Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

Common sense varies a lot across the planet. Banning nazi symbols and nazi salutes now is great but isn’t going to solve your problems. Understanding the Germans' common sense for banning them would help. The real fans can always visit the war museum in Canberra and soak in nazi symbolism. Like I told Australians there, should just display pictures and items of camps and victims instead. Consistent though, with your comments about how Roger’s hammers are not swastikas, as if that’s the real issue, the symbols itself.

Teachers, parents, and others kids not slapping the sh*t out of those lil nazis is the real problem. As as matter of speaking of course. Why do they, like neo-nazis feel comfortable enough to express them freely in such toxic manners. Cause they know they're not alone, cause slowly, bit by bit, people, governments, got more tolerant toward intolerance and people fueling hate.

What this thread needs is a link to Roger Waters announcing a performance in Tasmania.
We don't have a nazi problem here in Tasmania at all. There were a couple of people in Melbourne who decided to throw some nazi salutes around and that was enough for us to say- not on.
The Nazi symbols can still be used for performances and other arty stuff as well as for historical purposes. Used in a way to promote hate i think will be punishable.
Allo, Allo for eg wont be banned from the TV or stage shows.

It would be awesome to get artists of his calibre here but with such a small population and cost of shipping the gear Melbourne is normally as close as they get.
Nope. Lots of Europe loves a fascist. Its one of the reasons there will always be European wars. They seem to love a good war. If it wasn't for all these alliances to make things so complicated we could just let them have at it. Invading and killing each other seems to be what they love to do. Perhaps its in their DNA? Certainly helps keep their population down and therefore food and water less scarce.

We probably all have some small fascist tendencies- I for one think Australia is the best fkn country in the world- Like easily the best. And nationalism might arguably be where fascism starts from.
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Your false claim proves you’re naive about the effects of Roger Water’s actions and words even if you’d see them for what they are.

Yeah they learned a thing alright, anti-semitism, and it runs deep. Pretty fucked up the countries where over 3/4th of the nearly 7million were killed by invading nazis are the two most far-right anti-immigration barely-democratic jew-hating ruled-by-populist EU members, and, the (former) Soviet Union.

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Not sure why you think its false. Sure there some exceptions but look at a list of the Countries who fought and suffered against the Axis id imagine would show less fasisism support as they fought and suffered and lost family fighting against it. But then it might be that I'm from Oz. Oz and NZ and England are not placers where fascism thrives, sure there might be undercurrents but they don't win many votes. Unlike Austria where its in your face.

Hungry and Poland and Ukraine have always had a big nazi following. As a rule they supported the Nazi's. Even the Dutch had roughly a 10% Nazi party membership and its not like they fought to hard against Germany- they surrendered after a whole 5 days.. They like to throw Anne Frank around but the Dutch were very proactive in giving up Jewish people. More so than France and Belgium. It was probably Dutch people who gave up Anne Frank to the (Dutch) Police who passed her on to the nazi's.
Perhaps that's why you see antisemitisms and fascism where its not- its your national guilt and that's understandable. The Germans have huge guilt and their court says Waters is all good and fine. No biases to any claims made.

I went out with a Polish girl for a few years and her mother was a total holocaust denier. Her farther was German. I found that really strange as, as a young boy, a female friend of mums had her number still visible on her arm.

Ukraine collaborated with Nazi Germany.
Hungary was an Axis member.

Anyone who thinks Germany or France still don't want all of Europe has rocks in their head. Perhaps Spain will even rise again. My moneys on France though. They love a good riot and that makes good warriors. If the US gives them a free pass like Israel has then they are set. Portugal is still nicely positioned for the long game as well.
I often have a 30 year old educated German as crew on a boat i sail. I think he has huge guilt but also sadness and regret they didn't win either ww1 or 2.. But as an aussie we distrust Germans and Japs. We have fought and suffered from them. They are cruel. We will fight them again if we need to.
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Interesting that Israel is now one of if not the most fascist country in the world at the moment. One of the most war like and with no regard for committing war crimes. Doesn't care what the UN says. Certainly has no intention of going back to the UN imposed borders or bringing their own to account for countless murders and war crimes. Anyone who criticizes their behaviour is labelled antisemitic. Its like that is a Get out of gaol free card.

Perhaps Australia should go and take Jerusalem back..;). Sort out the boarder and give all of them a vote.
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Not sure why you think its false. Sure there some exceptions but look at a list of the Countries who fought and suffered against the Axis id imagine would show less fasisism support as they fought and suffered and lost family fighting against it. But then it might be that I'm from Oz. Oz and NZ and England are not placers where fascism thrives, sure there might be undercurrents but they don't win many votes. Unlike Austria where its in your face.

