Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

It was a bad mistake to give a religion its own country. Drawing invisible lines on a map and carving off a small part of Palestine in hindsight was a really bad move. Especially when the powerful countries sat /sits back and does nothing whilst it invades and ostracises Palestine.

Israel now controls the majority of Palestine and it wont be long until the ancient country ceases to exists.

As we all know in the Jewish religion they and only they are Gods chosen people. If you are not Jewish then you are servants to them.
American style Christianity even accepts its role to serve them. Working on their farms for free in harvest season for eg. And funding their invasion and persecution of Palestinians along with trying to silence critics of Israel.

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I’d say flavor release is about the same. But the press does a great job of uniformly breaking the garlic so that it’s just a short time in the mortar before it gets that smooth and somewhat sticky texture.

I have this small rubber mat that is for peeling garlic without bruising the clove. I roll it back and forth a few times in the pinched mat, and the skin separates like magic.

Between the mat and the press, it’s a nice tactile experience.
So, the susi press is the one you use? They say you don't need to peel the cloves but that doesn't make sense to me. Sounds like you peel them before putting them into the press.

Most times I don't need a whole, perfect clove but I have a silicone tube that does similar to your pinched mat for peeling whole cloves of garlic before pickling them. Most times, when I'm just going to mince them, I lay the clove on a cutting board, lay the flat of my knife over the clove and give the flat a smack with the palm of my hand. Not hard, just enough force to crack the clove and loosen the skin. Peeling several cloves of garlic that are just going to get minced anyway goes faster that way. But I might try the Susi press, it looks way better than other presses I've tried.
It was a bad mistake to give a religion its own country. Drawing invisible lines on a map and carving off a small part of Palestine in hindsight was a really bad move. Especially when the powerful countries sat /sits back and does nothing whilst it invades and ostracises Palestine.

Israel now controls the majority of Palestine and it wont be long until the ancient country ceases to exists.

As we all know in the Jewish religion they and only they are Gods chosen people. If you are not Jewish then you are servants to them.
American style Christianity even accepts its role to serve them. Working on their farms for free in harvest season for eg.

I sympathize with both the jews and palestinians. I agree that forcibly building a country on top of a preexisting country of a different religion was not a great idea. And afterwards, the maps of Palestinian land being take over the years is crazy. I also feel for the Jews who just want to have their own little thing, but inherited a group of tenants who are justifiably upset over the arrangement.

My ex girlfriend is Christian and the only arguments we ever got in was this. I didn't judge her religion, but she was quick to judge muslims. Palestine was always the one topic that I would dig my heels in because those people have it extremely rough.
So, the susi press is the one you use? They say you don't need to peel the cloves but that doesn't make sense to me. Sounds like you peel them before putting them into the press.

Most times I don't need a whole, perfect clove but I have a silicone tube that does similar to your pinched mat for peeling whole cloves of garlic before pickling them. Most times, when I'm just going to mince them, I lay the clove on a cutting board, lay the flat of my knife over the clove and give the flat a smack with the palm of my hand. Not hard, just enough force to crack the clove and loosen the skin. Peeling several cloves of garlic that are just going to get minced anyway goes faster that way. But I might try the Susi press, it looks way better than other presses I've tried.
I tried once to press an unpeeled clove, and it worked badly. Now I only run peeled ones through. I like the Susi a lot. I vacillated about buying a luxe Japanese steel unit called Joyfu that was in the Japan Woodworker catalog when it was still cool. Now I cannot find one to buy. I have a bit of a fetish for Japanese kitchen tools.

One trick I’ve learned is to scrape the garlic off the outside face with a paring knife.

I never formed the habit of smashing the clove first, since for most dishes I like nice intact slices or julienne of garlic. It’s a quirk.

It would be kind of cool if the dems cared more about the Palestinians. Humanitarianism was always supposedly their thing. But please continue on discussing garlic.
I think this cancel shit is getting old. If you don't like them don't listen to them and get over it.
It's not about their music. It's about a former members Fascist, Nazi attitudes, and his tendency to express them as fact.
The band is irrelevant to the conversation. No one is even suggesting boycotting their music over this, or anything else I'm aware of.
no, i find they do a shit job and are a pain in the genitals to clean...i use the side of a knife, as well.
Cleaning is simple if you soak the press for a couple of hours. Then the force of the tap blows the holes clean. For hard cases, I keep a retired toothbrush at hand.