Romney is running in 2024

My BIL was a Mormon. They are as normal as religious folks can be. (It's all Zeus to me)
It's as extreme of a religion as Catholic, Christian Evangelist or some sects of Islam.

I was responding to the observation that it's ironic that a Mormon is able to reject Trumpism when Evangelist Christians cling to him as some savior sent by God. Both groups believe in bizarre bat shit crazy stuff. It's on me that I lump them together for believing bizarre bat shit crazy stuff. They aren't all the same and neither are all the people who follow other extreme faiths.

But still, same sex couples would not have the right to marry in Utah but for Supreme Court rulings. Most Mormons believe it is wrong. Black people are not well represented in their community. Women's rights in their religion are constrained by tradition and church edicts. There are problems like that in Islam and Catholic faiths as well. So, while I admit that I have prejudices against fervent religious people and unfairly lump them all together, I do have some very specific bones to pick with what people of their faith are doing to others.

That said, Welcome Aboard Mitt, if you stand against Trumpism, then I am glad to stand next to you in that fight.
maybe I missed it.

Have you said anything that is interesting? Or thoughtful, or perhaps, informative?

Sure. Here is one. This is Rollitup, The Marjiuana Source.

And Here is Another. You are a Tool Bag.

And also ignored.

Going to go fuck my girlfriend and get some sleep. Have fun chatting, ya rocket scientist, you.
Can we stop acting like when trump finally leaves that somehow people will just suddenly be different. These assholes were like this before he got into office and they will continue their bullshit when leaves.

I'm registered independent, but I'll be fucking damned if I ever vote for a Republican, ever.
According to the news there are a few small town mayors in Oregon who are going to defy Governors orders on covid restrictions. This makes me kind of nervous. :shock:
It's as extreme of a religion as Catholic, Christian Evangelist or some sects of Islam.

I was responding to the observation that it's ironic that a Mormon is able to reject Trumpism when Evangelist Christians cling to him as some savior sent by God. Both groups believe in bizarre bat shit crazy stuff. It's on me that I lump them together for believing bizarre bat shit crazy stuff. They aren't all the same and neither are all the people who follow other extreme faiths.

But still, same sex couples would not have the right to marry in Utah but for Supreme Court rulings. Most Mormons believe it is wrong. Black people are not well represented in their community. Women's rights in their religion are constrained by tradition and church edicts. There are problems like that in Islam and Catholic faiths as well. So, while I admit that I have prejudices against fervent religious people and unfairly lump them all together, I do have some very specific bones to pick with what people of their faith are doing to others.

That said, Welcome Aboard Mitt, if you stand against Trumpism, then I am glad to stand next to you in that fight.
Adhering to supporting the constitution is like signing a suicide pact for social conservatives and even regular ones, it is an alien document with no meaning to Trumpers. Adhering to the constitution with free and fair elections would mean the progress of liberalism and equality for all. Equality for all can mean many things and evolves over time, so can responsible government. It would mean a fairer taxation system and legal system reforms that Donald became a poster child for. It would eventually mean income redistribution to pragmatically adjust the economy so that 50% of the population that lives on 3% of the wealth gets more. I heard on the news in passing the other day the wealthy got 8 trillion in tax cuts during the Trump administration and the tax cuts for working people are timed to expire in the new year.

Social division for profit is a lucrative thing, appeal to their biases and manipulate them with propaganda and disinformation for a profit and get big tax breaks in return. Our emotions set our mental priorities and distort our perception of reality, if your priorities are, racism, xenophobia, economic distress, hate, greed, abortion, or Qanon, other things become less important or insignificant. Keep the fire hose of conspiracy theories turned full on, Donald was great for them he ate up all the oxygen in the room. You weren't thinking much about how to improve the country along with everybody else with a brain and perspective, you were in a political struggle for mere survival and freedom. Everything else was set aside, as everybody on the right and left came together to fight like Hell.
Sure. Here is one. This is Rollitup, The Marjiuana Source.

And Here is Another. You are a Tool Bag.

And also ignored.

Going to go fuck my girlfriend and get some sleep. Have fun chatting, ya rocket scientist, you.

not interesting, thoughtful or informative.

To help you understand the question I gave you, here is the definition of the word, interesting:


  1. arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.
    "an interesting debate"
Nothing in your post held or caught my attention and the idea of fucking a covid infested right wing sow such as your girlfriend (as if you could attract one, lulz) is not arousing in any way.

Do better.
Adhering to supporting the constitution is like signing a suicide pact for social conservatives and even regular ones, it is an alien document with no meaning to Trumpers. Adhering to the constitution with free and fair elections would mean the progress of liberalism and equality for all. Equality for all can mean many things and evolves over time, so can responsible government. It would mean a fairer taxation system and legal system reforms that Donald became a poster child for. It would eventually mean income redistribution to pragmatically adjust the economy so that 50% of the population that lives on 3% of the wealth gets more. I heard on the news in passing the other day the wealthy got 8 trillion in tax cuts during the Trump administration and the tax cuts for working people are timed to expire in the new year.