Hungry and Poland and Ukraine have always had a big nazi following. As a rule they supported the Nazi's. Even the Dutch had roughly a 10% Nazi party membership and its not like they fought to hard against Germany- they surrendered after a whole 5 days.. They like to throw Anne Frank around but the Dutch were very proactive in giving up Jewish people. More so than France and Belgium. It was probably Dutch people who gave up Anne Frank to the (Dutch) Police who passed her on to the nazi's.
Perhaps that's why you see antisemitisms and fascism where its not- its your national guilt and that's understandable. The Germans have huge guilt and their court says Waters is all good and fine. No biases to any claims made.
It’s demonstrably false, just like the post I’m replying to now. Facts matter.

I agree with you that Australia is the best place to live, love it (except immigration laws for people my age). I think you heavily underestimate the problems you have though. The fact you need a law banning Nazi items and salute in 2023 should tell you something. As usual, Australia is a few years behind.

Antisemitism Australia

That’s higher than most countries in EU, 3x higher than in NL…

No need to make up nasty WW2 history or distort it though, I bet you like reality even better (it was a jew who ratted out Anne Frank). Look into NL vs Indonesia just a couple of years after the war if you need to feel better by dark history of other nations.

Do you not have European DNA? I was saving the when you’re coming home question next time you talk about stolen land.
Not sure why you think its false. Sure there some exceptions but look at a list of the Countries who fought and suffered against the Axis id imagine would show less fasisism support as they fought and suffered and lost family fighting against it. But then it might be that I'm from Oz. Oz and NZ and England are not placers where fascism thrives, sure there might be undercurrents but they don't win many votes. Unlike Austria where its in your face.

Hungry and Poland and Ukraine have always had a big nazi following. As a rule they supported the Nazi's. Even the Dutch had roughly a 10% Nazi party membership and its not like they fought to hard against Germany- they surrendered after a whole 5 days.. They like to throw Anne Frank around but the Dutch were very proactive in giving up Jewish people. More so than France and Belgium. It was probably Dutch people who gave up Anne Frank to the (Dutch) Police who passed her on to the nazi's.
Perhaps that's why you see antisemitisms and fascism where its not- its your national guilt and that's understandable. The Germans have huge guilt and their court says Waters is all good and fine. No biases to any claims made.

I went out with a Polish girl for a few years and her mother was a total holocaust denier. Her farther was German. I found that really strange as, as a young boy, a female friend of mums had her number still visible on her arm.

Ukraine collaborated with Nazi Germany.
Hungary was an Axis member.

Anyone who thinks Germany or France still don't want all of Europe has rocks in their head. Perhaps Spain will even rise again. My moneys on France though. They love a good riot and that makes good warriors. If the US gives them a free pass like Israel has then they are set. Portugal is still nicely positioned for the long game as well.
I often have a 30 year old educated German as crew on a boat i sail. I think he has huge guilt but also sadness and regret they didn't win either ww1 or 2.. But as an aussie we distrust Germans and Japs. We have fought and suffered from them. They are cruel. We will fight them again if we need to.
As someone of half Polish and half German/Hungarian descent,I despise Nazi cruelty and superiority complex,every race has something to add to the pot IMO,maybe if France had't turned the Versailles screw so hard and with so much glee perhaps we'd never have seen the rise of Hitler,I believe Lloyd George was correct in saying complete German blame would only sow the seeds for another war post WW1.I admire the French pluckiness concerning freedom and labor issues but France also has this arrogant intrangence that irks me.
But its not big in countries who fought against and suffered from Nazis as a rule.
make up my mind....You're contradicting yourself
Contradictions are inevitable when painting with a broad brush with dynamic width that adapts to the desired conclusion.

Europe is the cradle of anti-semitism, fascism and nazism, it experienced the devastating results, of which we are reminded pretty much every single day (random example, Stolperstein). More relevant, it experienced how anti-semitism worked. Hence perhaps a stronger response from some, including Germany in regards to Roger Waters, but that doesn’t say anything about how big or not it is.

With countries who fought against and suffered from the nazis he’s not referring to Europe though. Also evident by this sentence “But as an aussie we distrust Germans and Japs. We have fought and suffered from them.”. He’s suggesting the opposite of this title:

Maybe Australians have indeed mutated away from their Europeans genes and all those news outlets warning for rising anti-semitism and nazis problems are just making shit up, but Europeans in Europe are definitely not immune. Hence Roger Waters should f o and find less toxic ways to remain relevant.
koala bears are way nicer to have around than yall noisey brown bears, and we have better surf breaks, so head downunder, i'll put a shrimp on the bbq for you
after that we can round up some nazi's (or anyone who waves their hand in the air if we think they could be a nazi) and hand them into the authorities yes
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I think you should just punch them, but that doesn't have much to do with pink Floyd.

