seedlings are falling


Active Member
hi everybody i got a 24 ebb and flow bucket system with 2 600 watt hid about 4 feet away my ph is 5.8 and temp is always around 75 is their first week inside there individual buckets and they were doing great until this morning they started limping down but the leafs look healthy and growng just the stem is too weak i got them on a low amount of gen hydro nutrients. my question is why is this happening and how can i help them also my water has a little funky smell to it could that be the reason. please help me out


Well-Known Member
hi everybody i got a 24 ebb and flow bucket system with 2 600 watt hid about 4 feet away my ph is 5.8 and temp is always around 75 is their first week inside there individual buckets and they were doing great until this morning they started limping down but the leafs look healthy and growng just the stem is too weak i got them on a low amount of gen hydro nutrients. my question is why is this happening and how can i help them also my water has a little funky smell to it could that be the reason. please help me out
When is the last time you changed out your rez? Your rez should have almost no smell. Do you have a fan blowing on them?


Active Member
i just started this week so i havent change the rez and i have the ac blowing them no fan. should i change the water and start all over also my rez is outside with the plants and light could it be algea buliding up


Well-Known Member
i just started this week so i havent change the rez and i have the ac blowing them no fan. should i change the water and start all over also my rez is outside with the plants and light could it be algea buliding up
Your rez is outdoors? Algae is green and easily identifiable. Try picking up some H202 35% and add it at 1.7ml/L to your rez.


Well-Known Member
not outdoors im indoors jus in the same room and i cant see algea s just stinks like a fish tank
Not a good sign I would change out your reservoir and clean it out really well. Pick up some H202 and add it as directed to prevent any further pathogen build up.