seeds won't pop

why do folks over-complicate stuff for no reason? smh :wall:
They gone be some strick overbearing parents. Gone baby the plant with to much love. That's how problems come. Doing way to much and create issues where there were none. If the plant don't ask for it don't give it.
U might have to repeat your process and zoom in so they don't miss nothing. :)

Me too! I drop rt into medium from bag or tube.
I grab them and man handled the beans throw them around pot accidentally squeeze them, drop them on the floor cause my hands shake like crazy nearly drop them down sink
so, now i have planted a total of 12 seeds and just put two more in a paper towel. one actually came up from my first attempt that started in paper towels, but it stopped growing a little past breaking the surface. it has 1.5 leaves and hasn't changed in 2 days. to me, this means the seeds are bad...for whatever reason.

i don't understand what the hell is going on. i have never seen anything like this in my life. nothing broke the surface from the 4 that went strait to soil 2 days ago.

they make you pay for insurance on the shipment. is there a way to use that insurance?
so, now i have planted a total of 12 seeds and just put two more in a paper towel. one actually came up from my first attempt that started in paper towels, but it stopped growing a little past breaking the surface. it has 1.5 leaves and hasn't changed in 2 days. to me, this means the seeds are bad...for whatever reason.

i don't understand what the hell is going on. i have never seen anything like this in my life. nothing broke the surface from the 4 that went strait to soil 2 days ago.

they make you pay for insurance on the shipment. is there a way to use that insurance?
Are you using distilled water and/or adding h202 ?

So everyone has their opinion on how to pop seeds so I'll chime in on what I have found to be the best way, I get 90% success.
I get the 1 inch rockwool starter cubes that already have a little hole in it for the seed. I put the seeds in a starter tray and then I pour 50% nutrient solution over the cubes. Let them soak for a minute and then I pour the excess out.
Next, and this made a big difference for me, is I take a small skewer or similar and I slightly widen the holes. I found that the seeds would sprout but would get stuck in the narrow hole if I didn't widen them.
Then I put the tray dome over it, put it in my 2x2 tent over a t5 led and leave it be. I also start in a cold basement so I elevate the tray an inch of the concrete floor so they don't get cold.
Watering is also super easy, just pour nutrients(full strength on 1st watering and thereafter) into the tray and drain the excess.
this means the seeds are bad...
It actually points the error more towards your direction. Which most times are grower issues. There is no way u got that many different strains from multiple reputable breeders with no to low success rate.
nothing broke the surface from the 4 that went strait to soil 2 days ago.
Usually takes minimum 3 days but can take up to 7-9 days. Be patient. If not u gone go thru it the next 4 months.
. it has 1.5 leaves and hasn't changed in 2 days.
Means nothing. It grows at its own pace. Had some ready to flip in 15 days from germ. I got one now that's 25 days old and still in the solo cup. I wait for roots to fill cup up before I transplant.
It actually points the error more towards your direction. Which most times are grower issues. There is no way u got that many different strains from multiple reputable breeders with no to low success rate.

Usually takes minimum 3 days but can take up to 7-9 days. Be patient. If not u gone go thru it the next 4 months.

Means nothing. It grows at its own pace. Had some ready to flip in 15 days from germ. I got one now that's 25 days old and still in the solo cup. I wait for roots to fill cup up before I transplant.

i won't grow duds. if it doesn't do normal stuff i dont deal with it. i suspect the issue is that where i live it is 110f outside during the summer. the mailbox is 150f or more. the shipment came 2 days early and i didn't catch it for about 2.5 hours before it was delivered. i think this is due to heat during shipping. the trucks that transport them get super hot too. was talking with a buddy to see if the reports of seeds not popping coincided with summer purchases.
so, now i have planted a total of 12 seeds and just put two more in a paper towel. one actually came up from my first attempt that started in paper towels, but it stopped growing a little past breaking the surface. it has 1.5 leaves and hasn't changed in 2 days. to me, this means the seeds are bad...for whatever reason.

i don't understand what the hell is going on. i have never seen anything like this in my life. nothing broke the surface from the 4 that went strait to soil 2 days ago.

they make you pay for insurance on the shipment. is there a way to use that insurance?

