Well-Known Member
I here bad stuff on all seed companies I review a lot before I order but I here sooo much bad stuff about Nirvana but it's my go to seed bank they don't have the biggest selection but out of maybe 7 times I've ordered from them it's been delivered a lot of people are scared to order or just here a bad review and drag it through the mud I'm sure people are religious buyers of Herbies and have never been upset it's hit and miss ill probably give em a try someday but for now ill stick to the usual sorry to hear you got jacked but never give up or you'll be a quieter and the game is not for you if your scared stick to bag seed or some of these junk ass seeds or clones these shops carry I'm in Colorado and have options and still I only order seeds the industry is to mainstream all about the dollar now and not the product selling straight up swag shit
Herbies is not hit and miss and most well established banks the same, they know not to piss us off and have suppliwd a vast amount of the grows here.
Ignore bad reviews on the big banks, whingers like the op