should i stop banging this chick?

Cool. Well at least u got that

QUOTE=1993stoner;8400455]actually... no but im working on it and my mom is helping me.[/QUOTE]
but again my reasoning has nothing to do with marijuana what are you not getting?

what are you not getting, I said you can still be a good parent if you smoke, drink, OR do mushrooms/acid or whatever you use as an outlet. as long as your not an addict and you are there for your kids.
I think I agree with bde. There are plenty of parents out there who are 'straight edge' and are absolute shit, abusive etc. While there are parents who use (notice how I didn't say abuse) 'drugs', and are there for their kids and are excellent parents. It's all about moderation and being able to do acid or whatever in a mature manner, rather than using it every week and partying hard. Make it a once every few months kind of thing or something along those lines, and there's no problem. All in my opinion, of course.
I think I agree with bde. There are plenty of parents out there who are 'straight edge' and are absolute shit, abusive etc. While there are parents who use (notice how I didn't say abuse) 'drugs', and are there for their kids and are excellent parents. It's all about moderation and being able to do acid or whatever in a mature manner, rather than using it every week and partying hard. Make it a once every few months kind of thing or something along those lines, and there's no problem. All in my opinion, of course.

absolutly brother. I don't do anything besides marijuana either. but yes, just like you said. totally 100% agree
I think I agree with bde. There are plenty of parents out there who are 'straight edge' and are absolute shit, abusive etc. While there are parents who use (notice how I didn't say abuse) 'drugs', and are there for their kids and are excellent parents. It's all about moderation and being able to do acid or whatever in a mature manner, rather than using it every week and partying hard. Make it a once every few months kind of thing or something along those lines, and there's no problem. All in my opinion, of course.
gotta say i disagre theres a time and a place to drop acid and do mdma and when you have a child i dont think thats the time. too much can go wrong, child gets sick at the babysitters, you need to take them to the emerg, ect ect. also if someone really wants to fuck you over they can tell childrens aid, or fuck up your custody rights in a messy divorce ect ect too much reasoning just to not do it.

bottom line you can loose your child because you decide to drop some acid every few months, and is that a risk really worth taking?
gotta say i disagre theres a time and a place to drop acid and do mdma and when you have a child i dont think thats the time. too much can go wrong, child gets sick at the babysitters, you need to take them to the emerg, ect ect. also if someone really wants to fuck you over they can tell childrens aid, or fuck up your custody rights in a messy divorce ect ect too much reasoning just to not do it.

bottom line you can loose your child because you decide to drop some acid every few months, and is that a risk really worth taking?
so how do you feel about drinking.. you gonna stop drinking if you ever have a kid... or is every parent that gets drunk on occasion (holidays, weddings, shit like that) are they bad parents? because id say being smashed is harder for me to function then taking a hit or 2 of some elise d
so how do you feel about drinking.. you gonna stop drinking if you ever have a kid... or is every parent that gets drunk on occasion (holidays, weddings, shit like that) are they bad parents? because id say being smashed is harder for me to function then taking a hit or 2 of some elise d

forget it brother, shes like the energizer