Some seeds will crack and show a "dead end" white tail. Sorry to hear you're experiencing that.

I'm thinking that could be a sign of older and / or improperly stored seeds. I often wonder how some seed suppliers store their seeds or how old some of the seeds they are selling are. Not to disparage Hemp Depot, but I think some of the beanho crosses they have are pretty old these days. When I first grabbed some, many years ago germination wasn't a problem. Last order not so good. Was it me? Maybe, but like you I've popped plenty of seeds without any issues.

I like to keep my seeds in a freezer, but that won't change things if they were purchased and old when I received them.
Some seeds will crack and show a "dead end" white tail. Sorry to hear you're experiencing that.

I'm thinking that could be a sign of older and / or improperly stored seeds. I often wonder how some seed suppliers store their seeds or how old some of the seeds they are selling are. Not to disparage Hemp Depot, but I think some of the beanho crosses they have are pretty old these days. When I first grabbed some, many years ago germination wasn't a problem. Last order not so good. Was it me? Maybe, but like you I've popped plenty of seeds without any issues.

I like to keep my seeds in a freezer, but that won't change things if they were purchased and old when I received them.

I wish everyone put dates on their seed packs like ACE does. That's not going to mean much if they weren't stored properly but at least it's something to go by.
so, it does look like i was doing something wrong at least for some of them. the newer order, from multiverse, had all 4 types pop up through teh soil. waiting to see if they actually grow. the other order was from seedshere now. i am still stuggling with them. the only strain that broke soiil after about a week now was from Plata labs, but it looks stunted.

i put two more seeds from the seeds here now order into my typical papertowel method with the stereo. they shows tails at 30 hours. I just planted them, will see if they come up.

i guess i might just stick with soil in the tent with the light on. that worked just fine and didn't require any tech.
Don't be so harsh on's possible you were sold old stock from one company happy to unload it with a declining germination rate.

thanks bro. the multiverse people were really nice when i contacted them. they offered some atlas seeds....not that i am very interested in that, but it was sure nice that they cared and were super responsive. i wish they would have adivsed on how they prefer i pop the beans, but maybe they can't do that legally or something.

the seedsherenow folks ignored me. i may not go with them in the future.
understanding the failed bean policy and how they amend things seems pretty important.
thanks bro. the multiverse people were really nice when i contacted them. they offered some atlas seeds....not that i am very interested in that, but it was sure nice that they cared and were super responsive. i wish they would have adivsed on how they prefer i pop the beans, but maybe they can't do that legally or something.

the seedsherenow folks ignored me. i may not go with them in the future.
understanding the failed bean policy and how they amend things seems pretty important.

You're welcome and happy growing!
I went through this same issue last week with a batch of seeds I bought online. I tried all methods (water soak, paper towel, H2O2 and straight up planting them in to soil) none worked with this batch. Both paper towel and water soak would give me a cracked seed with bit of white tap root just popping out but none would grow any further and eventually turn brown and die.

But with another batch a dip in water and straight in to paper towel both seeds had long taproots in 48 hours, planted both 2 days back, although I'm still waiting for the seed to pop out of the soil.
So I'm pretty sure you had bad seeds. With good seeds it was as easy as you say it should be.
No. Never have. It's worked the last 20 years with just tap water. I never had this much trouble.
Tap water can swing all over the place ph-wise. My tap water is hard with a ph of 8+. I had similar issues to you using tap water, switched to distilled years ago and will only use distilled now. 24hrs in a cup of distilled, then into damp paper towels (again distilled water) in sandwich baggies on a heat mat with a towel as a bit of a temperature buffer so I'm not cooking the baggies. I usually have .5" or longer tails within 24-48 hours.
Tap water can swing all over the place ph-wise. My tap water is hard with a ph of 8+. I had similar issues to you using tap water, switched to distilled years ago and will only use distilled now. 24hrs in a cup of distilled, then into damp paper towels (again distilled water) in sandwich baggies on a heat mat with a towel as a bit of a temperature buffer so I'm not cooking the baggies. I usually have .5" or longer tails within 24-48 hours.
how long after your taproots appear and you plant them in your medium does the seed pop out of the soil?