Social division for profit is a lucrative thing, appeal to their biases and manipulate them with propaganda and disinformation for a profit and get big tax breaks in return. Our emotions set our mental priorities and distort our perception of reality, if your priorities are, racism, xenophobia, economic distress, hate, greed, abortion, or Qanon, other things become less important or insignificant. Keep the fire hose of conspiracy theories turned full on, Donald was great for them he ate up all the oxygen in the room. You weren't thinking much about how to improve the country along with everybody else with a brain and perspective, you were in a political struggle for mere survival and freedom. Everything else was set aside, as everybody on the right and left came together to fight like Hell.
Well, yeah, I guess you could say that agreeing to actually follow the constitution is abhorrent Retrumplicans. It's just that the document is more than 200 years old. Isn't it kind of late for people who were born in the US and were born into families that have been here for generations to suddenly wake up to the fact that our government's guiding document is for a democratic republic?
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not interesting, thoughtful or informative.

To help you understand the question I gave you, here is the definition of the word, interesting:


  1. arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.
    "an interesting debate"
Nothing in your post held or caught my attention and the idea of fucking a covid infested right wing sow such as your girlfriend (as if you could attract one, lulz) is not arousing in any way.

Do better.


Anyone else notice how he's out getting as much media coverage as he can and openly going against trump. He's betting that by the time 2024 comes along trump and his bovine dung are just a bad memory for the Republican party. He seems like he's making sure that he was one of the few voices of reason within the party during the dark trump days of chaos, corruption, and conspiracies and wants everyone to know it.

Hopefully the Republican party will return to sanity. This fear of trump and his ilk needs to end.

It’s my understanding that nobody is in support of Trump running again in 2024

not even his own party ‍♀️
Romney could win, but I don't think 2024 is the year. I doubt any republican can win in 4 yrs after trump. There'll be all the trump freaks trying to duplicate the hate and division too, which means he probably wouldn't be able to win the republican primary until they go away. He could after that though, because he's the only one smart enough to realize you need more than the trump cultists to win an election. If he continues to be on the side of all americans and work to build relationships across the isle and get support from more democratic leaning voters, he could win in 2028.

That's the stupidity of the current gop I think... that they all back trump so completely... if they got him out and called him out for being the danger that he is, and replaced him with a less extreme alternative, there would probably be a lot of indifferent progressive voters who wouldn't show up on election day, handing the republican party a win. instead they just keep doubling down on the nuts and clowns, which just pushes more people to make it a priority to vote them all out.
Romney could win, but I don't think 2024 is the year. I doubt any republican can win in 4 yrs after trump. There'll be all the trump freaks trying to duplicate the hate and division too, which means he probably wouldn't be able to win the republican primary until they go away. He could after that though, because he's the only one smart enough to realize you need more than the trump cultists to win an election. If he continues to be on the side of all americans and work to build relationships across the isle and get support from more democratic leaning voters, he could win in 2028.

That's the stupidity of the current gop I think... that they all back trump so completely... if they got him out and called him out for being the danger that he is, and replaced him with a less extreme alternative, there would probably be a lot of indifferent progressive voters who wouldn't show up on election day, handing the republican party a win. instead they just keep doubling down on the nuts and clowns, which just pushes more people to make it a priority to vote them all out.
What do you think are the odds ... I mean ODDS.. of one of the Trumps would run in 2024 .. Jr perhaps? That is if support for Don doesn’t fair well for 2024
DTJR is a moron doppelganger of his father. No way he wins national elected office ( he says with way too much faith in voters)

not interesting, thoughtful or informative.

To help you understand the question I gave you, here is the definition of the word, interesting:


  1. arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.
    "an interesting debate"
Nothing in your post held or caught my attention and the idea of fucking a covid infested right wing sow such as your girlfriend (as if you could attract one, lulz) is not arousing in any way.

Do better.

I had to see what you wrote.

It makes me really happy that two little people with no lives have something to do lmao

Write more write more!!

I kind of am loving the fact that you are taking the time to do this.

PS maybe get laid. Oh wait. You can’t.
What do you think are the odds ... I mean ODDS.. of one of the Trumps would run in 2024 .. Jr perhaps? That is if support for Don doesn’t fair well for 2024
They would have to run from prison, but hey they're republicans so getting the nomination from prison shouldn't be a problem for Donald. Since they are all gonna be behind bars, I figure Donald himself has the best chance, if he doesn't run from prison, who ever wants the nomination must promise a pardon for Donald. Nobody rides Donald's wild elephant if he's still running around free, and perhaps even if he is in prison. A good 30% to 40% of the republican base are with him no matter what and until death, they will not let go and he will own them completely and milk them for cash as much as he can. The republicans are fucked if he turns on them and any republican senate or house candidate running in 2022 cannot win if Donald is not onside, provided he can still speak from inside prison.