Sciatica anyone?

Stuart McGill, a great suggestion. He is a wealth of info on backs.
I've read that compression on your spine can cause sciatica. And the compressive forces on your spine mostly done from your own tight muscles. Like tight, short glute or thigh muscles cranking down on your lower back. So you can relieve the sciatica by loosening up tight muscles.

Here are a couple vids about rolling around on a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball) to mash up and relax tight glutes.

Or the dense ropey stuff on the side of your thighs (IT band).

There are also breathing exercises to relax your back and engage your ab and pelvic floor muscles.

There are also exercises to improve posture and strengthen the muscles around your hips that support your spine. Here are 3 easy ones recommended by Dr Stuart McGill. He's an expert on backs, and has lots of info and books out there if you're interested.
Is anyone else dealing with this affliction? I've been to my general practitioner and a physical therapist. The physical therapist did something akin to acupuncture on me that seemed to help once. My general practitioner has me on flexaril and OTC pain relieves. I go to the gym regularly to do my pt and get hydro massages. I'm active otherwise, staying on my feet and moving as that's when the pain subsides a bit. Of course I blow an oz a week to manage my pain.

So how are y'all dealing with your pain? How do you manage it without drugs or do you take drugs to deal with it? Is cannabis a big part of your larger pain management plan?
My wife has this issue. Every 6 months she has to go and have a spinal ablation done. It helps a lot with her issues.