Scroggin W/ CFL's


Well-Known Member
does a bag of ice help that much? i used to use frozen large water bottles in my smaller scale grows?
Probably not lol.. It did get my bin cold about half way down. It also gave me drainage for the first time. Its good because they were a little over fert'd. Gave them RO water yesterday and the ice today added enough water to make it drain i guess. Will start feeding again next water, cutting the dose in half.


Well-Known Member get the 'purple' effect? or does it theoretically change the high? could only imagine it possibly causing root burn of some sort..


Well-Known Member get the 'purple' effect? or does it theoretically change the high? could only imagine it possibly causing root burn of some sort..
I agree with the root burn. I would't recommend doing it. I am just using it to see if it will cause my plant fill in more rapidly. Its mostly impatients on my part. They have been flowering for awhile on the other hand. If i notice rapid flower growth over the next week or so, there might be a possibility the ice helped my plants along a little. I wont continue to add ice. Just a one time thing for now.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that if you do that with the ice cubes it will bring out the purple color in strains with that genetic trait, but other than that I'd never seen it done.


Active Member
I read somewhere that if you do that with the ice cubes it will bring out the purple color in strains with that genetic trait, but other than that I'd never seen it done.
i really thought it was cold air on the leaves, not the roots. i guess if its cold outside the ground temp within a foot will be around the same. couldnt see anything but shocking the roots with all the cold water but hell, the plant is still alive. good experiment either way.

win some lose some , let us know what your outcome was.

does it look like your plant is going to be a 8 week flowering or alot longer?


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6320476 said:
never tried this so cant say if it would work whered you read about that?
An old local grower. I'm sure he grew outdoors.

i really thought it was cold air on the leaves, not the roots. i guess if its cold outside the ground temp within a foot will be around the same. couldnt see anything but shocking the roots with all the cold water but hell, the plant is still alive. good experiment either way.

win some lose some , let us know what your outcome was.

does it look like your plant is going to be a 8 week flowering or alot longer?

Woke the plants up this morning and they look fine. They smelled better this morning for sure. The oldest showed signs of preflower on 7.21. If i counted by that it would be over 8 weeks flower. Started on 6.19.. They are old :D. Still healthy looking. I have to keep pushing the finishing time back. I'm hoping for Halloween.


Active Member
are there any light leaks or anything? seems weird they would be flowering that long unless the first few preflower's were just early. did you actually switch the lights or have they been on 12 12 the whole time? when did you get the hps again?


Well-Known Member
are there any light leaks or anything? seems weird they would be flowering that long unless the first few preflower's were just early. did you actually switch the lights or have they been on 12 12 the whole time? when did you get the hps again?
Its just a shitty, long flowering strain. That's what happens when you grow shit weed :D lol. Should turn out way better at least. If its not done by Halloween then ill start getting worried :D. It was mostly on 12/12 then switched to 10/14 about 3 weeks ago. I got the hps around 8.03 or something.

Ill update some pics in a couple days.


Well-Known Member
what up high life, why you rollin with 10/14

i ask this because the plant grows off of photosynthesis and nutrient absorption. 2 hours doesnt seem like alot but in one week your plants will get 70 hours of light to photosynthesis while plants on 12/12 will get 84 hours of light. That's an extra 14 hours of light, adding over an extra day of photosynthesis every week that you're missing out on. could be slowing the growth. since the light schedule is natures way of telling the plant when to flower, I think 12/12 was established for the ultimate usage of light while still maintaining a flowering plant

just food for thought from my brain


Active Member
I agree with Merchant, also I posted some pics due to your lovely request ;) If you grew a fast bud you'd go nuts, they grow SOOO FAST.


Well-Known Member
what up high life, why you rollin with 10/14

i ask this because the plant grows off of photosynthesis and nutrient absorption. 2 hours doesnt seem like alot but in one week your plants will get 70 hours of light to photosynthesis while plants on 12/12 will get 84 hours of light. That's an extra 14 hours of light, adding over an extra day of photosynthesis every week that you're missing out on. could be slowing the growth. since the light schedule is natures way of telling the plant when to flower, I think 12/12 was established for the ultimate usage of light while still maintaining a flowering plant

just food for thought from my brain
Excellent brain food :D..

I have been researching plants indigenous to equatorial regions. Their natural light cycle is closer to, veg-13/11 flower-11/13. The buds are forming slowly. I think its just the strain. I've been reading that some marijuana plants around that geographic location can have a 16 week flowering time. I think i might bring the lights back to 11/13. Going to wait and see what happens over the next week or so. If they are not ready by Halloween they will most likely get chopped down. The soil im using might have some adverse effects on bud development also. I will be getting better soil for future grows. :leaf::leaf: