Saudis vs Iran...who's going to win?

It`s pretty much confirmed in the science field that SA has acquired ready to use Pakistan rockets with HOT payloads,...We will be boosting Iran`s chances to do the same with their rockets.

How do you think SA will feel about Obama supporting Iran when the Two are approaching war ?

That's a tough call. Obama's best bet is to stay out. Somehow I doubt that will happen, though.

John Kerry is the last BS artist drunk that I want trying to defuse what is coming. The Media will heavily edit, Facebook is your best source. (If you know anyone over there) Their trick is to travel and talk, so not to be monitored.

Kerry is a useless foreign secretary. He should just retire, collect his pension and fuck off. I'm fairly certain he's caused more problems than resolved.
Several of my physicist friends are Persian, and we actually celebrate Norooz in the physics dept., so I have more sympathy for Iran than the rest of that area. But I wish they would go back to their Zoroastrian ways, and ditch that Shia crap altogether (note: none of my friends are religious, and frown on Islam, to boot).

Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds. ;)

That's a tough call. Obama's best bet is to stay out. Somehow I doubt that will happen, though.

Kerry is a useless foreign secretary. He should just retire, collect his pension and fuck off. I'm fairly certain he's caused more problems than resolved.
Several of my physicist friends are Persian, and we actually celebrate Norooz in the physics dept., so I have more sympathy for Iran than the rest of that area. But I wish they would go back to their Zoroastrian ways, and ditch that Shia crap altogether (note: none of my friends are religious, and frown on Islam, to boot).

Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds. ;)

Somehow I believe you`re right, he wont stay out if he is leader at the time. an extended stay for a month or two would be nice. If he pens a deal with warring Nations, we can`t change leaders til it`s done.

Believe it or not, of all the Mid. Easterners that I met in my life,, the Iranians and Turks were the most friendly to be around. It those damn Governments that make them smell bad. My best cymbals are Turkish K`s. Both of them. When my daughter was a teenish, she had a guy from Iran she used to date, I learned that they don`t eat that bad over there either.
Well last I checked Iran had a population of around 77 Million and Saudi Arabia around 28 Million... BUT.... Saudi Arabia has a GDP of 750 Billion with a 80 billion military budget. While Iran is only at 370 Billion GDP and 10.2 Billion military budget.

When you throw in the Saudi's allies its kind of a no brainer.
Well last I checked Iran had a population of around 77 Million and Saudi Arabia around 28 Million... BUT.... Saudi Arabia has a GDP of 750 Billion with a 80 billion military budget. While Iran is only at 370 Billion GDP and 10.2 Billion military budget.

When you throw in the Saudi's allies its kind of a no brainer.

It will be an air war, advantage SA.

Ground campaign, Iran no doubt.
Saudi Arabia cannot afford to pull it`s ground forces away from the Yemen and Oman borders, Iran knows that.
Strategically, SA cannot fall into the hands of an anti American Nation. Even Obama wont let that happen. Red Sea on one side, our oil supplies on the other,...The US infrastructure would collapse in a year if both those straits were blocked by shore batteries or mines in the waters. Just the threat to shipping would raise costs and lower traffic.

Iran can and will fight SA to the end but the SA Air Force will put a huge hurting on Iran first.

The biggest wrench anyone could throw into US relations between the two, is to have the two go to war.

How`d that happen ?

If both Countries were left to fight it out SA would get destroyed
  1. Saudi Arabia intentionally keeps its military weaker than it should be- A strong military in Saudi Arabia would almost certainly tire of the machinations of the Saudi royal family and it would overthrow them. This is why the upper echelons of the military are filled with royal members and hangers-on and that's why Iran would have a significant advantage over Saudi Arabia.
  2. Iran has purchased numerous anti-ship missiles - So many in fact that any time they want to end vessel traffic out of the Persian Gulf, they could do so. While Saudi Arabia does have a pipeline to offload oil located on its western shore, the pipeline couldn't carry the same amounts of petroleum that ships leaving the Gulf do. Iran could easily strangle Saudi's petroleum if it so chose.
  3. The bulk of Saudi's petrochemical industry is within flying distance and missile range of Iran's southern military bases - Iran, in addition to sinking vessels laden with Saudi crude, could devastate the bulk of the Saudi petroleum industry in a few hours to days.
  4. Iran has a deeper bench than Saudi does - There are 75 million Iranians and less than 30 million Saudis. And most of the people in Saudi Arabia are not themselves Saudi citizens which brings up the ticklish question of loyalty during a crisis.
  5. Saudi Arabia's large and restive Sh'ia population - Saudi Arabia has a Sh'ia population which may encompass as much as 15%. This minority has been severely oppressed by the Saudi government and clergy (the overwhelming majority of whom are Sunni Muslim) and there has been little done to salve the hurt feelings caused by this repression. Iran (being majority Sh'ia) could easily find purchase (and probably has) among the disaffected members of Saudi's Sh'ia community and use those members as a "fifth column." Or, even better for Iran, it could be presumed by the Saudi's that they couldn't trust their Sh'ia and additional forces would need to be deployed just to prevent a possible Sh'ia uprising. This would take needed troops away from the battle with Iran.

