Lucky Luke
Well-Known Member
Can you show me a quote were he expresses support for Fascists? His whole life has been about mocking them and showing them for what they are. His dad died fighting Nazi's.It's not about their music. It's about a former members Fascist, Nazi attitudes, and his tendency to express them as fact.
The band is irrelevant to the conversation. No one is even suggesting boycotting their music over this, or anything else I'm aware of.
Is Bob Geldof a Fascist for portraying Pinky in The Wall?
Are all the great musicians and actors and performers that have been fortunate to play in The Wall over the decades fascists?
What he is being accused off is what he has been doing for 40 or 50 years.
People ARE trying to have his music banned from performance. Court cases filed which he won.
"The most crucial point, according to the court, was that the musician’s performance “did not glorify or relativise the crimes of the Nazis or identify with Nazi racist ideology”, and nor was there any evidence that Waters used propaganda material in his show."
Its a bunch of Karen's with no thought control. Which is ironic.
Is it the Israeli state behind it? You cannot put it past them. It is one of the most right wing governments in history and they are up front about condemning him.
Waters has repeatedly denied accusations of antisemitism and claimed his disdain is towards Israel, not Judaism, accusing Israel of “abusing the term antisemitism to intimidate people like me into silence”.
He defended his use of the pig symbol, saying it “represents Israel and its policies and is legitimately subject to any and all forms of non-violent protest”. He said the balloon also featured other symbols of organisations he was against, such as the crucifix and the logos of Mercedes, McDonald’s and Shell Oil.
McDonald's? The Golden arches is Americas cuisine representation to the world so he must be anti American as well.
If you haven't watched The Wall then do yourselves a favour! I had it on VHS and it got played alot after coming home from a night out back in the day.
Listen to what he says.
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