite emotionless. They are very dangerous, and diagnosis is quite simple.

IME, MOST view that "professional courtesy" as a required thing for someone who will kill to cover your back. Kinda a "closed society" kind of thing.

That's the kind of bullshit justification that keeps the PR down on the police. Too much professional courtesy... Dirty is dirty. Whether it's waiving off a ticket as a professional courtesy, or dissecting hookers in your spare time. It IS black and white. There is NO grey. They've sworn to uphold the law, any infraction is a breach of their promise to us.

EDIT: And, I apologize if I appear to have been rushing you. I was more commenting on a certain guard ignoring questions or comments that may have been uncomfortable, but responding nonetheless. I'll admit, a lot of my questions are awkward. I'm piecing together my human puzzle, and RIU is helping a lot!
Of course I do, and would support maximum penalties for breaching the law ... If I'd sworn to uphold it. I took my oath to the other side of the coin... We've become more and more common. 1 in 20 is "on the scale" for ASPD. A genetic difference, not a personality disorder, at this point. We can still fool lie detectors, and most psych. tests. Problem is we don't understand things like "just enough." That (and the lack of empathy) are the very reasons we shouldn't be allowed to be cops. And, how severe would "severe" be? Well, higher than "high functioning" on the scale (meaning less ability to appropriately interact.)

As for BASPD ... There's no minimum acceptable level. They are broken people, no longer human, but not quite emotionless. They are very dangerous, and diagnosis is quite simple.

That's the kind of bullshit justification that keeps the PR down on the police. Too much professional courtesy... Dirty is dirty. Whether it's waiving off a ticket as a professional courtesy, or dissecting hookers in your spare time. It IS black and white. There is NO grey. They've sworn to uphold the law, any infraction is a breach of their promise to us.
I definitely agree to the second quote. Why you think i'm EX? UNFORTUNATELY, that position puts myself and like-minded individuals in a position to be classified in ALL sorts of negative ways. "Terrorist", "un-patriotic", law disobeying, criminal, etc.
abuse of power is never acceptable, under any circumstance......CO's should be fired & charged with assault..........the inmate that stabbed me for no reason & almost killed me, got 10 years added to his sentence, and transferred to a supermax.....just in case you were gonna ask.......

The guard that busted my nose got a high five from his sgt. I got 15 days seg. The guard that removed his uniform shirt and ordered me to fight him, in front of a Lt... I got 6 months in seg for the beat down I gave him. (I warned him, so'd the Lt.) Busting that same Lt's nose and knocking him back into the cage when a race riot broke out got me transferred to a cozy cushy medium. Oh, and the inmate that stabbed me, I stabbed him back. Easier than the whole snitching route.

Folsom's no fuck around camp, got family that did a straight 10 there.
The guard that busted my nose got a high five from his sgt. I got 15 days seg. The guard that removed his uniform shirt and ordered me to fight him, in front of a Lt... I got 6 months in seg for the beat down I gave him. (I warned him, so'd the Lt.) Busting that same Lt's nose and knocking him back into the cage when a race riot broke out got me transferred to a cozy cushy medium. Oh, and the inmate that stabbed me, I stabbed him back. Easier than the whole snitching route.

Folsom's no fuck around camp, got family that did a straight 10 there.
Sounds like you gave as good as you got. It was that way back in the day, kinda like a big cage fight all day. people wouldn't believe me if I told them.........most co/inmate fights I saw were straight 1-1 & it ended it, no retribution, no paper work, it was a respect thing, you couldn't walk the tiers without it. you were forced into it by both sides, the inmates were always testing you.....always......you know......
Sounds like you gave as good as you got. It was that way back in the day, kinda like a big cage fight all day. people wouldn't believe me if I told them.........most co/inmate fights I saw were straight 1-1 & it ended it, no retribution, no paper work, it was a respect thing, you couldn't walk the tiers without it. you were forced into it by both sides, the inmates were always testing you.....always......you know......
And the loss of that kind respect in society is a major reason why we, as a nation, are where we are today imo. If'n ya have an issue, say so and stand opposed. If'n ya lose the battle while opposing, accept it and move forward. In the end, LEARN.
OP, another one!

When I was arrested by an SRT they were geared, part of that is so that we can't judge them based on flesh tics, or eyes/eye movement. I could still read 'em. All but three would have either hesitated, or refused to fire. Another was willing, but would have paused a second. The last two, they wanted to kill me.

When SWAT got me, the assisting almost all were hesitant, every single SWAT officer was ready to kill me.

So, which did you fall in, when you worked in conjunction with SWAT, and/or with an SRT?

And, for the record: SWAT and SRT were used because of my job, at the time, not the charge (drunk driving.) although ridiculously excessive, because of officer conduct, the raids were understandable.
OP, another one!

When I was arrested by an SRT they were geared, part of that is so that we can't judge them based on flesh tics, or eyes/eye movement. I could still read 'em. All but three would have either hesitated, or refused to fire. Another was willing, but would have paused a second. The last two, they wanted to kill me.

When SWAT got me, the assisting almost all were hesitant, every single SWAT officer was ready to kill me.

So, which did you fall in, when you worked in conjunction with SWAT, and/or with an SRT?

And, for the record: SWAT and SRT were used because of my job, at the time, not the charge (drunk driving.) although ridiculously excessive, because of officer conduct, the raids were understandable.
I always worked the perimeter in the very few SWAT situations I participated in. I was a rookie ;)