The above is all speculation of course, as it is not in US interests to allow a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia to occur. If diplomatic options failed, it's clear that the US would support Saudi Arabia and that support would be enough to either defeat Iran or to limit the scope of the conflict.
It will be an air war, advantage SA.

Ground campaign, Iran no doubt.
Not a chance Mind you when Iran threatened to block the straight US ships and Jets stayed at a safe distance and why ??? they do have Russian S-300 and S-400 that will not only drop a bird out of the sky , it will sink anything in its range

If both Countries were left to fight it out SA would get destroyed
  1. Saudi Arabia intentionally keeps its military weaker than it should be- A strong military in Saudi Arabia would almost certainly tire of the machinations of the Saudi royal family and it would overthrow them. This is why the upper echelons of the military are filled with royal members and hangers-on and that's why Iran would have a significant advantage over Saudi Arabia.
  2. Iran has purchased numerous anti-ship missiles - So many in fact that any time they want to end vessel traffic out of the Persian Gulf, they could do so. While Saudi Arabia does have a pipeline to offload oil located on its western shore, the pipeline couldn't carry the same amounts of petroleum that ships leaving the Gulf do. Iran could easily strangle Saudi's petroleum if it so chose.
  3. The bulk of Saudi's petrochemical industry is within flying distance and missile range of Iran's southern military bases - Iran, in addition to sinking vessels laden with Saudi crude, could devastate the bulk of the Saudi petroleum industry in a few hours to days.
  4. Iran has a deeper bench than Saudi does - There are 75 million Iranians and less than 30 million Saudis. And most of the people in Saudi Arabia are not themselves Saudi citizens which brings up the ticklish question of loyalty during a crisis.
  5. Saudi Arabia's large and restive Sh'ia population - Saudi Arabia has a Sh'ia population which may encompass as much as 15%. This minority has been severely oppressed by the Saudi government and clergy (the overwhelming majority of whom are Sunni Muslim) and there has been little done to salve the hurt feelings caused by this repression. Iran (being majority Sh'ia) could easily find purchase (and probably has) among the disaffected members of Saudi's Sh'ia community and use those members as a "fifth column." Or, even better for Iran, it could be presumed by the Saudi's that they couldn't trust their Sh'ia and additional forces would need to be deployed just to prevent a possible Sh'ia uprising. This would take needed troops away from the battle with Iran.

The above is all speculation of course, as it is not in US interests to allow a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia to occur. If diplomatic options failed, it's clear that the US would support Saudi Arabia and that support would be enough to either defeat Iran or to limit the scope of the conflict.

SA has tactical stand-off air to surface munitions, the s-300 can reach 20Mi up and 100mi out, the tactical weapons can be fired from 500mi out and Iran will never see the plane. There pilots are an example of, Top crop. Most of Iran`s rocket need guidance, turn it on, lose it rule of thumb. The s-300 can track like 15 planes at a time, fire at like 6 or 7 with a 5 minute turn around to get the rest. Tracking radar leads SA to the tracker.

Saudi Arabia has no Navy to threaten Iran with and Iran has no Navy to threaten SA with.

I think if the plays made by SA at time of air war are done right, Iran will suffer dearly. A ground war, SA has little to no chance at all.
In a ground war, Iran will have it`s way with anyone over there except Pakistan and India, That`s why they desperately need our help speeding up their Nuke program, India and Pakistan will not tolerate a Nuclear Iran. At all. They can barely tolerate each other now as it is.

Iran will be the Mid East Superpower with Nukes that`s it. Thanks Obama.
After reviewing the history of the House of Saud, it became apparent the last "good king" was Faisal.
But what was his reward for trying to bring those backward Bedouins into the modern era with the introduction of TV?
A bullet to the face...since then, it has been downhill.

:lol: This "debate" is hilarious. If you think US Gov't officials are masters of stupid, wait till you hear Saudi officials try to defend their (literally) retarded "justice".
BTW Everyone on here is considered a terrorist under their "law" for more than one reason.

:lol: This "debate" is hilarious. If you think US Gov't officials are masters of stupid, wait till you hear Saudi officials try to defend their (literally) retarded "justice".
BTW Everyone on here is considered a terrorist under their "law" for more than one reason.

It is literally hilarious when Saudis try criticise others for human rights issues.

