Saudis vs Iran...who's going to win?

I think you got it all wrong with Iran needing USAs help in getting nukes they could very well get it from i either allies China / Russia , USA stuck there nose into this iran deal to make sure they DO NOT HAVE NUKES

This is why USA has never attempted to invade Iran they will do any other route , Embargo's etc ..

But what ever it all stems down to ISIS and who is the main fault I think countries like USA, England,, and any other France ???? possibly affiliated with all the shit that has happened in the middle east that has been going on since world war 2 should be held accountable and charged with the strictest penalties
Sure they can say this war has been going on since biblical times ,,, but these countries have made everyone hate everyone hundred times worse

Neither Russia nor China would Sponsor Iran Nukes for free. It would come with a huge package of do`s and don`ts or else.
Kerry and Obama have gifted Iran the Nukes they seek unconditionally after ten years because it would look silly saying to China and Russia that Iran threatened us with the or else and we caved.

I`ll say this once and you can take it any way you want, Barak Obama is the CinC and ISIS formed under his watch because they were allowed and used a plan I put on the net for the US to use to take Iraq back when this got going under Obama`s watch.
If I were CinC ISIS would not have formed and even If I got elected in 16, ISIS would be gone off the planet inside two weeks as big as they are now or even bigger,

Obama will not do a thing to stop ISIS from forming. He still hasn`t and ISIS will be there when he is gone. ISIS exists soley because Barak Obama let it.
If Obama told me to go get iSIS, I`ll be back before Superbowl Sunday because I`d turn the Military lose on them, and get reports once a week or so because the Pentagon can destroy ISIS at will, they have not received any such Orders.
Neither Russia nor China would Sponsor Iran Nukes for free. It would come with a huge package of do`s and don`ts or else.
Kerry and Obama have gifted Iran the Nukes they seek unconditionally after ten years because it would look silly saying to China and Russia that Iran threatened us with the or else and we caved.

I`ll say this once and you can take it any way you want, Barak Obama is the CinC and ISIS formed under his watch because they were allowed and used a plan I put on the net for the US to use to take Iraq back when this got going under Obama`s watch.
If I were CinC ISIS would not have formed and even If I got elected in 16, ISIS would be gone off the planet inside two weeks as big as they are now or even bigger,

Obama will not do a thing to stop ISIS from forming. He still hasn`t and ISIS will be there when he is gone. ISIS exists soley because Barak Obama let it.
Are you kidding me lol its not that USA has Gifted Iran with nukes USA is working with Iran in making Nuclear power energy 2 different ball games and diferent grde uranium
If Obama told me to go get iSIS, I`ll be back before Superbowl Sunday because I`d turn the Military lose on them, and get reports once a week or so because the Pentagon can destroy ISIS at will, they have not received any such Orders.
Thought you guys tried that already how has it gone so far ???
last time looks like they schooled you one second usa is against but again turns there head when Oil from ISIS controlled refinery's get smuggled into turkey lol
I wouldn't doubt USA is getting a kick back some how you know what they do best insider trading ?? just Ask Hillary lmao
Also how can you fight something you cannot see its bad enough when you see them and still get schooled but to get rid of the invisible men is i guess so much easier lol.
And its not united states but a agreement with united nations

Look at the label of the machines in the Plant,...Made in USA. All of it, the whole fucking plant. Unless of course you can let out a Nation supplying building and operation materials. The other Nation only gave approval. You are easily fooled.
Thought you guys tried that already how has it gone so far ???
last time looks like they schooled you one second usa is against but again turns there head when Oil from ISIS controlled refinery's get smuggled into turkey lol
I wouldn't doubt USA is getting a kick back some how you know what they do best insider trading ?? just Ask Hillary lmao

It has not been tried yet, non of it, from 90 forward has been a policing force. It got done right under Powel in 90.
Also how can you fight something you cannot see its bad enough when you see them and still get schooled but to get rid of the invisible men is i guess so much easier lol.

That`s the part you remain clueless, If I clear everything in front of me, ISIS goes with it, I only let back approved. That`s only an Idea of how to do an enemy blended in. Obama and Bush W would not do that. There was not enough in it for them, I don`t want anything and would do it for nut`n. ISIS is a bunch of murdering gang savages.
Neither Russia nor China would Sponsor Iran Nukes for free. It would come with a huge package of do`s and don`ts or else.
Kerry and Obama have gifted Iran the Nukes they seek unconditionally after ten years because it would look silly saying to China and Russia that Iran threatened us with the or else and we caved.

I`ll say this once and you can take it any way you want, Barak Obama is the CinC and ISIS formed under his watch because they were allowed and used a plan I put on the net for the US to use to take Iraq back when this got going under Obama`s watch.
If I were CinC ISIS would not have formed and even If I got elected in 16, ISIS would be gone off the planet inside two weeks as big as they are now or even bigger,

Obama will not do a thing to stop ISIS from forming. He still hasn`t and ISIS will be there when he is gone. ISIS exists soley because Barak Obama let it.

Fact: Isis was formed in Iraqi prisons when numbnuts invaded Iraq.

You sound really dumb when you and a few others keep saying this.

I'm pulling for Iran to wipe the Saudis off the map.
owe i other words then there is no need to even go there just make the universes biggest glass bong out of Iraq, syria might as well throw in turkey an Saudi arabia my guess is Iraq 200- 300 nukes , Syria 150 - 200 Saudi 250 - 350 nukes.???? who else am i missing Awe shit Iran 200 nukes throw in turkey as well 250 nukes
MAy be see if they can turn the imaginary vehicles on mars Camera's on Earth and see i we can see it from there lol
Fact: Isis was formed in Iraqi prisons when numbnuts invaded Iraq.

You sound really dumb when you and a few others keep saying this.

I'm pulling for Iran to wipe the Saudis off the map.

It doesn`t matter when that sludge came out of the cunt, it matters when they organize at the chance and moved accordingly.

This was less than three years ago under Obama. If not for Obama they would still be in the womb or better, aborted.
owe i other words then there is no need to even go there just make the universes biggest glass bong out of Iraq, syria might as well throw in turkey an Saudi arabia my guess is Iraq 200- 300 nukes , Syria 150 - 200 Saudi 250 - 350 nukes.???? who else am i missing Awe shit Iran 200 nukes throw in turkey as well 250 nukes

You can`t throw Nukes without permission. That`s how dumb you are.
Owe Really who gave USA permission to drop 2 bombs on japan

The only two of five in existence that nobody knew about,....You left reaching now.

Who else had one that could threaten retaliation ? Dumb, very dumb of me to bite that bate.........Go ahead, throw one up in the air and see if another you didn`t know about goes up with it.
Technically... The Japanese did....
Look at the label of the machines in the Plant,...Made in USA. All of it, the whole fucking plant. Unless of course you can let out a Nation supplying building and operation materials. The other Nation only gave approval. You are easily fooled.
Show me made in USA shit even Russia owns your uranium sad huh Bet you didn't know that you can thank the Clinton's for that one so i guess that means uranium must come from Russia being there the majority owner :)

The Clinton Global Foundation had not previously disclosed $2.35 million donations from the Canadian chairman of Uranium One between 2009 and 2013, as Russia’s energy agency negotiated first a minority stake and eventually majority ownership of the company. This is despite an agreement with the Obama administration to disclose foreign donations.