Well-Known Member
nvrmnd, i bet I know what happened, you cut yourself on the mounting slides while trying to either take it off or put it on. right?
Long story (made a thread about it called " today I learned" lol) but basically expected a pussy gun anded up with not so much that as much as a scope to the face due to recoil haha. As for the 3's comment it kinda happened already so I think I'm good. As a result of this dr visit I can no longer afford my pet deposit so it looks like another month or two before I get to move my dog up here with me. But its just icing on the cake.lol. The flamejob was def. An interesting experience thank god for breaker boxes, surge protectors and external breakers lol. Sounds like ya got a good one. I can complain she's about to be makin some bank and is the love of my life (next to the obvious mj) just wish she wouldn't smoke so much damn weed unless she let's me spend the money to go big lol. Can't seem to budge her either direction she's convinced 2 lbs every 3 months will be enough for 2 patients, her and myself. When really its enough for half that (heavy heavy heavy smokers. Like gave up cigarettes 2 years ago cause it was interfering with my blaze time, heavy lol) thanks for stoppin in man. Ill see if I can't edit my face out the photo so u guys can see the carnage lolyou stepped on it? or what happened haha you clutz!
Ya my GF is the shit, she's 7 years younger than me(21) and basically does anything i say, I'm lucky. I treat her like GOLD though, very good guy to her .Hows that new fan workin? Youve had a rough couple days... I had to laugh hard when I saw the story and the pic with the fresh flame chars on the fan motor, ohh MYLANTA (lol) It comes in threes though man so watch out, one more is coming then your good hehe. I got some major work in my room this evening, I better get my bong from the cupboard and get started, take' er easy
Idk about in canada but I wasn't able to find any like this many places here tho u may try them. The brand was c.a.p. Its the 6" 435cfm. They make many fans that are much better but the price goes accordingly. So far this thing is wuiet and working like a char. And witht he 5 year warranty the price was unreal. Higgins is sitting in the trashcan as we speak and another one is rooting to take its place but at least I had another to clone from eh?nice man, I bet they have fans like that at like Home Depot or fricken WAL-Mart, Canadian Tire lol, I need one for an intake on my next "project" What's the brand name again? You bury your dead yet? (higgins haze) *funeral music*
Welcome back man! Hope ur trip was all u had hoped it would be and u got to smoke the sticky all day lol. Thanks again for the kind words. And as for the fire, that makes two of us haha no one wants to be reminded of why they pay that extra 20 a month for renters insurance. Good to have but bad to need haha. The bright side is tho, 2-3 more fires and ill upgrade myself down a bracket as far as power consumption goes hahaha. They're lookin sexy today. I can't take my eyes off the nlxbb I think its really gonna stack it on but we will see soon enough. Stay high guys. Imma go wait for ur ass to show us the belated progress ur ladies have made hahaJust got back in town and finally got to get on the comp the picks look sexy as always. Sorry to hear about the fan but hey in the long run it was a good thing, now you have a better one and will save some money!! Anyway keep up the good work glad to hear your ok and didnt go down with a fire lol.
Back to basics my man, sometimes you just gotta go there. Your welcome. +rep is the little star at the bottom left of this post lol. Only project I got goin is 2 of my bitches got 42 hours of nighty night time when I flipped to see if they show sex first and if they have stronger, well earlier flowering developements... I dunno, what do you think? Also remind me about what the epsom spray does exactly? I have a couple " green cup " plants myself, a different strain (unknown) that are root bound and look similar to yours, I had to laugh, wait, I'll post a pic of them, they're from bagseed and I treat them horribly, they get window light only. Laterz Sensai ~ BCbuddyhey man. dont appologise for reminding me to keep it simple. i get so lost in my experiments that i often overlook the simple shit so thank you, and if nothing else its a solid piece of info for some newbs to reference. i do know my shit but i still got alot to learn for sure. the yellowing on the sc though. its just the strain ive decided. we cant seem to agree with eachother and as so im not keeing her after this one in veg gets finished up. shes too picky for me. the others though, got a full strength feed of age old grow and have been misted nightly/ lightly with epsom salt and water. they are making a nice recovery and have reumed packing it on without devouring themselves. i honestly was so deep in my experiments that i was thinking they needed cal/ mag (i know right? like what? how do u confuse N def with something that work s in almost oopposites. lol) i know that mg is a catalyst but its deficiencys are pretty distinct and yet my dumbass overlooked it lol. so in essence you reminded me that i am failing to keep it simple. so i stepped back flushed, and simplified and whaddya know? theyre happy again lol. so again thanks for keeping me grounded. oh and can anyone tell me how to +rep on this damn new site format? i owe alot of rep to alot of people but i cant find the dang button. heres a shot of the veg tent (as u can see there are no "projects" in there so no real problems to speak of aside from the extremely hungry querkle in the green cup. i can give this one enough N. the other # are hapy and healthy but she is pissed and prolly a little rootbound.)