SEA OF BLUE. Blue Cheese by eightenough


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

well the time has come and the countdown begins. lol 56 days and counting. 8 weeks time i hope to be harvesting my first crop of BLUE CHEESE.

here are some pics of the tent. they have just had 20 hours dark and are now on 12/12. 7am on 7pm off.

pics in order are of SEA OF BLUE, TOP44 seedling, the whole tent, the LACED RHINO seedlings, the right side of the tent, SKUNKY BAGSEED and lastly the BLUE CHEESE on the left side of the tent.

i am going to drain and refill the res with low ph water today. let that flush for the next 24 hours and introduce the flower nutes.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie
well it is now day 3 flower. not much change. they are just starting to cluster.

Whole Tent

i will get some good pics of the seedling that are being sexed in the tent tomorrow. there is the 4 x LACED RHINO, 2 x SKUNKY BAGSEED and the 2 x TOP44. all 8 seedlings are doing really good. they should start showing signs of their sex soon. hopefully all girls.


Well-Known Member
i will be doing updates every friday night from now on. there will be pics and info. there isnt much happening at the moment, so i am slowing down my posting.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

here re the pics of the seedlings. these are the best of each strain.
LACED RHINO. this is a really bushy plant. it has been topped once.
SKUNKY BAGSEED. slowish growth, but awesome looking leaves.
TOP44. this thing is growing so fast. look at the size of those leaves.

do you like the Jack Daniel bottle for reference. lol


Well-Known Member
Have your plants been drinking your Jack again?
And I see Friday's are going to become very busy on the Blue Cheese forums ;)


Well-Known Member
pricks. thats why i keep running out of Jack. lol. very busy fridays. it just seems like the cheesiest day of the week.

just about to post pics of the SLH.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie
well its friday and that means time for an update.

the girls have been in flower for seven days now. they are all showing signs of bloom. the lonely SLH is much slower that the MYSTERY8 and the BLUE CHEESE.

pics go BLUE CHEESE, MYSTERY8 and SLH, BLUE CHEESE, close up of bud forming in the SEA OF BLUE and lastly the SEA OF BLUE.

they are all on full strength canna nutes with growth technologies cal/mag/nit additive.

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member