Sativied's Picture Journal


Well-Known Member
Rain rain go away please come back next grow during veg only... it just keeps raining. I prefer not to remove healthy leaves but it’ll help bring humidity down.

The haze is so slow….


Should have plenty of time to determine if its SH parent causes it to throw nanner. If not… I got clones:


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot how much fun it is to grow on ‘water’.


Rockstar clone rooted and revegged at the same time, under 36watts of old t8 tubes.

Not even sure I’ll use them. Thinking of doing a P-F1 run again, select a motherplant for clones and run with that for a while, while I find that haze to cross it with. May have to give in and get SSH.

Unless of course this monster (original haze x silver haze) turns out great. Did pollinate a few buds with a pinene-stinky P-F3 nr 19.


That rockstar in last pics in previous post is begging for some red PCK pollen though…