ROBBED by Herbies Seed Bank

I just bank transfer for herbies but im Uk so its easy, the payment account is 'Discreet Gif', bank workers think im buying sex toys every month although i keep on saying its just weed seeds.

Seems like easier to believe im a pervert rather than an illegal grower, great country... not!

Pretty much same thing with me....
I am also uk based and used a bank transfer with herbies as well. My wife went to pay a bill with her phone app, and saw 'discreet gif' as a saved payee. Her instant reaction to me was 'there is free porn on the internet you know'.
Like you say, it is easier just to pretend to be a sick perv.
Debit cards and Paypal are outlawed globally for the sale of legal seeds and spores that are used to make illegal products.

I think credit cards are still useable but im grey area here and dont aee it much.

I just bank transfer for herbies but im Uk so its easy, the payment account is 'Discreet Gif', bank workers think im buying sex toys every month although i keep on saying its just weed seeds.

Seems like easier to believe im a pervert rather than an illegal grower, great country... not!

Maybe for you, but not for me as I can happily use my debit card and, in some cases, happily use the Visa as well.

And PayPal is not "outlawed globally" either, please remember that not everyone is in the USA
Thats some fucked up shit, man. Crazy to think someone employed as a mail handler would go out of their way, sabotage their job and manage to be such piece of scum. Ive never been robbed by postal services before but what can go wrong will. Hopefully they can send a picture. I would think the envelope would be withered by the moisture or steam. Or perhaps upon closer inspection there were 2 layers of packing tape. The evidence has to be evident. Im sure mail carriers carry envelopes and it would be hypothetically best to just completely reseal the contents in a near identicle envelope and entirely void any notions of tampering with federal mail. The whole situation is quite shitty.
My wife works for the post office and there’s been plenty of stories she’s told me of shady ppl stealing gift cards and money. Fired and then arrested. Sad when you realize how much they get paid then go and throw it down the toilet for a hundred bucks here and there. Most of them have zero money management skills.
Pretty much same thing with me....
I am also uk based and used a bank transfer with herbies as well. My wife went to pay a bill with her phone app, and saw 'discreet gif' as a saved payee. Her instant reaction to me was 'there is free porn on the internet you know'.
Like you say, it is easier just to pretend to be a sick perv.

I goto the counter at Barclays wiyh the e-mail confirmation printed out, it says discreet gif and i get the pervert butplug look.

Tbh its refreshing not to be caught buying seeds so ill take peado pervert over weed grower anytime.

On a sidenot we need to email herbies and get them to change it before someone talks and i get beat up kiddyfidler stylei :-)
Maybe for you, but not for me as I can happily use my debit card and, in some cases, happily use the Visa as well.

And PayPal is not "outlawed globally" either, please remember that not everyone is in the USA

Some confusion exists, now not to long ago paypal and all global banks were told if you allow trade of seeds for pyote, weed, magic cacti, mushroom spores, and general legal stuff that is being used for illegal drugs then you can forget banking in our countries let alone most of the first world. Kind of global but paypal and amazon and a few others were given the same ultimateum.

Now i dont make this shit up, we were all pissed a while back when 99% of banks ceased card and bank transactions forcing us to use transfers or cash, like this thread!

Now shit changes and i havent kept up with current affairs on this subject but instead of calling me a dumb ass why not be constructive and fill us in on the current situation in each of the affected countries. I mean legal and rec have kicked of big time but still i dont think they can order with debit cards.

Anyway lets hear how this has gone down as i damn sure bring up a lot of info so will sit this search out...
My wife works for the post office and there’s been plenty of stories she’s told me of shady ppl stealing gift cards and money. Fired and then arrested. Sad when you realize how much they get paid then go and throw it down the toilet for a hundred bucks here and there. Most of them have zero money management skills.

