Romney is running in 2024

I had to see what you wrote.

It makes me really happy that two little people with no lives have something to do lmao

Write more write more!!

I kind of am loving the fact that you are taking the time to do this.

PS maybe get laid. Oh wait. You can’t.
You be butt hurt over a very simple thing.

Trump lost because he was a terrible president.
Oh, and as an ex-mormon, Mormonism is a fucking cult and as much as a respect Mitt for standing up when needed, that fucking religion better be no where near the White House or any power of that magnitude.

In Mormonism, the prophet and other brethren are suppose to come before anything else and I dont trust Mitt to actually not be swayed(at least somewhat) from what the so called church decrees. Hell fucking no. I'm done lol.
Oh, and dont entertain that fucking troll.

These are unprecedented times and we have a president who is literally trying to upend democracy, as we speak, so no they can fuck off and bitch and moan about losing, but at the end of the day they fucking lost like a bunch of whiney little asshole children.

I still have fucking morons around me with their god damn signs up, thankfully it's only a handful as most have gotten over it and moved on. Fuck off with trying to destroy our democratic republic, not fucking today.

Edit: ok after rereading that I was a little fired up and it came off strong, but my point still stands.
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Oh, and dont entertain that fucking troll.

These are unprecedented times and we have a president who is literally trying to upend democracy, as we speak, so no they can fuck off and bitch and moan about losing, but at the end of the day they fucking lost like a bunch of whiney little asshole children.

I still have fucking morons around me with their god damn signs up, thankfully it's only a handful as most have gotten over it and moved on. Fuck off with trying to destroy our democratic republic, not fucking today.

Edit: ok after rereading that I was a little fired up and it came off strong, but my point still stands.
Your response and feelings are perfectly appropriate, that's how a patriotic American is suppose to feel about what is happening to their country.