science is forever finding more .


Ursus marijanus
if evolution and natural selection is right can you explain to me then why humans that derived from apes shed their own fur just to kill other animals and wear theirs for the winter season. now i thought to evolve is to change based on where you live in order to continue to live. now how much fuckin sense does it make for early humans in russia to shed all their fur just to kill and try to put fur back on themselves?

if you believe that then you're a fuckin idiot son
There was a whole thread about this not too long ago but in T&T. The best answer to just that question ... i wish I could remember who posted it ... has to do with how early hominins hunted. They were "persistence hunters", using long-range running endurance in a hot climate to push their prey into heat exhaustion. Being furless (and developing a talent for sweating) allowed our ancestors to not keel over from overheat, themselves. cn


Well-Known Member
There was a whole thread about this not too long ago but in T&T. The best answer to just that question ... i wish I could remember who posted it ... has to do with how early hominins hunted. They were "persistence hunters", using long-range running endurance in a hot climate to push their prey into heat exhaustion. Being furless (and developing a talent for sweating) allowed our ancestors to not keel over from overheat, themselves. cn
that sounds just as dumb to me. what humans you know can run with an animal like that? you cant name any animal with fur that cant outrun a human speed and endurance wise.


Well-Known Member
These shit storm threads like this are the reason rollitup is goin down the toilet.

Oylifter do u get a hard on for this shit or something. God u start more drama than any girl I've ever known. My2centz


Ursus marijanus


Well-Known Member
African bushmen still practice the persistence hunt ... there are documentary films of them running a one-ton antelope into the ground over two days. cn
damn i wish they still had the vid of that up because it still doesnt make sense to me. i get we're very good at long distance runnin, but how fast do long distance runners run? maybe 10-13 mph where as an antelope runs at 30-60 dependin on what kind. now you gonna tell me that with that speed difference a human is gonna be able to keep up with that thing?


Ursus marijanus
damn i wish they still had the vid of that up because it still doesnt make sense to me. i get we're very good at long distance runnin, but how fast do long distance runners run? maybe 10-13 mph where as an antelope runs at 30-60 dependin on what kind. now you gonna tell me that with that speed difference a human is gonna be able to keep up with that thing?
An antelope sprints that fast but cannot sustain. Antelopes will handily outrun humans until the timeline stretches into hours. Antelope legs have a shorter duty cycle than human ones. cn


Well-Known Member
really dude, are you serious?

your two cents are not the right change

These shit storm threads like this are the reason rollitup is goin down the toilet.

Oylifter do u get a hard on for this shit or something. God u start more drama than any girl I've ever known. My2centz


Well-Known Member
An antelope sprints that fast but cannot sustain. Antelopes will handily outrun humans until the timeline stretches into hours. Antelope legs have a shorter duty cycle than human ones. cn
do you see whats wrong with what you're sayin? with that speed difference it wouldnt take hours for that antelope to lose that human givin he's runnin atleast 20mph faster than the human the whole time. theres too many holes in that. i watched a pack of wild dogs get left by an antelope on tv and you're tryin to tell me a human can run faster/longer than a dog? noooooooooooo sirrrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
do you see whats wrong with what you're sayin? with that speed difference it wouldnt take hours for that antelope to lose that human givin he's runnin atleast 20mph faster than the human the whole time. theres too many holes in that. i watched a pack of wild dogs get left by an antelope on tv and you're tryin to tell me a human can run faster/longer than a dog? noooooooooooo sirrrrrrrrr

The antelope doesn't run for hours on end like humans though, that's the point. The antelope sprints at high speed for a short period (like maybe 10 minutes) and can't go any farther until it rests. Before it gets fully rested, the humans have caught up and are ready to harass it again. Add in the element of human intelligence, and now you can strategize how to encircle the antelope in a large area and run it in circles, making it easier for the human because he won't have to chase it, just let his buddies down range run it straight back to you.