Shit. Well what goes around comes around... Hopefully. It sucks now that im going to have to throw good money after bad. I was thinking of putting the cash in an envelope, then then taping the living shit out of that envelope. Then putting it in several envelopes increasing in size. After that, put it in a box and taping the shit out of the box so the whole thing ends up like one of those Russian dolls. Haha
Shit. Well what goes around comes around... Hopefully. It sucks now that im going to have to throw good money after bad. I was thinking of putting the cash in an envelope, then then taping the living shit out of that envelope. Then putting it in several envelopes increasing in size. After that, put it in a box and taping the shit out of the box so the whole thing ends up like one of those Russian dolls. Haha
Always fold money into the invoice if you do have to send it. Get the thicker envelopes just don’t make it too thick or puffy or they’ll get hung up in the sorting machines. I’d suggest from now on order from US based seed banks.
There are to many variables when sending cash. Only send it if you can afford to lose it. I stopped using Herbies when they stopped taking debit/credit cards from the US. If you are in the states buy in the states. Neptuneseedbank did me a solid with the cheapest seeds i could find. They turned out killer. Microwaved nugs get me crippled and i dont say that lightly lol.

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Why would you micro wave your buds? And also, letting your cat in your tent is likely going to end up infesting it with something.
My first order from greenpoint I sent in a money order and that shit got stolen and cashed. I live in oregon and greenpoint is in colorado so not a huge distance but enough for some meth head postal worker to say "snag."

That's the game. I didn't blame greenpoint because it wasn't their fault. Shit happens, it sucks and it's happened to me three times now. 1st time was in 2004 when Marc emery got busted and I had a couple orders at his shop that got snagged and even received one of the feds bait letters in the following sting, 2nd was an order to seedboutique aka gypsy nirvana, both of those orders cash and the feds got one. Third time was the only money order to greenpoint I've had snagged.

Shit happens so take it like an adult and not a crybaby like bitty.
I can't read anymore of these... I sent cash to original sensible seed company and I got my shit sooner than expected... I didn't even think about my money getting stolen...sorry muthas in this world!!!
It would seem that if you work for the post office you would be making some good money...but there's geekers everywhere and we can't see them all... I won't send cash ever again...
Some confusion exists, now not to long ago paypal and all global banks were told if you allow trade of seeds for pyote, weed, magic cacti, mushroom spores, and general legal stuff that is being used for illegal drugs then you can forget banking in our countries let alone most of the first world. Kind of global but paypal and amazon and a few others were given the same ultimateum.

Now i dont make this shit up, we were all pissed a while back when 99% of banks ceased card and bank transactions forcing us to use transfers or cash, like this thread!

Now shit changes and i havent kept up with current affairs on this subject but instead of calling me a dumb ass why not be constructive and fill us in on the current situation in each of the affected countries. I mean legal and rec have kicked of big time but still i dont think they can order with debit cards.

Anyway lets hear how this has gone down as i damn sure bring up a lot of info so will sit this search out...
Sure. Ive used a debit card recently to purchase seeds in the states and overseas.
Some confusion exists, now not to long ago paypal and all global banks were told if you allow trade of seeds for pyote, weed, magic cacti, mushroom spores, and general legal stuff that is being used for illegal drugs then you can forget banking in our countries let alone most of the first world. Kind of global but paypal and amazon and a few others were given the same ultimateum.

Now i dont make this shit up, we were all pissed a while back when 99% of banks ceased card and bank transactions forcing us to use transfers or cash, like this thread!

Now shit changes and i havent kept up with current affairs on this subject but instead of calling me a dumb ass why not be constructive and fill us in on the current situation in each of the affected countries. I mean legal and rec have kicked of big time but still i dont think they can order with debit cards.

Anyway lets hear how this has gone down as i damn sure bring up a lot of info so will sit this search out...

Well, this is the point I mean, in the US you have that issue but here in Euroland we don't, generally speaking the only reason they refuse to accept credit cards is purely thanks to the costs that Mastercard and Visa slap on transactions which is why it's not only seed banks but even some general shopping chains who refuse to accept credit cards. I've seen a couple of places accept PayPal despite PayPal's policy against seeds, a few in Holland such as RQS take credit cards, but I've had no issues using my Maestro debit card, which is the usual standard debit card here in Euroland and especially Benelux, to buy seeds and that applies to various places on this side of the Pond.

So I wasn't calling you anything, I was just pointing out that what is done in the USA is not necessarily applicable elsewhere, there is no "global ban" as you inferred otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get my last batch of seeds using my debit card.

