yeah, canna, sheeze, you and the rest in here, as hell, alla yas.
For years during Dumbya's admin, i was in political chats in AOL, good lord
you could cut the acrimony with a dull knife. And I kept wondering, "why all
this complete hatred?" Where in the hell was that coming from, and really, it
always seemed to be the right. Dems get mad, kinda like Shrubber, they do, but
the GOP side, seemed to not be able to limit their hatred. It's like you say, canna,
these, "agents of malice" seemed to have taken over, or possessed a lot of the
chatters in AOL political. I was in there for years, and boy, like Shrubber, I'd get
so damn mad, so intolerant of their desire to sacrifice their own well-being for
the cause of...really...nothing more than abject hatred. That was 2 decades past.
Oh, could I see Trump coming, wow.