Sanders and Ross "I told you so" Perot

You forget that Clinton won the popular vote but lost in only a few key states by very slim margins. Did sexism have something to do with the result? Yes. Did Comey? Yes. did Russian meddling? Yes. Did racism? Yes. In close elections, they turn on small things

I respect your right to make your own decision regarding your vote. Please don't say that respecting your rights means I have to avoid saying a lot of that shit you said you think are true about Clinton were right wing lies.

Answer the damn question, man. Regarding the excuse that media collusion caused Bernie's loss. If this is your "reason" why Bernie lost by a whopping large margin, then answer this: why did "media collusion" affect the black and Hispanic vote more than the white vote in the Democratic party's primary. There is more than a whiff of racism in this claim. Are you saying black and Hispanic voters are gullible? More so than white voters?
Why was it even close?

Another question you can't stand to answer with any level of honesty.
Clinton faints at the 9/11 memorial, it's somehow a "right wing talking point" to even bring it up, yet Sanders is old, so calling into question age is considered valid. Hey, I don't knock people for calling Sanders age into question. I did myself, even in 2016. He will be old as fuck in 2020, no arguing that, especially for a president. 80 years old is old, make no mistake about it. But his political message overshadows his age. It's not about his age; it's about his message. Millions of people will carry that on after he's gone. Sanders has solidified his legacy in millennials.

They do, though. Paid speeches ensure that as a politician, you do the bidding of those who paid you, for the speeches. You like to play dumb as if people paying you to give speeches would have no effect on the outcome of your vote, when clearly, undeniably, it does. Even your own heroes like Clinton herself admits money corrupts politicians... Well, when it's a Republican anyway... A Democrat accepting corporate campaign donations, though... NO WAY that'll affect the outcome of their votel. Those guys are straight arrows. They're fighting for you, for the working class...

Positions for the rich to secure donor contributions, positions for the poor to secure the votes

That the people involved admitted to

A broken clock is right twice a day, right...
He squirms like a worm in a hot frying pan.

He can't debate you on the merits, so all he can do is raise strawmen, create false equivalencies and spew hate speech.
Groupthink? Just checking... what shape is the Earth?

Actually I choose it specifically because if was topical and timely. It was the sixth or so gif listed when I searched for "eyeroll gif" on google. I expected you to be butthurt when I had had enough of your ridiculous comments but I also expected you could do better than that and "attack the source not the story... believe what you want to believe". If there is anybody here that makes "believe what you want to believe" their personal maxim, it is you.
You can't even entertain the notion that you might not have the whole story?

I read a great deal, not just the Mainstream. That's why I'm sceptical if what we're being sold. Blame the Chump for censorship, but hop right on the bus to censorship, based only on... whatever they tell us is 'fake news'. And nothing of any substance.

I'm sorry that you've been taken in by the right wing illiberal 'Democrats' here.
You can't even entertain the notion that you might not have the whole story?

I read a great deal, not just the Mainstream. That's why I'm sceptical if what we're being sold. Blame the Chump for censorship, but hop right on the bus to censorship, based only on... whatever they tell us is 'fake news'. And nothing of any substance.

I'm sorry that you've been taken in by the right wing illiberal 'Democrats' here.
Lol, you read fake news, you retard.

That's like adding nothing (fake information) to nothing (your severely handicapped brain) and expecting to get 47.