Bottom line is that even when stupid restriction on using cards are in place there are ways and means to acquire seeds without having to send cash through the mail, which is what the OP should have done instead of sending cash.
Shit. Well what goes around comes around... Hopefully. It sucks now that im going to have to throw good money after bad. I was thinking of putting the cash in an envelope, then then taping the living shit out of that envelope. Then putting it in several envelopes increasing in size. After that, put it in a box and taping the shit out of the box so the whole thing ends up like one of those Russian dolls. Haha

Or be sensible and use another payment method such as Bitcoin, or find a seed bank that will take cards and ship to wherever you are.

So many options, sending cash is not only unnecessary but bloody stupid as well as, simply, no matter how well you disguise it the address on the envelope or package is a giveaway to the thieving bastard who knows that everything going to that address is likely to have cold hard folding stuff in it.

It's not rocket science
After many sucessful transactions with Herbies Seed Bank I have just been robbed completely of $145. I received a single sentenced email reading:

Order #734901 problem
Herbies Head Shop
to me
4 days ago

Hello ****

You've sent us a copy of your order #734901 but there's no payment in the envelope?



The envelope had $145 enclosed.
Don't order from Herbies Seed Bank. They are a blatantly fraudulent entity. Please spread the word if you can and perhaps it will save a poor bastard like myself from pissing away good money for absolutely nothing in return.
The way I feel about it, is I would be pissed off too. Losing any kind of money is just a bum deal. But you came on here all wrong man. No one is going to be sympathetic to you calling a reputable dealer a thief. Federally, what you're doing is against the law. You need to remember that. You became too complacent and forgot that and it's happened to each and every one of us at some point in time. You would have gotten a hell of a lot further if you came on here just to share your story of crap luck. I don't know what your end goal was putting a seller on blast for something you could have totally avoided if it were not for your own carelessness. All you're worried about is your $145 and you could give a shit about the sellers reputation that you are potentially damaging way beyond $145. Ironically, because of your post, I've read a lot of people responding with nothing but good things to say about Herbies, and I will more than likely be ordering my next batch of seeds from them.
Steps your mail goes through.
Your mailbox to local place.
Local place to sorting facility so it gets shipped to where it needs to go.
EVERY piece of mail gets keyed in. Aka there's a load of people typing down every single letter to Herbie, Santa, Charles Manson and The Price of Nigeria.
Now somewhere along those lines there's the bad eggs that work there. They probably have a list committed to memory of stuff they could possibly rip off. Seedbanks orders would probably be reasonably safe to rip cash out of.
I mean what are you going to do? File a complaint to a federal entity that your order to a company on their radar got ripped? I dated and lived with a girl who worked for USPS. It's more common than you would think. EVERYONE in said facilities know what seedbanks are and what to look for from banks that use the same stealth shipping over and over.

Point is it wasn't Herbies. (Anecdotal evidence time) I've personally ordered from them numerous times. 1000s of dollars over the years. I even still deal with them now that they don't accept cards anymore (we'll get to that later) Out of every order I've made 100% have gotten to my door. I've had one single mistake on an order. Just a small clerical mistake during their busiest time of the year. It happens sometimes. Herbies went above and beyond the call of duty to fix the problem. The fix was also in good faith on THEIR part. Those guys are 110 percent professional.
(Seedsman is pretty cool also)

If you have any friends over in the UK just have them act as a middle man for orders.
Ive sent several hundo throught the mail over a dozen times this year.

To different US based banks .
Use a thick flat rate envolope with TRACKING

Try green point seeds STELLAR service and prices.

Great lake genetics is also on my order from list now.

And giving seeds of life a ahot on monday;)
I see hordes of trash trying to get free shit every 420 lol every year it happens around this time. But its not just seeds.

Not targeting the op specifically.....just saying :)
I see hordes of trash trying to get free shit every 420 lol every year it happens around this time. But its not just seeds.

Not targeting the op specifically.....just saying :)
Yeah I think he actually sent the money. If he didn't and came on here anyway, that would be like, I dont know, the guy who steals your wallet and helps you look for it
Best way to hide something is right in the open sometimes :)

There are already at least 3 cases of people ive read in the last week.

2 say they sent money one guy said 200 sent but only 100 made it there haha

Another guy said his pack was "short" like a seed or 2 and the breeder generously sent him a replacement.

Just way too funny that it happens this time of year ....