Could it be that the 80 year old guy uses language that is super out of touch with the modern world? Like your grandma saying something that would be viewed as racist by modern standards, but that is not really the intent...then doubling down over and over refusing to acknowledge that they may have made an error.
I think you should just punch them, but that doesn't have much to do with pink Floyd.

Could it be that the 80 year old guy uses language that is super out of touch with the modern world? Like your grandma saying something that would be viewed as racist by modern standards, but that is not really the intent...then doubling down over and over refusing to acknowledge that they may have made an error.
is the correct punch for a fascist

a hard right?
koala bears are way nicer to have around than yall noisey brown bears, and we have better surf breaks, so head downunder, i'll put a shrimp on the bbq for you
after that we can round up some nazi's and hand them into the authorities yes
But those giant wombat rats...

Could it be that the 80 year old guy uses language that is super out of touch with the modern world? Like your grandma saying something that would be viewed as racist by modern standards, but that is not really the intent...then doubling down over and over refusing to acknowledge that they may have made an error.
I think the main intent is provocation by being a contrarian. Your explanation sounds like a good reason to cancel him though, unless she's the target of ridicule, a roast.

But its not big in countries who fought against and suffered from Nazis as a rule.
make up my mind....You're contradicting yourself
Most the countries who fought against the Nazis and suffered were not European countries. A lot of Europe supported the Nazis. Europeans love a good fascist gov.
Sure there are exceptions to the rule.
France has had fascist gov but not since WW2.
England fought and suffered. No fascist gov since ww2.
India- Same
Australia- same
NZ- Same
Canada- same
America- Same..but republicans nearly took over the gov.
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It’s demonstrably false, just like the post I’m replying to now. Facts matter.

I agree with you that Australia is the best place to live, love it (except immigration laws for people my age). I think you heavily underestimate the problems you have though. The fact you need a law banning Nazi items and salute in 2023 should tell you something. As usual, Australia is a few years behind.

Antisemitism Australia

That’s higher than most countries in EU, 3x higher than in NL…

No need to make up nasty WW2 history or distort it though, I bet you like reality even better (it was a jew who ratted out Anne Frank). Look into NL vs Indonesia just a couple of years after the war if you need to feel better by dark history of other nations.

Do you not have European DNA? I was saving the when you’re coming home question next time you talk about stolen land.
But not a vote winner. A lot of that % probably stems from Australians not happy with Israel.

They are not being banned. Just like our gun laws there's a nice balance that's been made.
Would be totally unfair for people if the swastika was banned for eg. That would just be stupid.

Lots of dark history by most/all Nations. We are human after all.

We talk about invaded land in my household a lot. Australia as a whole is due to the referendum we are having soon about a Indigenous voice to Parliament. You seem to keep forgetting that my step mum was part of the stolen generation. I've even given you the link to her book a few times. I've never had my DNA done but my family comes from England/Wales/Ireland/Scotland. Historically a family of mariners and solders. Earliest known to have arrived in the second fleet. Have convict and also navy connections to the invasion and settling of Oz. If you have ever been to Port Author you would find my family name in a prominent spot.
My 1/2 sister struggles with her black and white sides. She is a black activist and like her mum and our dad fairly well known in the halls of Canberra. My sister will be voting No to the voice whilst i will be voting Yes. Wife and I were at a smoking ceremony only last week as we passed thru Yirrganydji land. It was my wife's first ceremony and she found it calming and intriguing and wants to lean more about our countries people which was very satisfying for me. I'm going to tee up a woman's ceremony with my sister and her Wakka Wakka mob for her. My wife's family name goes back to Rome but her dad and grandfather where from the Isle of Wight. Her dad was a kid in the 10 pound Pom days. Her farther is pretty racist.

Australians were taught English history and as we know their history is very white washed and in lots of cases totally and completely wrong. Lots of people my age still think that Aussie Aboriginals did not have structures or farm.- its what we were taught. As the old saying goes History is written by the victors.

Zero clue on Australia/nz...but that shit thrives in England. It's like middle America.
Certainly an undercurrent in England. Less so in Great Britian. Not a vote winner though.
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Most the countries who fought against the Nazis and suffered were not European countries. A lot of Europe supported the Nazis. Europeans love a good fascist gov.
Sure there are exceptions to the rule.
France has had fascist gov but not since WW2.
England fought and suffered. No fascist gov since ww2.
India- Same
Australia- same
NZ- Same
Canada- same
America- Same..but republicans nearly took over the gov.
India did not fight the Nazis.
They were not a nation at the time.
The British Empire is a count of 1 in this matter.

Looking at Europe, the only nations not to fight the Nazis were Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and of course Germany. (Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Vatican.)

That leaves as European nations who did fight, however briefly:

Spain (Republican)
Britain w/Imperial possessions
Soviet Russia incl. Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine

So “most”, no.