The example of the dog and antelope is incorrect. Dogs are also sprinters and not endurance runners. Know why? Because they don't sweat through the skin, they pant and expel the heat through the mouth. If a dog were to run for an extended period of time it would die of heat exhaustion because it's body cannot breathe fast enough to supply oxygen for it's bodily processes and at the same time respirate the heat away from the body. Another excellent example of this is a cheetah. Fast as fuck, but not for very long. That 60mph sprint expends enormous amounts of energy, and if you watch some Nat Geo or something you'll see them back off and rest every time they fail to make a kill right away.

Think "tortoise and the hare". Sure the rabbit gets way ahead at first, but it'll stop to rest eventually. Instead of us passing by in the race though, we shank'em with a spear.


Well-Known Member
The antelope doesn't run for hours on end like humans though, that's the point. The antelope sprints at high speed for a short period (like maybe 10 minutes) and can't go any farther until it rests. Before it gets fully rested, the humans have caught up and are ready to harass it again. Add in the element of human intelligence, and now you can strategize how to encircle the antelope in a large area and run it in circles, making it easier for the human because he won't have to chase it, just let his buddies down range run it straight back to you.

The example of the dog and antelope is incorrect. Dogs are also sprinters and not endurance runners. Know why? Because they don't sweat through the skin, they pant and expel the heat through the mouth. If a dog were to run for an extended period of time it would die of heat exhaustion because it's body cannot breathe fast enough to supply oxygen for it's bodily processes and at the same time respirate the heat away from the body. Another excellent example of this is a cheetah. Fast as fuck, but not for very long. That 60mph sprint expends enormous amounts of energy, and if you watch some Nat Geo or something you'll see them back off and rest every time they fail to make a kill right away.

Think "tortoise and the hare". Sure the rabbit gets way ahead at first, but it'll stop to rest eventually. Instead of us passing by in the race though, we shank'em with a spear.
it doesnt need to run for hours to lose a human is my point. and i dont take "like maybe 10 minutes" as an accurate time frame. lol have you ever tried to out run a dog bro? my house dogs that ill go take to run in the field will sit out there for however long i can throw the ball which is usually around a hour. i just smoke a blunt or two and keep on throwin the ball till it gets dark. i live in louisiana too so you know its hot and humid as fuck and when we bout to leave they def wanna keep runnin so i dunno where you say dogs cant run for long peroids of time. they fur isnt that thick.

irregardless of any of that my specific statement was directed at humans in COLD conditions not in the fuckin jungle. its hard to get heat exaustion when its negative degree weather out


Well-Known Member
The antelope doesn't run for hours on end like humans though, that's the point. The antelope sprints at high speed for a short period (like maybe 10 minutes) and can't go any farther until it rests. Before it gets fully rested, the humans have caught up and are ready to harass it again. Add in the element of human intelligence, and now you can strategize how to encircle the antelope in a large area and run it in circles, making it easier for the human because he won't have to chase it, just let his buddies down range run it straight back to you.

The example of the dog and antelope is incorrect. Dogs are also sprinters and not endurance runners. Know why? Because they don't sweat through the skin, they pant and expel the heat through the mouth. If a dog were to run for an extended period of time it would die of heat exhaustion because it's body cannot breathe fast enough to supply oxygen for it's bodily processes and at the same time respirate the heat away from the body. Another excellent example of this is a cheetah. Fast as fuck, but not for very long. That 60mph sprint expends enormous amounts of energy, and if you watch some Nat Geo or something you'll see them back off and rest every time they fail to make a kill right away.

Think "tortoise and the hare". Sure the rabbit gets way ahead at first, but it'll stop to rest eventually. Instead of us passing by in the race though, we shank'em with a spear.

Some dogs can run for longer than others.

Wolves have been known to chase caribou and elk for days through the snow.... until the prey eventually collapses.

That being said, most animals have better endurance than humans do. After all, animals are usually full time predators/prey, us humans are lazy 9-5ers, and we think doing an hour of exercise a day is being "in shape".

I bet the humans of 12-15,000 years ago were much more up to the task of chasing an antelope than we are. We require aids, like horses or cars, and guns, they were strong, tough, savage animals much closer to being a full time predator.


Well-Known Member
That being said, most animals have better endurance than humans do. After all, animals are usually full time predators/prey, us humans are lazy 9-5ers, and we think doing an hour of exercise a day is being "in shape".
Man is one of the best endurance runners in the animal kingdom. Our ability to perspire from modified hair follicles and running upright using only strong lower body muscles while not wasting energy using less efficient arm muscles while freeing them up for using weapons and other tasks is what gives us the predatory edge.

