Seedlings In Bad Shape.

I didn't get a chance to read every page here... Just sounds like watering issues, but keep in mind that bad pH levels will lockout certain nutrients. PH levels that are too low (acidic) will lockout elements like nitrogen, Mg, phosphorus acid, and calcium. PH levels that are too high (alkaline) will lockout iron, zinc, manganese, copper, and boron. Many deficiencies turn leaves yellow; so what you want to do first is make sure your pH levels are in a good range. Shoot for 6.3-6.8, 6.5 being the best. I always promote checking pH levels in soil, water, and runoff before adding extra nutes in excess of your normal feeding schedule. You could potentially correct the problem without adding anything.

All that being said, if you're correcting the problem by doing what you're doing, more power to you


Active Member
Day 5 since the transplant! I havnt even taken pictures of them the last few days because they were not doing great but butter than before. EITHER WAY! I decided to water last night. It had been 4 days since transplant and 6 days since last water (not counting the splash of nutes). So I watered, decided to go with 1/2 str. Growth has been slow. Here is the kicker. 24h after the nute water they grew 3/4 of an inch maybe an inch! THEY LOOK TONS BETTER. Even the leaves that seemed like they would never pick themselves back up, well they are nice and perky again! Still recovering from that bout of nuteless soil pretty much but wow they look amazing today and that makes me happy. GLAD WE GOT THAT ALL FIGURED OUT WHOO!!!! Thanks king and EVERYONE for everything. Will post pics tomorrow perhaps!


Active Member
Here we go. Pics at 5 weeks 4 days.

This is 5 days ago

This was Today

This transplant has gotton everything back underway! I think I may have overnuted a bit but its not bad enough to burn so i'll just feed them with 1/4 str next time instead of 1/2. Then i'll move it back to 1/2.


Active Member
Update: 6 Weeks 1 Day old I'm assuming the "claw" type symptoms is from overnuting. No burn so far so next water i'll just do a reg water. Fed twice at half str in the last 9 days.

This was 4 days ago

This is today




Well-Known Member
I been using mineral water recently, evian rocks for cal/mag supplements. Might i suggest a few waterings with this and see how it goes? Peace


Well-Known Member
Dont know but i always like to work at certain things, right now is all about water and cal/mag, thats basically where i'm at now, check out my Evian challenge and get some, seems like a good way to rule out cal/mag quickly and reasonably cheaply. Just an idea of mine. Peace


Active Member
Watered them yesterday with reg ole tap water. 7.3 going in and 6.8 coming out. claw and twist is virtually gone. plants look amazing.

I am moving in 2 weeks to a much bigger place. I will have my own 12'l x 6'w x 7't room right off of my walk in closet. basicly its a little bigger than my closet hehe. I cant wait. Plus 2 acres to do whatever I want YAY.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a nute imbalance then? You should at least work out where you were going wrong for future grows to avoid the same problems. Peace


Active Member
6 weeks 6 days old
They went from 11" to 13" in 1 day! Finally shits going right. I'm just gonna keep em in veg untill I get to my new pad. since i'm moving in a week or so it will be cramped in there for a few days but then I can get them over to the new place and keep them in veg. This way I dont have to worry about tranporting during flower + This will allow me to get them to about 3 to 4 feet tall before I induce 12/12. That means another transplant but hey. Or I might just stick them outside when I get to my place. Cut the bottom of the pots and stick em in the ground.

This was 5 Days ago

This is today



That may of been a little soon for ffof:oI would of use the dirt you was using till their a little bigger:-offof will burn:fire:
I put my seedling when they are first sprouted into FF oF and have never had them burn maybe if you are adding ferts but the soil by itself has never burned for me.


They are looking pretty good but need water a couple look like they may be getting burned just keep the soil moist they look like they will survive.


Active Member
Update. Switched to 12/12 yesterday to determine sex so i can eliminate some and clear up space and time. 7 Weeks 1 Day

GOOD NEWS! 4 already confirmed female! Got 3 pictures of 3 diff plants. #4 I couldnt get a good enough close up shot.



I figure a bunch of them were like 1 seed or 2 seeds I found in a whole bag so I may have some femi seeds. We'll see how many turn out female. I see potential in 5 more already!


Active Member
Update. So I culled 7 males. No doubt they were males. sucks. got 5 out of 12 but its all good. 3 indys and 2 sativa . I threw them back on 18/6 and gettin them ready to put outside to let them do their thing. 5 girls yay!


Active Member
Here is the latest. 1 month 1 week later.

I put them outside and they are now standing all of them between 6-9 feet tall.

They are budding. I identified 1 as a strain I know to be mindbender. Has pink hairs. I trimmed it last year and got some seeds.


close up mindbender.jpgDSCF0542.jpgDSCF0550.jpgDSCF0544.jpgDSCF0549.jpgDSCF0543.jpgDSCF0546.jpgDSCF0545.jpgDSCF0541.jpgDSCF0547.jpg
The mindbender started budding first sept 1'st or so. The others have been following suit. just about a week or so after the mindbender.


Active Member
Coming up on week 4 of flowering outside. The rain and cold is starting to arrive here in norcal. I'm a little worried about this late season. Everybody I know in the area is in the same predicament since we had a late spring.

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