Ronnie's Rolling In His Grave Now..Introducing The NEW Welfare Queens..


Well-Known Member
How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens
By Barry Ritholtz Nov 13, 2013 9:23 AM ET

It seems that welfare queens are back in the news these days. The old stereotype was an inner-city unwed mother -- that’s dog-whistle-speak for black -- having multiple babies to get ever bigger welfare checks (throw in a new Cadillac and the myth is complete). Regardless, welfare reform of the 1990s ended that narrative.

No, the new welfare queens are even bigger, richer and less deserving of taxpayer support. The two biggest welfare queens in America today are Wal-Mart and McDonald's.
This issue has become more known as we learn just how far some companies have gone in putting their employees on public assistance. According to one study, American fast food workers receive more than $7 billion dollars in public assistance. As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs. It exploded into the public when a recording of the McResource line advocated that full-time employees sign up for food stamps and welfare.
Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest private sector employer, is also the biggest consumer of taxpayer supported aid. According to Florida Congressman Alan Grayson, in many states, Wal-Mart employees are the largest group of Medicaid recipients. They are also the single biggest group of food stamp recipients. Wal-mart’s "associates" are paid so little, according to Grayson, that they receive $1,000 on average in public assistance. These amount to massive taxpayer subsidies for private companies.

Why are profitable, dividend-paying firms receiving taxpayer subsidies? The short answer is, because they can. The longer answer is more complex and nuanced.

Both McDonald's and Wal-Mart are engaging in perfectly legal behavior. The system was set up long ago in ways that failed to imagine companies doing this. Yes, they are taking advantage of the taxpayer, but they are also operating within the law.

Which means it is time to change those outdated rules.

The simplest solution is to raise the minimum wage. If full-time employees are living below the poverty level -- especially those with children -- its no surprise they are going to need public assistance. Raising the minimum wage over a period of time will eliminate much of this corporate welfare. The costs will be slightly higher prices at fast food restaurants and low end retailers.

The next proposal is more severe: Charge back the amount of public assistance any employee receives to the company he or she works for. It would be separate from tax filings, and simply be a direct penalty charged to the firm. I doubt there is much political will for this proposal, but I can see some people -- especially on the Left -- supporting it.

The most radical idea is bit of pure fantasy: Guarantee every person in America a minimum salary. That is a proposal under discussion today in Switzerland. Its hard to even imagine such a concept gaining traction in the U.S. outside of the Great Depression era.

My politics are pretty middle-of-the-road, and I find myself offended by subsidizing profitable companies this way. As a taxpayer, there are much better things I would like to see my monies go towards. Some rule changes are needed to end this wasteful spending.

We should get corporate welfare queens off of the public teat. Regardless of your politics, it is an issue that politicians on both the Left and the Right can agree upon.
I think the charge-back is the best of these ideas. The others are the macroeconomic equivalent of using a match to check the level of the gas tank one is siphoning. Jmo.
no comment or opinion from you just a subtle, roundabout way of saying "people won't pay me commensurate to my experience"

Honestly what do you expect when your resume reads: Housewife*?

My mother has worked full time since she left school, only taking time off for maternity leave, sickness and holidays. Billions of women around the world are able to do this - working their way up the company ladder to find success in their field, while juggling a family and the oddities life throws at them and I applaud every single one of them.
Middle of the road my ass. No middle of the road policy would ever force a company to pay for it's employees financial short comings on top of their regular pay. Minimum salary?

My crew is well beyond this effecting them considering their pay rate, but for sake of argument, if this shit came to my door I'd would let everyone of my employees go right now this morning. I'd run the business alone like I did when I started it. Wife would join me, and as the kids came of age if they choose they could be right there in it too. I'd have all but 1 of my 7 man crew back, and I wouldn't have to put up with one ounce of this type of bullshit.

Shitty thing about it, is we as a family would just build more wealth, and those 7 dudes and their families are stuck looking for work. I wonder, what you solution would be to feeding those 7 families we just had to let go? Tax my family more? Make the other 7 families dependent on the gubermint, and then tell them it's all my fault that they are out of a job, and that my family has all their money?

These shit jobs were never meant to provide a living wage. Its a fantasy to assume everyone can have a living wage, at this type of job, for 40 hours or less a week.

Starting to frown, gonna go turn it around. Maybe I'll go down to the shop and fire someone. Lol, not really. Get the griz out and shovel the parking lot. That would be nice of me.
I am not a patron of ANY fast food joints, but I seriously doubt doubling any of their wages results in a correct order coming out of the drive-thru window. Why in Gods name does a fast food worker think he/she can support children without government assistance? Close your legs girls, wear condoms boys.
McDonalds and WalMart have NOTHING on the Big Banks.

The Big Banks get TRILLIONS!! And none of it goes to help anyone but themselves.
Poor people should hire lobbyists to go to the carpet for them and get the laws changed...Oh wait, no money. Looks like the poor will just have to stay that way, nothing will change.
McDonalds and WalMart have NOTHING on the Big Banks.