How does a woman apply for a driving license in Saudi Arabia?
dd ball you do not realize most truths are coming out hell even China says now with drones on the moon that USA has never landed here where is the proof not one bit of evididence

so this leads me to think Bing Saudi is probably armed by some missles how many of them will actually work we know usa is all about fucking the other guy in some way or form
USA has played the tough guy for some time faking it i wouldn't consider SA millitry strong most would switch sides in a heart beat that and lets not forget who owns more mines thats why USA never flew or has ships to close to iran just clos enough to send a sortie if need be
lets not forget what russias air defense system is covering in syria they can track a kid kicking a soccer ball look at the distance SA565976bdc46188e0318b462b.jpg ME SYSTEM IN IRAN
It is literally hilarious when Saudis try criticise others for human rights issues.

How about putting a Saudi on the Human Rights council at the UN? Talk about blood money!
I imagine North Korea will be next.

How does a woman apply for a driving license in Saudi Arabia?

They aren't allowed to drive, because it "undermines social values."
Come should know that a woman is not even innocent after being raped unless her 'mahram' is with her!
Otherwise, she gets more lashings than the rapist(s). /sarc()=0;

One can look on the bright side; 130k women registered to vote, now that they have permission, AND some burqa-clad beings (can't tell if they are women) were elected to some municipal councils--I think 18, in total. Then again, they've only had 3 elections EVER! :lol: Can you imagine the election posters? Which burqa should one vote for? The black one or the black one or the black one or...?

They are really making an effort to crawl into the 20th century (it's a "long process" like their prosecution of Jihadis). Maybe in another 50-100 years they'll accidentally stumble into the 21st? However, that will be unlikely so long as they use the Quran to guide their "justice."

I may not believe in AGW, but if there's one good reason to get off the hydrocarbons, it is to cut-off those socially backward Bedouins from funding. For now, the oil price squeeze is the best offense (sans military involvement), although I believe they are still getting 180-200% ROI even at these prices. How much of a dent is that putting into their purse? I don't know for certain. :-?
SA has tactical stand-off air to surface munitions, the s-300 can reach 20Mi up and 100mi out, the tactical weapons can be fired from 500mi out and Iran will never see the plane. There pilots are an example of, Top crop. Most of Iran`s rocket need guidance, turn it on, lose it rule of thumb. The s-300 can track like 15 planes at a time, fire at like 6 or 7 with a 5 minute turn around to get the rest. Tracking radar leads SA to the tracker.

Saudi Arabia has no Navy to threaten Iran with and Iran has no Navy to threaten SA with.

I think if the plays made by SA at time of air war are done right, Iran will suffer dearly. A ground war, SA has little to no chance at all.
In a ground war, Iran will have it`s way with anyone over there except Pakistan and India, That`s why they desperately need our help speeding up their Nuke program, India and Pakistan will not tolerate a Nuclear Iran. At all. They can barely tolerate each other now as it is.

Iran will be the Mid East Superpower with Nukes that`s it. Thanks Obama.

I think you got it all wrong with Iran needing USAs help in getting nukes they could very well get it from i either allies China / Russia , USA stuck there nose into this iran deal to make sure they DO NOT HAVE NUKES

This is why USA has never attempted to invade Iran they will do any other route , Embargo's etc ..

But what ever it all stems down to ISIS and who is the main fault I think countries like USA, England,, and any other France ???? possibly affiliated with all the shit that has happened in the middle east that has been going on since world war 2 should be held accountable and charged with the strictest penalties
Sure they can say this war has been going on since biblical times ,,, but these countries have made everyone hate everyone hundred times worse
How about putting a Saudi on the Human Rights council at the UN? Talk about blood money!
I imagine North Korea will be next.

They aren't allowed to drive, because it "undermines social values."
Come should know that a woman is not even innocent after being raped unless her 'mahram' is with her!
Otherwise, she gets more lashings than the rapist(s). /sarc()=0;

One can look on the bright side; 130k women registered to vote, now that they have permission, AND some burqa-clad beings (can't tell if they are women) were elected to some municipal councils--I think 18, in total. Then again, they've only had 3 elections EVER! :lol: Can you imagine the election posters? Which burqa should one vote for? The black one or the black one or the black one or...?

They are really making an effort to crawl into the 20th century (it's a "long process" like their prosecution of Jihadis). Maybe in another 50-100 years they'll accidentally stumble into the 21st? However, that will be unlikely so long as they use the Quran to guide their "justice."

I may not believe in AGW, but if there's one good reason to get off the hydrocarbons, it is to cut-off those socially backward Bedouins from funding. For now, the oil price squeeze is the best offense (sans military involvement), although I believe they are still getting 180-200% ROI even at these prices. How much of a dent is that putting into their purse? I don't know for certain. :-?
2 dollars per barrel is all it costs them on average...

I'm hoping they'd budgeted on higher prices, if there's one country I wouldn't mind to see destabilised it'd be the Saudis, we all know the Americans have backdoors on their more advanced technology so they can shut most of the better stuff they sold them down so it wouldn't be captured by radical elements.

Iran is well equipped in an anti air capacity either way, with the constant threat from Israel they have that pretty much locked down.

They're also a valued friend of Russia, so probably have some "Russian Federation" made kit too.