Seed germination methods


Well-Known Member
I think that I finally caught on to my mysterious problem of not being able to germinate seeds. I usually get close to 100% germination, but I noticed that during the winter months, I can get VERY bad germination rates! It took me a while to figure it out, but I dont think that a heating mat would work in a cold room! I have a fireplace that I use in the winter and it really does not heat the whole house. It took me 3yrs to figure this out... The only time that I had a difficult time was during winter months! It took 3yrs to find the pattern, I hope that I can help someone avoid this mistake!


Well-Known Member
This winter I had something similar happen, lost 7/10 seeds. I figured it was due to the cold snap that happened the day after germination... Next time I'll use a space heater or germ on top of a T-5.
ok, sure. I just went through some seed germination over the last couple of weeks. I kept my seeds in a paper towel on a plate inside a sealed glass bowl with a rubber top and kept it on top of my running game boy, which kept it fairly warm. I had to put something under the bowl to keep it not too warm. covered the whole thing with a black shirt/towel. I had decent results. some of the older seeds did not pop. Other than that about 90%


Well-Known Member
This winter I had something similar happen, lost 7/10 seeds. I figured it was due to the cold snap that happened the day after germination... Next time I'll use a space heater or germ on top of a T-5.
I am sad that it took 3yrs to figure it out!!! Germinating seeds became a no-brainer for me, until I got 25%...

I have my clones/seeds on a shelf and I have a space heater underneath them now. Hindsight


Well-Known Member
ok, sure. I just went through some seed germination over the last couple of weeks. I kept my seeds in a paper towel on a plate inside a sealed glass bowl with a rubber top and kept it on top of my running game boy, which kept it fairly warm. I had to put something under the bowl to keep it not too warm. covered the whole thing with a black shirt/towel. I had decent results. some of the older seeds did not pop. Other than that about 90%
I have PTSD and sometimes I cannot keep my hands from shaking, so I really dont like to play with taproots...

I have 2 spare bedrooms and I keep the doors closed. Flower room is outside in my garage, my garage is probably warmer than the spare bedrooms. I only have my propagation stuff inside my house.
doesn't a space heater throw a lot of fumes? Kerosene? or what kind?
electric, similar to this... But I added it too late to do any good!

I use pre-soaked Light Warrior, and put the seed directly into the soil without soaking...

Nice - looks like good stuff. I have been using rockwool and also jiffy discs. though I hear they can have ph problems. not sure yet. My rockwool seedlings are doing the best but had the earliest start and the choicest sprouts too.
I have PTSD and sometimes I cannot keep my hands from shaking, so I really dont like to play with taproots...

I have 2 spare bedrooms and I keep the doors closed. Flower room is outside in my garage, my garage is probably warmer than the spare bedrooms. I only have my propagation stuff inside my house.

electric, similar to this... But I added it too late to do any good!

Oh, ok. I have one of those. I don't really call that a space heater though. I am a carpenter and so when we use a space heater it is for a large insulated building when it is freezing out. Usually they run off of kerosene and stink, was thinking it might be bad for the plants. these not at all. Not nearly as much heat though. I'm sure it must work fine for what you are needing. haven't seen it but assume so.


Well-Known Member
Oh, ok. I have one of those. I don't really call that a space heater though. I am a carpenter and so when we use a space heater it is for a large insulated building when it is freezing out. Usually they run off of kerosene and stink, was thinking it might be bad for the plants. these not at all. Not nearly as much heat though. I'm sure it must work fine for what you are needing. haven't seen it but assume so.
Propane burner is what you want for plants!!! Heat & CO2