The Big Banks get TRILLIONS!! And none of it goes to help anyone but themselves.

The White House and Congress aren't stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds them. Last time I checked 47% of congress were multi-millionaires - if that's not representation for the common man I don't what is. Give me a cheque - and tell me what you'd like balanced...
McDonalds and WalMart have NOTHING on the Big Banks.

The Big Banks get TRILLIONS!! And none of it goes to help anyone but themselves.

hmm i wonder what the amount of taxpayer subsidies equate to supporting a wealthy companies' employees year over year?
no comment or opinion from you just a subtle, roundabout way of saying "people won't pay me commensurate to my experience"

Honestly what do you expect when your resume reads: Housewife*?

My mother has worked full time since she left school, only taking time off for maternity leave, sickness and holidays. Billions of women around the world are able to do this - working their way up the company ladder to find success in their field, while juggling a family and the oddities life throws at them and I applaud every single one of them.
What is it with right wingers and bitching about freedom and liberty, but when it comes to labor they support complete and utter submittal to any authority or social contract, without any consideration given to the quality of the contract. It's no different than a modern form of slavery. It just seems like an oxymoron to me, or even plain stupidity.

The communist manifesto in contemporary English.

Well then for your posts we'll have to find something to the right of Mein Kampf.
hmm i wonder what the amount of taxpayer subsidies equate to supporting a wealthy companies' employees year over year?
Last year $75 Billion in food subsidies was spent on SNAP.$3.7 Trillion in total welfare spending over the last 5 years. that's about $740 billion a year

So far, bank bailouts have cost a cool $4.6 Trillion, with Guarantees for $16 trillion

Looks like we are spending way way more on the banks, $1 trillion per year right now. Or 35% more on banks than on the people. That's for ALL the people, not just Wal Mart and McDonald's workers, which would make the disparity even larger and even more in our faces.

You tell me. Where do you think the priorities are?
What is it with right wingers and bitching about freedom and liberty, but when it comes to labor they support complete and utter submittal to any authority or social contract, without any consideration given to the quality of the contract. It's no different than a modern form of slavery. It just seems like an oxymoron to me, or even plain stupidity.

Well then for your posts we'll have to find something to the right of Mein Kampf.

Quote John Locke all you want.
What is it with right wingers and bitching about freedom and liberty, but when it comes to labor they support complete and utter submittal to any authority or social contract, without any consideration given to the quality of the contract. It's no different than a modern form of slavery. It just seems like an oxymoron to me, or even plain stupidity.

It was designed to draw in the feeble minded and watch them spin a web of partisan bullshit as to why they do not vote with their heads. You should know better considering your implied omnipotence. Sadly though you have characterised me in a false political light - that I've come to expect from the under achievers that support socialism.

There are thousands, if not millions of jobs on the market at any given moment, if you don't like pay and conditions - LEAVE.

If you want a liveable minimum wage then lobby your representatives and when they don't listen, vote them out of office and vote in someone who will take up your cause.

I support minimum wage or I wouldn't be living in Australia :dunce: We recently went through an overhaul of our labour laws in response to the will of the people. We voted in a government that would take up that cause and they did, it worked and our country is better for it.

Until the American PEOPLE demand REAL change by ditching the two major parties, paid for in full by these same corporations and multi-nationals, nothing will change.
Middle of the road my ass. No middle of the road policy would ever force a company to pay for it's employees financial short comings on top of their regular pay. Minimum salary?

My crew is well beyond this effecting them considering their pay rate, but for sake of argument, if this shit came to my door I'd would let everyone of my employees go right now this morning. I'd run the business alone like I did when I started it. Wife would join me, and as the kids came of age if they choose they could be right there in it too. I'd have all but 1 of my 7 man crew back, and I wouldn't have to put up with one ounce of this type of bullshit.

Shitty thing about it, is we as a family would just build more wealth, and those 7 dudes and their families are stuck looking for work. I wonder, what you solution would be to feeding those 7 families we just had to let go? Tax my family more? Make the other 7 families dependent on the gubermint, and then tell them it's all my fault that they are out of a job, and that my family has all their money?

These shit jobs were never meant to provide a living wage. Its a fantasy to assume everyone can have a living wage, at this type of job, for 40 hours or less a week.

Starting to frown, gonna go turn it around. Maybe I'll go down to the shop and fire someone. Lol, not really. Get the griz out and shovel the parking lot. That would be nice of me.

Based on the logic I've seen, I would guess they would expect you to pay even more in to an unemployment fund for the already terminated workers all while raising unemployment rates for a single individual with no kids and double for those who do.

It doesn't matter that you can make more income working with your family, and you are required to help those who don't want to help themselves all because (You didn't build that!):wink: :lol: