Should I or Should I not.


Alright a friend and I are looking at starting a little growing operation, we recently purchased 10 White Widow and 10 Northern light seeds. Hopefully we will get them within the first week of August. So here is the deal, we both go to college and leave around the third week of August. If the seeds come in on time this should be enough time to start the plants and get them set up for outside growth. The problem is college is 2 hours away from our house and therefor we will not be able to supervise the growing daily.. I was wondering if it was worth it to try and get the plants to grow, then plant them outside and just hope for the best or what. My property has goats, cows, and horses on it along with the usual, deer, racoons, rodents, and whatnot but his land only has the deer, ect. We live in the Kansas-Missouri-Iowa region on the US so that should give you an idea of climate. I was looking at digging some 3x3x4' holes in the ground and putting a layer of rock down on the bottom, then filling them with a 60% organic potting soil, 15% Perlite, 10% building sand, 10% worm castings, and 5% Pre Mix. Then planting the seedlings there and seeing what happens. I will have to come back and check on the plants when they are in germination stage in order to remove the males. Other than that what are your thoughts and reservations?


Active Member
If you can remove the males during germination you need to teach the rest of us a thing or two. :)

I understand what you mean though, you are going to remove them during the start of flowering.

You are basically describing an unattended guerilla grow. You may or may not harvest anything. If you pull the males and the animals avoid it you could end up with some decent product, or the bugs, weather, mold, mildew, diseases and other problems will wreck your harvest.

Why not do a mini indoor grow?


I don't have a lot of room at my house and, of course, the parents would not approve of it. But I am looking around for places to hide a small indoor grow, but the light would attract a ton of attention. We have 2 barns and the house, all of the buildings are big, but my dad goes into them a lot. I would try something at college but, it looks like, I will be staying in campus housing. I may just try and wait until next year, after school, and plant in mid May and then, hopefully, get a few rounds from the plants. I would love to get 2000-3000 grams in a summer though to supply my friends with. I don't smoke myself, I know it's weird, but I do have an eye for making money. If nothing else I would just grow, and give the stuff out for free. If I can get a few good strands of White and Northern I would look at just cloning them instead of always buying the seeds online.


Well-Known Member
Just 2-3K grams? Why not more? First time grower like yourself should easily be able to get 10000g's off some unattended males right?



Well-Known Member
We all dream of yields like that, but reality proves otherwise. I wouldn't start those seeds out doors this year, last say half them are female (if your lucky), planting this late in the season will be a disapoointing harvest. And since you really can't do an indoor grow, you might want to hold on to those seeds and wait til you can do it right. IN the mean time do some reading and keep up on RIU


Yeah I got ya, I was going to see this first planting as more of a learning opportunity. I've probably read more than 20 walk-through on growing but it's different when you actually try it. If nothing else we may get the seeds and plant half now and half later. It may be a disappointing harvest but if we can get 50-100g out of the five plants we would make the money back and start a little fund for next year.


Active Member
You aren't going to learn much by digging holes and throwing some seeds in. If you want a practice run try a PC case build.