Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

It's not about their music. It's about a former members Fascist, Nazi attitudes, and his tendency to express them as fact.
The band is irrelevant to the conversation. No one is even suggesting boycotting their music over this, or anything else I'm aware of.
Can you show me a quote were he expresses support for Fascists? His whole life has been about mocking them and showing them for what they are. His dad died fighting Nazi's.
Is Bob Geldof a Fascist for portraying Pinky in The Wall?
Are all the great musicians and actors and performers that have been fortunate to play in The Wall over the decades fascists?

What he is being accused off is what he has been doing for 40 or 50 years.

People ARE trying to have his music banned from performance. Court cases filed which he won.
"The most crucial point, according to the court, was that the musician’s performance “did not glorify or relativise the crimes of the Nazis or identify with Nazi racist ideology”, and nor was there any evidence that Waters used propaganda material in his show."

Its a bunch of Karen's with no thought control. Which is ironic.
Is it the Israeli state behind it? You cannot put it past them. It is one of the most right wing governments in history and they are up front about condemning him.

Waters has repeatedly denied accusations of antisemitism and claimed his disdain is towards Israel, not Judaism, accusing Israel of “abusing the term antisemitism to intimidate people like me into silence”.
He defended his use of the pig symbol, saying it “represents Israel and its policies and is legitimately subject to any and all forms of non-violent protest”. He said the balloon also featured other symbols of organisations he was against, such as the crucifix and the logos of Mercedes, McDonald’s and Shell Oil.

McDonald's? The Golden arches is Americas cuisine representation to the world so he must be anti American as well.

If you haven't watched The Wall then do yourselves a favour! I had it on VHS and it got played alot after coming home from a night out back in the day.

Listen to what he says.
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“History tells us that the invasion and occupation of a land and the subjugation of its people almost always creates a resistance. Ask the French or the Dutch or the Poles or the Czechs, the list goes on. This crisis in Gaza is a crisis rooted in occupation.”
- Roger Waters.

The solution to the whole problem is obvious. Just give the Palestinians what they want. Desert, Sharia law and a Taliban enforcing it, and Jihadism. Give them what they desire, just relocate them all to Afghanistan where they can be themselves and no western civilization will stand in their way, they’ll fit right in.

Israel should disable the Iron Dome and revert to respond in a more traditional manner, show the world what they are up against. How many dead civilian jews would be enough to justify leveling, annexing and rebuilding the whole place?

Definitely more dead jews than it would take dead Australians if Sydney were under attack by aboriginals shooting rockets supplied by Iran. Apparently Jew, no matter how advanced and civilized, is still sub-taliban. As someone living on stolen land yourself, would you tolerate an indigenous population who wants and tries to destroy you.

Whether Roger Waters is an anti-semite I don’t care, he’s contributing to it. Anti-semitism is surging, especially in the US but also globally. They’re not safe or welcome anywhere else. Israel isn’t going anywhere and as long as they live under the threat of those who want to annihilate them, they will expand. I find that to be commendable and would have no problem with Ukraine securing part of Russia to reduce the threat. Just as there, the only way the conflict will end is a decisive victory.
The solution to the whole problem is obvious. Just give the Palestinians what they want. Desert, Sharia law and a Taliban enforcing it, and Jihadism. Give them what they desire, just relocate them all to Afghanistan where they can be themselves and no western civilization will stand in their way, they’ll fit right in.

Israel should disable the Iron Dome and revert to respond in a more traditional manner, show the world what they are up against. How many dead civilian jews would be enough to justify leveling, annexing and rebuilding the whole place?
View attachment 5297772

Definitely more dead jews than it would take dead Australians if Sydney were under attack by aboriginals shooting rockets supplied by Iran. Apparently Jew, no matter how advanced and civilized, is still sub-taliban. As someone living on stolen land yourself, would you tolerate an indigenous population who wants and tries to destroy you.

Whether Roger Waters is an anti-semite I don’t care, he’s contributing to it. Anti-semitism is surging, especially in the US but also globally. They’re not safe or welcome anywhere else. Israel isn’t going anywhere and as long as they live under the threat of those who want to annihilate them, they will expand. I find that to be commendable and would have no problem with Ukraine securing part of Russia to reduce the threat. Just as there, the only way the conflict will end is a decisive victory.
What you say may be true about "a decisive victory" I will point out that Israel is hardly a healthy democracy. It is trending toward fascism and their treatment of Palestinian Israeli citizens is deplorable. Most Jewish Israelis are native born to the area and have every bit of a right to life and happiness as the Palestinians in the area. I'm not into genocide as you seem to be but agree that a peace of death might be one solution. It would be a horrible crime against humanity and should trigger serious sanctions against Israel if that's where it ends.

Given that genocide is the direction Israel is heading, I don't want the US to provide aid to Israel any longer and we should distance ourselves from the current government..

I condemn Zionism and anti-Semitism. They are both bad. But I don't have any solutions to offer. It's going to have to come from the people living in the area.
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A good time is being had by all. Even the pig is smiling.
We would set up the pig roaster out by the lake, have a cord of oak firewood delivered. We would make a big campfire and i would get everybody to help me roast the pig. We'd make a weekend out of it. Such good times...
12-9-2011 Camp Rollitup 004.jpg12-9-2011 Camp Rollitup 003.jpg12-10-2011 Camp Rollitup 008.jpgIMG_5029.jpgpig roast 12-14-2013 013.JPG
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The solution to the whole problem is obvious. Just give the Palestinians what they want. Desert, Sharia law and a Taliban enforcing it, and Jihadism. Give them what they desire, just relocate them all to Afghanistan where they can be themselves and no western civilization will stand in their way, they’ll fit right in.

Israel should disable the Iron Dome and revert to respond in a more traditional manner, show the world what they are up against. How many dead civilian jews would be enough to justify leveling, annexing and rebuilding the whole place?
View attachment 5297772


Whether Roger Waters is an anti-semite I don’t care, he’s contributing to it. Anti-semitism is surging, especially in the US but also globally. They’re not safe or welcome anywhere else. Israel isn’t going anywhere and as long as they live under the threat of those who want to annihilate them, they will expand. I find that to be commendable the only way the conflict will end is a decisive victory.
You support the removal of a people. Like Hitler did. That's pretty extreme right wing stuff.
You support Israelis segregation, invasion and occupation of Palestine. The genocide of a people that goes with it.
Walters doesn't.
Walters won his court case where people with your views claimed he and his show was fascists and antisemitic.

Will you be calling Bob Geldof a Nazi next? Perhaps Bob Dylan?

Kinda sad you want Israel to continue its white washing of Palestine and Palestinians and continue its war crimes ignoring international courts.
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Israel is also not a member of the ICC and rejects the court’s jurisdiction over its territory and nationals.

The long war persists. International law — hamstrung by its own institutions, entrenched power relations and politicisation — offers no clear or quick solution.
You support the removal of a people. Like Hitler did. That's pretty extreme right wing stuff.
You support Israelis segregation, invasion and occupation of Palestine. The genocide of a people that goes with it.
Walters doesn't.
Walters won his court case where people with your views claimed he and his show was fascists and antisemitic.

Will you be calling Bob Geldof a Nazi next? Perhaps Bob Dylan?

Kinda sad you want Israel to continue its white washing of Palestine and Palestinians and continue its war crimes ignoring international courts.
That’s 5 strawmen too many to dignify with a reply but thanks nonetheless for helping me make my point (next reply).