Seedsmans bad sense of humor


Well-Known Member
The ignorance in this thread is concerning.

Though I am American, I live in another country and I see the hate first hand that people have for Americans.

I can see why...


Active Member
The ignorance in this thread is concerning.

Though I am American, I live in another country and I see the hate first hand that people have for Americans.

I can see why...
Good to know I'm smart enough to work on F-15E avionic equipment but I'm too dumb to understand why a joke is supposed to upset me. The ignorance it takes to be offended by that JOKE is concerning. People hate Americans because of people like you. People hate Americans because if others do something we "don't like" we feel the need to step in and make a big deal out of it. Sound familiar?


Well-Known Member
I think the picture was not only awesome but in good taste as well.

C'mon guys,this shits getting out of hand,911 was no different than pearl harbor in many ways,yes its a tragic event that changed america,and cost thousands of lives & destroyed many lives of the living but it wasnt the 2nd comming of christ.

All that has nothing to do with the intent of the picture,if somebody has bad intent & is in some way degrading or rubbing it in our faces it would be something to get offended over,in the case where there is no bad intent it should be perfectly acceptable.

With every issue intent is everything,if people are not adult enough to be able to seperate negative & positive ,based on intent, than i say those people are just being overly sensitive.

If people want to be offended about events related to 911 then put your efforts into blocking that damm mosque being built round the corner from the hole,now theres something to get your pantys all poopy over.

I think its kick ass & im as american as apple pie,my wife is lebaneese though,hmmmm.


Active Member
I think the picture was not only awesome but in good taste as well.

C'mon guys,this shits getting out of hand,911 was no different than pearl harbor in many ways,yes its a tragic event that changed america,and cost thousands of lives & destroyed many lives of the living but it wasnt the 2nd comming of christ.

All that has nothing to do with the intent of the picture,if somebody has bad intent & is in some way degrading or rubbing it in our faces it would be something to get offended over,in the case where there is no bad intent it should be perfectly acceptable.

With every issue intent is everything,if people are not adult enough to be able to seperate negative & positive ,based on intent, than i say those people are just being overly sensitive.

If people want to be offended about events related to 911 then put your efforts into blocking that damm mosque being built round the corner from the hole,now theres something to get your pantys all poopy over.

I think its kick ass & im as american as apple pie,my wife is lebaneese though,hmmmm.
Good post, I don't agree with the mosque part, but hey, we all have our beliefs.


Active Member
I just learned my first word in Snicklish : BOTHERED!!


Well-Known Member
If the picture had been created completely by the "artist" then this would be funny ( another part of New York city with similarities), but it was altered from the events of 9/11... this is completely bad taste....


Active Member
...They didn't go behind the scenes and say "we hate can we slander americans and laugh about it later?". They saw a picture. They thought it was funny, and it pertained to their business. They thought someone would go on an internet forum and post the picture with links to their business website. They thought maybe it would be viral and would grow multiple pages per hour. And maybe just by talking about how much you hate them, you are actually advertising FOR them. If you don't like what someone else is doing, shut up and ignore it. There's nothing more American than THAT. Of course you have the right to complain and cry about it. And I reserve the right to call you can idiot for doing so.

It was meant for you to look at it....laugh a little, then move on with your day. Their intentions weren't anti-American and 20-25 of their thousands of customers taking offense to it isn't going to make them take it down. Just because you complained and they don't care doesn't mean they hate America. It means they don't care about your complaints. If the majority of their American customers we're offended, they would take it down and apologize. The majority of their customers don't give a fuck because they didn't mean anything by it.

By all means, boycott their business. But boycott the tons of tv shows and movies that profit from disasters. Hell, a lot of them even profit from making jokes ABOUT disasters. We watch. We laugh. We don't care. Laughing at it is almost more American than taking offense from it, but then we get into semantics. And I'm not arguing semantics on this website. We will be here for years.
You make some good points.

I thought the same thing initially. Most of the rest of the world does not see 9/11 as a cataclysmic tragedy the way the Americans do. They are somewhat bemused by what they see as an American obsession and total overreaction to the attack on the Twin Towers. IMO they have a point. But whether you agree or disagree, this is their viewpoint and it's easy to see how a European company would not realize the strength of the feeling it might provoke in American customers.

But if what they intended was to make a lighthearted joke about all the MJ smoke in NY city, then to my thinking, they would back off as soon as they realized it was not going down as a joke and some of their customers were offended by it. The fact that they responded to KuLong's message with a blunt 'No' suggests that there is more to their choice of the photo than just using it as a prop for a joke. I see it as deliberately provocative and confrontational.

I didn't see the movie with Cage that you referred to. I avoid most of the 'documentaries' and movies on this subject. I find them to be insufferable, sensationlist clap trap and I have no patience for all the conspiracy innuendo that usually goes with into these pieces. But that's neither here nor there. If I were to watch them I might well find them offensive but I would see no point in writing a letter of protest. People who make movies and TV shows review every element in their show with excruciating care and if they showed this picture it would mean they knew exactly what they were doing and there is no point in trying to dissuade them. In the case of Seedsman, there is the real possibility that they didn't intend the reaction they provoked.

Another consideration is that such shows, unfortunately, fall under the umbrella of 'Art'. In that arena it is understood that people have a license to explore ideas even if they are offensive or disturbing. No matter how much you disagree with a show's point of view, you don't question its basic right to express that opinion. In large part, that's what art is about.

Business is different. I expect business transactions to be neutral or even sterile with regard to politics , religion or anything whatsoever that is not immediately related to the transaction itself. I consider it an imposition and a plain abuse of the relationship if a business tries to inject this kind of content into what should be a neutral commercial transaction. I just want to buy a pair of socks without having to explain why I don't accept Jesus as my Personal Savior (yeah I had that experience)


Active Member
The ignorance in this thread is concerning.

Though I am American, I live in another country and I see the hate first hand that people have for Americans.

I can see why...
Yes, people hate America. It's just part of the package. It goes with being a superpower. The Brits, the Spanish, the French, the Romans... they were all hated in their heydays.

Some of it may be justified, much of it is not but it's unavoidable


Well-Known Member
Fortunately, I wasn't there the morning of 9-11, but I used to work close enough to the towers to literally watch them burning.

People who weren't there, might not realize that there was so much combustible material in the towers, they literally burned for MONTHS after 9-11. I don't think the NYFD could extinguish the fire.
In fact, there was so much smoke put out by the burning rubble that for months you could literally see it from all the way across the Hudson river in Jersey.

Anyway, even with that personal experience, I don't find that picture particularly offensive.
In poor taste? Yes.
Worth raising my blood pressure over, let alone spending much more time talking about? Heck no.


Well-Known Member
It is a photoshopped picture. They used an actual photo from right after the second twin tower fell. See the two billows of smoke where the twin towers use to be?

Those of you that are trolling, I don't blame you. If you are not American, I don't expect you to understand...
But they used a 911 photo, idiots must have been high.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the photo, I got two strains from them last year, every fucking seed was either a dud or sickly as shit. Had 4 other strains none of which had any such problems, though the shortryder came out all male. :p

As for the photo. Here's what pisses me off. We didn't throw this much of a shit when a white boy blew up the fbi building. I guarantee you had that been done by a unibomber type, their would have been no 9/11 hysteria. They just needed something to scare us with so they could get away with the patriot act.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759In conclusion. Picture was kind of funny.