It's disingenuous to criticize and argue against natural selection just because you can't figure out why something evolved (or didn't). Argument from ignorance is all that amounts to.


Well-Known Member
irregardless of any of that my specific statement was directed at humans in COLD conditions not in the fuckin jungle. its hard to get heat exaustion when its negative degree weather out
Do you really think that fully haired proto-humans lived where it was cold? By the time humans began living in cold locations on a regular basis, we already had modified hair follicles that produced perspiration rather than hair. Have you ever hunted in the cold? It still is hot, exhausting work. Being able to sweat, even when it is very cold, is still advantageous.


Well-Known Member
dont call me ignorant because i found a hole in your evolution by natural selection logic dude. if someone presents a valid argument towards somethin and you just call it ignorant because you dont like it then you are yourself ignorant as fuck and not worth havin any kind of debate with. no, but ive ran my ass off in cold weather and i wasnt hot in any way. what good is not havin fur just to run with furs on you that you got from animals. i could use your same what if logic you tried with santa on this and i would actually have some logical base to use it. so you're tryin to tell me you know for a fact where every human lived back then? lol


Well-Known Member
dont call me ignorant because i found a hole in your evolution by natural selection logic dude.
I didn't call you ignorant, I said it was an argument from ignorance, argumentum ad ignorantiam or appeal to ignorance.

if someone presents a valid argument towards somethin and you just call it ignorant because you dont like it then you are yourself ignorant as fuck and not worth havin any kind of debate with.
Yet your argument was invalid and it is ignorant of how natural selection works. Tone down your language son, you don't need to act like a dick to get a point across and have a debate.
no, but ive ran my ass off in cold weather and i wasnt hot in any way. what good is not havin fur just to run with furs on you that you got from animals. i could use your same what if logic you tried with santa on this and i would actually have some logical base to use it. so you're tryin to tell me you know for a fact where every human lived back then? lol
We do know a lot about how and where humans lived and migrated before, during and after the major ice age. I'm not trying to prove something didn't exist so I have no idea why you think you can use the same logic I used wrt Santa.

Instead of coming out and assuming your 'insight' is somehow a hole in evolutionary theory, it would be best to ask it as a question first because there's a good chance someone here actually has an answer. By asking the question in a way you assumed it couldn't be answered you'll just end up looking foolish.
If you honestly want to know and understand what the scientists say about evolution, hair, etc. then I will attempt to answer your questions as best as possible but leave your attitude somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
and i did ask the question that was the first thing i did so dont come in here sayin shit if you havent read the rest of the thread before the shit about huntin. secondly are you fuckin 5? i can fuckin curse if i want to bro. you need to grow up son and realize words are words and all a curse word does is add emphasis/emotion to a sentence. you're right we do know alot, but do we know everythin? there's whole fuckin cities buried under the earth that we had to dig up and find from that long ago and you're gonna tell me that we found all the human remains in every location?


Well-Known Member
and i did ask the question that was the first thing i did so dont come in here sayin shit if you havent read the rest of the thread before the shit about huntin. secondly are you fuckin 5? i can fuckin curse if i want to bro. you need to grow up son and realize words are words and all a curse word does is add emphasis/emotion to a sentence. you're right we do know alot, but do we know everythin? there's whole fuckin cities buried under the earth that we had to dig up and find from that long ago and you're gonna tell me that we found all the human remains in every location?
I couldn't care less if you fucking swear all day long, what I take offense to is your personal attack, which is why I elaborated and said to not be a dick IF you want to have a discussion. You can be a dick as much as you would like as long as you don't care if people actually respond to your posts or respond negatively.

I never claimed it is necessary to have found all human remains in all locations in order to make reasonable scientific conclusions. That is ridiculous on it's face.

and i did ask the question that was the first thing i did so dont come in here sayin shit
You didn't ask a question in good faith. You asked it then immediately followed up with, "if you believe that then you're a fuckin idiot son"
If that's not a rhetorical question then IDK what is.